Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Dry Dreams

Emi’s POV

It’s been two hours since the doctor said we could go and sit with Emily. With only four allowed in the room at a time me, Kate, Tom and Sarah all stayed in with her. As we sat and waited Tom held her hand willing her to wake. Though he looked confused he was more than likely thinking about what on earth he could possibly say to her when she did wake. Why did she do this. I haven’t been back with them for long and don’t know exactly what’s been going on but I do know that she cheated on Bill with Tom.

‘Tom, I’m happy she’s with you.’ Sarah suddenly blurted out. He just looked at her with, [if possible] an even more confused look on his face. ‘Well you know, she loves you. She does and you can see it. She always did, she may not have always let it show but she does. And now you’re together. This was meant to happen.’

‘Umm thank you, I guess…?’ He just looked bemused now rather than confused. ‘Her hands twitching! Stay here, I’ll be right back.’

He dashed out of the room quickly and Rhi stepped into the room before everyone could rush to try and get in. ‘So, how is she?’

‘Waking now. Tom’s just dashed off now she finally is.’

‘Yeah,’ she leaned her head out of the door, ‘he’s just talking to a doctor. No wait, now he’s running out of the building. Best we don’t tell her, her dream boy has ran out on her ay?’

Emily’s POV

I lifted my heavy eyelids to be blinded by the light. Greeted by my friends I was pleased to see there was no fight. I was expecting Tom and Bill to be having a little shouting match and one of them had stormed out. Well, I heard a door bang so that was my assumption.

As I looked around the room everyone was sat there smiling at me. Why were they smiling at me like that? Have they found out? Do they know? No, they can’t. Of course they don’t. As my eyes adjusted to the light I noticed exactly what the room was. I was in a hospital! Why was I in a hospital?

‘How you doing?’ Kate asked sitting beside me.

‘A whole lot better when I find out why I’m here.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Well, why the hell am I in a hospital?!’ I asked raising my voice. Suddenly the door opened and Karlee popped her head in.

‘Umm, can I have a word with you guys?’ They all looked at me for an answer.

‘You can, just so long as they get me a drink of water. My mouth is so dry.’ I licked my lips after saying it.

Karlee’s POV

We shut the door tightly and left Emily alone while she woke up properly.

‘She may not remember why she’s here.’ The doctor said.

‘What do you mean?’ I asked anxiously.

‘When she fell, she hit her head. And there’s a good chance she won’t remember what happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
i tried something new, something i haven't done before... with any of my story...
not that i can remember anyway...
i change POV in the middle of the chapter! WHEY!!
there is a reason, and it simply is that well, the POV's were all to short to go by themselves so i mushed them together into one chapter!
and even now i've done that it's still quite a short chapter!

anyway comments bitte?

and guess what guys... it's going to a happy story again after this!! WOO!!!
[happy dance]