Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Blood Begging

Tom’s POV

She was stood standing over the bridge and I could see the tears shimmering on her cheeks, the light reflected from the torch. Her hands rested on the rusted barrier on the old, bare, mossy concrete bridge. Something shiny took my eye. A glistening, smooth edged object grasped tightly in her fist. A knife. There was a pool of dark liquid on the floor the rain drop splattering it about everywhere. At first I thought, I hoped, it was just a shadow. It was admittedly difficult to see in streaks of rain this bad, however I noticed a slower drop fall from her arm. She bore a long deep blood drenched cut.

‘Emily!’ I screeched across the rest of the field down the hill. I couldn’t run fast enough once I’d seen her. I was happy she was still, well; alive. People followed me down and we ended up running down in an arrow formation with me and Bill in the middle.

All she did was turn her head to look at me. I could see she was thinking. She was contemplating jumping straight over the edge. I could tell by the look in her eye. Thought they were glazed and puffy with liquid. Everyone stopped and just stood staring. I didn’t want to near her in case she did something crazy but I knew I had to, just to calm her down. I held out my right arm to her and slowly walked across the bridge to her. She began to back away from me shaking her head. And reversed further when she saw Bill, she also shook her head more violently.

‘I told you I wasn’t going to back to England.’ She half laughed to herself. But what was so funny I couldn’t see.

‘Please, don’t. I love you. Please.’ I pleaded. I felt the tears begin to streak down my own face now. I wanted to wipe them away because I needed to be strong for Emily. But I just wasn’t happening.

‘Come back with me. Please. I don’t know what I’ll do without you.’

‘Find some other girl. You don’t need me. All I’ve done is mess up your and Bill’s relationship.’ She whaled.

‘Emily please…’ My breathe quickened it’s pace as did my pulse. I looked back to Bill for a second. His eyes were also pouring out with tears.

‘I’ll just mess up more things so it’s best if I’m just not here to mess anything up at all.’

‘That’s not true. You don’t mess everything up. Everyone makes mistakes.’

‘And this is one I’d rather not live with.’

‘Please Emily… we can work all of this out.’ I begged more.

‘No, because there will always be tension in the band after this.’

‘Emily, there would be whether you were here or not.’

‘But there will be more if I am in the way. And you know I’m right. You know…’

‘Please… don’t…’ I was loosing my voice. Nothing was coming out anymore. She couldn’t go. I need her. I wasn’t going to let her just slip by me like this. But hat can I do? What could I possibly do? Let her go? Live without her? No. I love her. I love her. I used to laugh at Bill when he said he loved a girl. I didn’t think there was such thing and that you should take advantage. But I know now that you shouldn’t. Because, it’s taking advantage that’s got her into this muddle. And now I’ve got to get her out of it…
♠ ♠ ♠

caught you all out...
i STILL haven't got her out of it!
i know it's my first update since i've come back....
but hey... i'm having fun with this! XD

[in a deep manly, dramatic voice]
will she jump?
will Tom save her?
does Bill feel bad at all for not stopping her?
tune in next time for the answers...