Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Spring Nicht

Bill’s POV

While just standing watching there was nothing I could to help. This was something Tom had to do. But I could see he wasn’t getting anywhere. No one knew what to do or say. Karlee cried into Strify’s shoulder while he comforted her also crying. Why is he crying? But, as I look around. I notice… everyone is. All of the Cinema Bizarre boys, all the girls, Gustav, Georg… Tom. Me. Emily.

It was then I clicked. It was only a dream I had. But now I can see how it’s helping me. How a dream helps I don’t know. But… oh well. I remember now. ‘I saved you once, now I’m going to save you again…’

It’s my turn to save her. I guess anyway, I don’t quite understand how this dream helps. And I didn’t and still don’t understand it but it’s all I’ve got. So she pushed me out of the way of the rocks. Now I have to get her away form them.

I looked around for inspiration but I had nothing. We were there crying our eyes out at her leaning over this bridge. Tom’s arm was raised up… this reminds me of something. But what…?

‘Please don’t…’ Tom started but he couldn’t finish the sentence. He was choking back his own tears.

Jump. Spring Nicht. Exactly. I started to walk forwards and I felt all eyes were on me. I hope this works, for everyone’s sake.

‘Ich schrei in die nacht für dich. Lass mich nicht im stick. Spring Nicht. Die Lichter fangen dich nicht, sie betrügen dich. Sping nicht. Erinner dich, an dich und mich. Die Welt da unten zahlt nicht, Bitte spring nicht…’ I started stepping closer trying to sound more confident than I actually was. My voice kept cracking but I carried on regardless.

‘…Nimm meine Hand, wir fangen nochmal an. Spring nicht.’

She dropped the knife. And fell to her knees. Tom ran over to her and hugged her and she collapsed into his arms. Everyone sighed in unison and rushed past me to gather around her. As I nearly got bowled over I just stood there and stared at them. I could hear lots of chatter and worried whispers about our crowd but they meant nothing to me.

‘She needs to go to the hospital for this cut.’ Karlee muttered.

‘But we can’t tell them that she did it herself. What do we do?’

‘I fell over on the bus and scratched my arm on a kitchen knife…’ Emily mumbled before she past out from loss of blood.

We all clambered into the cars, Georg drove us to the nearest hospital while Tom and I supported Emily in the back. Gustav sat in the front and didn’t dare look back because of all the blood. The girls had Sarah to take care of though. She’d pass out also from the sight of the blood. She wasn’t very strong hearted when it came to blood.

‘Bill, thank you.’ Tom said, his hand rested on Emily’s shoulder. ‘You can hate me as much as you want, but thank you.’

‘No I can’t.’

‘You can. I promise you can.’ The tears were pouring thick and fast from his eyes.

‘No. Emily said I can’t. she’s right you are still my twin I can’t just hate you forever.’

‘But, I want to. No. I need to repay you. Show you I’m sorry. Please, tell me what I can do.’ I was pleading. I could tell he meant every word from the bottom of his heart.

‘I don’t know. I guess, something will come up. Come on. Let’s just get her in here.’

We stopped and helped her out of the car and into the hospital. A nurse rushed her straight to a ward to get the wound dressed and stop the bleeding. She said Emily would have to have a blood transfusion because she’d lost so much. Tom sat outside in the pouring ran his head in his hands. There were cameras everywhere just taking pictures of everyone stood outside. We were all puffy eyed and weary. Tom was trying his hardest to stay strong. But it wasn’t working to well. He just broke out in cries and screams. Panting, he pulled his legs up to his chest and rocked back and forth. While reporters were yelling questions at us our mouths were stitched shut. Not a word was spoken to anyone while we waited. Tom and I were blood drenched and they wanted to know why and what had happened. They however, soon got bored and just resulted in taking photos silently. The media are so nosey, but I’m glad they finally got the picture.

As we sat and waited the rain got heavier but we stayed put outside. Tom could barely see anymore he’d been crying that hard.

‘Why did I let this happen to her? I was just making pasta and when I came back she was gone. I should have just stayed with her! I’m so stupid. Maybe it should be me that’s…’

‘No Tom don’t even think that. Emily needs you now. She always did. Even Bill knows it. You have to keep strong for her. Please? You love her don’t you…?’ Strify slid down the wall to sit with Tom.

‘Yes. But no one would believe that I loved her because I was always such a whore in the past. Now this has happened. I’m so useless sometimes.’

‘Everyone can be now and then. It’s not our fault. It’s human nature. We just got to live with it. And we need to teach Emily how to live with it.’

‘But, what if; what if she lost too much blood. What if, she just keeps bleeding and bleeding and doesn’t stop and they can’t do anything and then she’s just gone… in flash she’s just not there anymore.’ as I stood watching and listening. I knew I had to feel sorry for Tom, and I did. There wasn’t anything he could do except love he and hope for the best. That’s all any of us could do.

‘Tom, like I said, you have to keep strong for her. Here’s one of the doctors now.’ Strify stood to talk to the doctor seeing Tom was in no fit state to.

‘She’s sleeping. We managed to stitch the cut, she was lucky. Any deeper and she would have hit an artery. You can go into her. But, only 4 people at a time I’m afraid. And I can see she’s rather popular.’ The doctor smiled kindly. And walked away. However, he was knocked over by Tom running through the halls to Emily.
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you to sadangel10 for 'confirming' my idea of Bill singing.
i know you didn't know i was thinking that when you suggested it, it was iffy about it, but when you commented with the same idea i knew it much be something i should use! x]]

i hope you're all happy with the outcome! xD
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