Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Fruit Pirates

Kate’s POV

We were now on the road again on the bus and Tom was back with us. Him and Emily were spending an increased amount of time together the past few days and Bill seems to have noticed this as well. Every time they’re talking or, playing a game or, watching TV or, doing something together that doesn’t involve him (which is quite often) he sits and sulks.

‘Sarah! Pass me a… banana.’ Rhi shouts.

‘what you gonna practise how to put condoms on?’ Emily asked. She just received odd looks and a burst of laughing fits from Emi and Sarah up by the kitchen. ‘What? I saw it in a programme once.’

‘What kind of programmes to you watch?’ Emi spluttered between laughs.

‘Educational ones.’ Emily nodded. Looking at her with pride. Gaining a number of other giggles she returned to eating an apple.

‘Fine, I’ll get my own banana.’

‘So what, it’s international fruit day now?’ Sarah giggled.

‘It is now.’ Emi joked grabbing an orange and biting into it. ‘Oh shiver me’ timbres. It’s still covered in skin.’

‘Does she do this kinda stuff a lot?’ Gustav whispered into my ear.

‘All the time.’ Was the only answer that came to mind. ‘Everyone grab a fruit!’ Everyone jumped up and grabbed. Except Bill, he grabbed some different kind of ‘fruit’ if you can call Emily’s boobs ‘fruit’ that is. She smiled taking a bite of her apple. Though he was soon distracted by a flying Grapefruit contacting his head.

‘I had nothing to do with it. It just started hovering and lunged itself at you!’ I stuttered. The first sentence was a phrase of mine. Though, I haven’t said it in a while. He rubbed his head and through a Melon back at me. Soon enough the whole bus was having a fruit fight. Apple juice was sprayed up the walls, Bananas were turned into mush on the seats, grapes were spat at people and Orange remains were splattered on the ceiling.

‘What is going on back there?’ Terry yelled us. I presume all he could hear were loud screams and see the odd droplet of juice fly past his cheek.

‘Nothing!’ Sarah squealed practically ramming her hand down Gustav’s throat trying to put a whole watermelon into it.

‘You better not be making a mess! Tina won’t be happy when she has to clean up!’ Tina was the ‘maid’ on the bus. She wasn’t really we just called her that because she did all the cleaning and washing.

‘Gaah! That grape went in my eye!’ I heard Rhi complain behind me. We had formed a battlefield. Sarah, Bill, Tom and Emily were hidden behind the table which they had laid on it’s side as a barracks. Me, Rhi, Georg, and Gustav were all protecting ourselves behind the backs to the seats and sofas. Emi, because she special needs, just ran riot in the middles aiming at anything and everything that moved.

‘I’m gonna get you! You better run!’

‘Umm hello, we can’t run… but we can hide!’ Sarah head poked up behind the table then popped back down again. Emi ran at the table and we presumes she smothered banana in Sarah’s face as she stood up covered in it. She raised her arm and pointed at Emi with a firm hand. ‘Cheater!’

‘Pirate.’ Emi replied dancing about.

‘I’m wearing a pirate hat, not you.’ Emily said while; quite stupidly, standing up. She instantly got a face full of strawberries and kiwi.

We calmed down after about an hour. We should have more fruit fights. If you were clean you wouldn’t even step foot onto the bus. Every inch, every nook, ever cranny was plastered with fruit juices, skins and seeds. We stopped for petrol and wondered about the bus park drenched in fruit. If strangers gave us odd looks we just claimed it was ‘International Fruit Day’ and then most of them quickly walked or ran away.

Bill went to the toilet in the service stations, Georg and Gustav went with him. Though everyone else stayed behind. Emily and Tom stayed outside for fresh air. Fresh air that stank of piss and puke. While all us girls stayed on the bus. We saw the boys heading back to us. They came up to the bus, that’s when we heard a loud cry from outside the bus…
♠ ♠ ♠
i had fun writing this chapter!
it's deffo something me and my friends would do!
like totally!!

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