Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Beach Dreams

Bill’s POV

‘What do you mean… she’s pregnant?’ I asked pulling Sarah aside.

‘I found this.’ She raised up a pregnancy test. ‘I went to the the bathroom upstairs while no one was paying any attention to me. And this was in the trash in there.’

‘How do you know it’s her?’

‘She’s the only one who’s been having sex duh.’ She said as thought it were blantly obvious.

‘I… but if it’s Tom’s I don’t need to ever talk to her again.’ Proudly I folded my arms.

‘Umm, so what? You’re just going to blank your twin out after 18 years? I know what they did was bad but…’

‘There’s no but. And I don’t care if she’s comes to me with a lie like ‘Tom asked me to.’ I won’t believe her. I know he wouldn’t do that to me.’

‘You’re funeral.’


‘Things is, that’s exactly what happened! I’m not supposed to tell you. They were going to. They wanted to come to you and tell you how sorry they were and tell you the truth and everything that happened. But I guess I kinda just blew it…’ She looked to the floor guiltily.

‘Hey, it’s ok.’ I rubbed her arm comfortingly. ‘Come on. We’d better get on the bus and get going.’

‘It’s still covered in fruit.’

‘Well, umm… oh well. We’ll sit upstairs.’

As we went on the bus it didn’t start moving again. Terry decided to stop the night parked up. We all decided we’d leave the fruit mess till tomorrow. After what happened, no one wanted to clean. But Emily would have done. Emily would have come in… and she… she would have… tears poured from my eyes. How could she do this to me? I thought she loved me! Everyone was avoiding me. They know I can get very stressful and angry when I’m like this.

The rest of the day went pretty slowly. While everyone was sat up one end of the bus, obviously talking about me and Emily. As if it wasn’t obvious. What else were they going to be talking about? It’s not as if there’s anything else happened that’s even mildly interesting.

‘Bill, we’re going to get you drunk.’ Georg got up and wandered downstairs. He reappeared holding many left over bottles of alcohol from the other night. He handed a bottle to me and stared expectantly. ‘Come on. Drink up. It’ll take your mind of it.’

‘Fine.’ I mumbled… I downed it in one and started drinking by the second. Soon enough. All my thoughts were a jumble. The room was spinning and I drifted into a deep sleep…

‘Hey darling. How are you?’

‘Oh I missed you so much. I love you.’ I replied.

‘I love you too.’ Emily sat. Her head was rested on my shoulder. We sat staring out into the sunset. The beach was welcoming. The sea rolled over the soft sands moving each grain in it’s on special direction.

‘You wouldn’t leave me, would you?’

‘Of course not. You mean everything to me.’ She leaned up and kissed my cheek.

‘I’m so happy when I’m with you. This feels right I know it does.’

‘I know too.’ She started to mess around with my dreads. Dreads? I don’t have dreads. No… I’m Tom. The scene moved away a bit so I could see the people sat on the rocks. It was Emily, but she was with Tom. And it wasn’t me sat with her anymore.

The sun disappeared over the horizon. The ocean turned a dank black and grey. Wind whipped about the scene Emily’s hair flew about her face. Her and Tom rose up into the air with the wind and they clothes started to change. A long silk white wedding dress fell about her ankles, it was strapless and puffed out at the bottom. Her hair was beautiful. She looked beautiful. She was beautiful. The waves crashed onto the rough hard gritty sand which hit my face scratching away at it. Tom had changed into a suit. And they were looking down on a baby. It was just as gorgeous. Emily handed it over to Tom and started floating towards me. However, her expression transformed as she neared. Her teeth grew, her fangs. Crimson red blood began to drip from them and she stopped in front of me changing back to her pure innocent self.

‘I’m sorry Bill. I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. But I had to save you from the rocks.’

‘Save me from the rocks…?’

I heard a loud scream from behind her as I loud at Tom. He was falling fast the baby still in his arms. He hit the rocks with a thud and they poked up through his torso. He twitched a few times then stopped. The baby lay on the sand. Ironically sand and bright stars twisted and turned about it. It hovered for a little while, then just landed down gently onto the sand again.

‘I saved you once, now I’m going to save you again.’

She raised her arms to be level with me shoulders. She glanced downwards to the ocean. A great, black pit had appeared swallowing up the water. A felt a careful force press down feather like onto my shoulders. But it was more than enough to move me. I too began to fall down. A small wet droplet landed on my check. It stood out from the others, they were cold, hard painful drips. But this one, it was warm, it soothed me. I felt calmer and more secure. I dived my concentration to Emily as she still floated above in the sky. The rain, cloud and wind together in the background made her stand out more in her bright silk dress. It didn’t seem to be getting wet at all. She was glowing, a bright light. It was emitting from all around her.

I landed, I looked about to see I was in an empty cinema. I stared at a blank, black screen. Instantly it lit up and I was greeted by the scene I’d previously left. Emily was still floating but I could only see her back. She was looking down into the black pit that was swallowing everything up. He head was bowed. As thought there was a camera it swung around to see her front ways. More tears escaped her eyes. That must be what landed on my cheek. She held her hand up and waved.

‘Bye Bill.’

A sudden flash confused me but when I regained my focus it was clear to see she was in pain. She was running, running as fast as she could but she was going no where. She ran and ran and ran but always ended up in the same place. Back where she started. The light was getting brighter and each time it did she clenched her stomch more and more. A baby started crying. Was her baby, it wa still laying on the beach. Watching her; die.

She finished running and held out her arms toward the sky. The light began to shin through her inside. Lightning and thunder streaked through the grey ocean of clouds. He mouth hung open wide and light shone through every part of her. The baby started to cry louder. Emily started to scream. The thunder increased. The waves grew bigger. The wind whistled through the air. Rocks were crumbling off the cliffs. One last screech and her body just; dispersed. Everything stopped and went back to a normal summers day at the beach. But I was the only one the rocks now. There was no one there but me.

“I saved you once, now I’m going to save you again…” I repeated the words softly through my chapped lips. A young toddler ran up to me shouting ‘Dada! Dada!’ and I took him into my arms and he snuggled into my chest falling asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
if you guys hadn't already guessed...
the italics was the dream! xD
i have to admit it was weird to write the dream...
so can you guys tell me your thought on it!
because i have an obsession with dreams... but i also have a good mind to the dream into a comic strip...x]]