Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Family Relationships

Georg’s POV

It was 4 in the afternoon. Tom, Bill, Kate and Rhi were still asleep and there was no sign of Cinema Bizarre or Karlee. And that Emi girl went to sleep in their apartment too. Emily and Sarah were in the suite clearing up while Gustav was down stairs in the games room. With nothing better to do I began to help with the cleaning. Thankfully there wasn’t too much mess and the girls had made a good start at it.

Sarah slumped out of the room complaining she had a headache and was going to go lay down in the other suite. Emily hadn’t noticed me in the room yet. I stayed in the corner keeping myself to myself as I heard a door open. Bill staggered out of the bathroom, after staying in the bath to sleep, rubbing his head and yawning quite loudly. He slid his hands around Emily’s waist, she looked around and kissed his nose. If only he knew…

‘What are you doing?’ He asked.

‘Cleaning.’ She replied.


‘Well someone’s got to do it.’ Emily said very because-everyone-else-is-an-arse like.

‘Ok, well I guess I’ll see you in a bit. Going to go sleep in a proper bed for a bit. I think I’ll go in the other suite, less people.’ He kissed her forehead and left.

‘How do you live with yourself?’ I asked aloud. She jumped about a mile high and held her hand to her chest breathing deeply. ‘Sorry, did I scare you?’

‘How long have you been there?’ She looked suspicious and wary of my presence now. ‘And are you talking about? ‘How can you live with yourself?’?’

‘After last night. And I bet it’s not the first time.’

‘Georg what are you talking about?’ Her eyes darted about the room looking terrified.

‘You know what. You and Tom. You’re his twin’s girlfriend. You know exactly what you were doing. You wanted this for ages. Or are you going to blame the drink? ‘Cuz I saw you last night, you didn’t shut the door behind you, you know.’

‘No. I’m not. I can’t just blame the drink. And you’re right, it’s not the first time. We did it the other night too. After he got knocked out and I stayed behind with him.’ The words sounded as though they were supposed to be spoken through spite. However, sincere helplessness shone through in its full radiance.

‘Well it didn’t take much working out. But how can you just do that to Bill? Without caring?’

‘Of course I care! I think about it everyday. Thing is though, I feel like I’m cheating more on Tom than I am on Bill. Is that wrong?’

‘I think we need to sit down and get a coffee.’

I put the kettle we were provided with on. And made us some drinks. Emily was staring at her feet the whole time. I noticed her wipe her eyes dry a couple of times trying to hide her tears. I handed her a mug and we made our selves comfortable in the couch.

‘So, you’re with both of the twins. You’re openly dating Bill and cheating on him with Tom, but you feel like it’s Tom you’re cheating on. Is that right?’

‘Yes. when I’m with Tom I just feel, more relaxed. I know he’s known for sleeping around but…’

‘But he hasn’t been. Look. Tom came to me for help. He wanted tips and hints on how to win you over. But I didn’t think he meant letting you cheat on his twin. What does he have to say about it?’

‘Well, we haven’t really spoken about it. Well actually that’s a lie, we did, but it was before it happened. He asked me to cheat on Bill with him. He said to take a chance. So, I did. Now I’m here.’ A silent tear escaped her eye.

‘Well, you need to get this sorted. You need to choose one. And stick with him. Not both, you can’t just pick and choose. Bill’s sensitive. If he finds out about this he’ll break down.’

‘But who and how do I know which one I want?’ For the first time she looked up and actually stared at my face.

‘Well, judging by what you said earlier, you’ve already chosen subconsciously.’


‘You don’t know?’

As I spoke the bedroom door opened to reveal a sleepy Tom. ‘Right on que’ thought. He looked around a bit and sat on the sofa next to Emily but not making any signs of having had sex last night. Sure they said hi and good morning and smiled at each other. He glanced at her a few times obviously concerned about her upset complexion. But I don’t think he dared sit closer to her in cases I got suspicious. Not that I didn’t already know. And I was prepared to let him know.

‘It’s ok, you can kiss. I don’t mind.’ I said with a smile at Emily. She let out a small laugh and sniffled.

‘What…?’ Tom’s face was a one in a million moment. The horror in his features as I said was priceless. Emily just nodded at him and he calmed a little resting his arm around her shoulders.

‘But don’t look too friendly, anyone could come in.’ He retracted slightly. By that I mean he just put his arm on his lap.

‘How did you find out?’ he questioned.

‘You left the door open. I’m surprised you didn’t hear it. When I opened it to see what it was you were doing it made such an awful noise.’ I laughed.

‘Please don’t tell anyone? Especially Bill, it’d crush him.’ Tom insisted.

‘I won’t, but if you don’t get this sorted out soon I’m going to have to take things into my own hands.’

‘Thank you so much Georg!’ Emily jumped out of her seat and leaped on my hugging, well; I say hugging. What I actually meant was squeezing my neck. Kate and Rhi all came in. they looked slightly surprised and taken aback by the sight they came into. But shrugged it off, turned back around and went to go sleep again.

‘To anyone else, we never had this convocation Georg. Ok?’ She said getting up and carrying on with the cleaning up.

‘Let me help.’ Tom offered.

She knows who she wants. I know who she wants. Secretly, I think Bill knows she wants Tom but won’t let it show. We just need her to realise it. And sooner rather than later.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was most deffinately a fill in.
it may seem boring, but may be vital to the story... but i don't know...
i haven't decided yet xD
i'll probably forget about it but yeah xD

comments please people?