Fur Immer Heilig Sein

We'll be Late!

Bill’s POV

‘So they’re the crazy fan girls then?

‘Must be. I mean she poked me.’

After about half an hour Emily came back down stairs with a suitcase, fully dressed, make-up and hair done, hat on and ready to go.

‘Umm, you guys don’t mind if I take Tom do you?’

‘With pleasure.’


She ran upstairs then appeared again with a guitar case.

‘Tom, is my bass.’

‘You play? I’ll have to listen to you some time.’

‘Wow ok. I’ve said goodbye and stuff. Oh wait, nearly forgot something.’

She once again made her way upstairs then returned with a book and pen.

‘What’s that?’

‘This, is what I do in my spare time. I draw and write poems. And make vague attempts at lyrics, but they’re never any good.’

‘Cool. Anyway we’d better go otherwise we’ll be late.’
♠ ♠ ♠
another update!!