Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Key To Cheating

Gustav’s POV

It was around 7 in the evening and the twins day had been going great for them! We were all in the pool. Though I was staying out of Rhi’s way. As it’s the twins birthday the boys made me vow not to fight with her. Cinema Bizarre have even been co-operative.

‘I’ve got to go. I promised I’d meet someone. I won’t be long.’ Georg said. He looked over at Sarah who nodded. She then glanced at Kate who looked at Georg and then nodded at him. It’s like a big chain of nodding people! He got out of the pool and left.

‘I’m hungry, gonna go get some food then I’ll go up to the hotel room to let it go down a little. You coming Kate?’ Sarah said a few minutes after Georg had left. Kate got out and they both left for the changing rooms.

Tom started splashing everyone, Rhi and Emily had a contest to see who could hold their breath for the longest. Rhi won. Not surprisingly with a mouth like hers… however you’d think Emily’d be quite good at holding her breathe because of all her experience! If you catch my drift… but apart from that she sings a lot and hold her breath for a good while then.

‘You can’t get me!’ Emily said swi-running [that’s, swimming and running] away from Tom determined to not get splashed.

She got so far then tripped. Tom leapt and caught her though. They both stood up and I caught a glance at the look on Bill’s face. He looked terrified. ‘Thank you.’ she said stepped out of his arms and edging over to Bill staring at his face. He pulled her to the side, luckily for me, he hadn’t seen me sitting on the side so; I had the privilege, or not as it maybe, to listen in.

‘Is something going on between you two?’ he said flicking his eyes over at Tom who was getting a drink at the bar with Emi and Rhi.

‘What?! No.’

‘You sure?’

‘Yes. Come on! Let’s go I’m getting bored! You want another present?’ She said winking. His face lit up and they went out to the changing rooms.

‘Where are those two going?’ Tom asking handing me a drink and lowering himself to sit next to me. Rhi and Emi both bombed into the pool causing a wave and a huge splash.

‘Just for some fun time.’ He watched as he saw then leaving the changing rooms and head up for the hotel rooms.

‘Oh.’ disappointment spread across his face.

‘Are you…?’ but I was soon stopped by loud footsteps and someone nearly tripping over me. I looked round to see Bill and Emily standing above me and Tom.

‘Someone’s got our keys!’

‘What…?’ I questioned.

‘Someone has taken our hotel keys. We went back to check all your pockets too, they’re all gone!’ Bill spat beginning to panic.

‘Are you being serious?’

‘Deadly.’ Emily said, with a ‘deadly serious’ look about her.

‘Do you think it was some fans? Some crazy stalker who’s going to blackmail us?’ I said jumping to conclusions. The three of them all just gave me the evil eye and stood with their hands on their hips. Rhi and Emi came over to see what the fuss was about.

‘S’up? You all look like he’s killed someone.’ Emi said trying to lighten the mood a little.

‘Someone, don’t know who, has taken the hotel keys from out pockets in the changing rooms!’ Bill made the statement to us all.

‘Well, come on. Lets all go get dressed and locate the other three.’ Rhi said forming a plan.

‘Ok, then what genius?’

‘Well we find out if they’ve got keys duh!’

We all headed up to our rooms once dressed. The others were no where to be found. We even asked hotel staff and they hadn’t seen them. We decided that they’re more than likely in the hotel rooms by now. It’s 8:30 and we’re locked out of our suites with a band member and two girls missing! Those three have been sneaking around a lot. Disappearing together. Hiding, having quiet discussions then when people pass they wait till we’re out of earshot before they carry on. Maybe we would find out what was going on if we found them all?

We reached the rooms and tried all the doors. They were locked. Someone obviously didn’t want us in our suites. After that we gave up and knocked on them all gaining no answer. However when we reached the spare room, we had an extra room just for relaxation purposes, we heard muffled whispers and shuffling of feet. We heard a click in the door and it creaked open. We were greeted by pitch black then…
♠ ♠ ♠
shock horror!

comments on what you think it may be??