Fur Immer Heilig Sein


Emily’s POV

The door opened and I was hoping and expecting it to be Tom, but it was Bill. Though I do need to talk to him. He came in and sat down smiling at me.

‘Bill, why am I here?’

‘Well, it’s silly really. You were on the bus and you fell. But you made a deep cut in your arm because some stupid idiot left a kitchen knife out on the side.’

‘Oh. Well that is stupid. What the press will think I don’t know. Mind you, they’ve written all the scandal about me cheating… I’m sorry Bill.’ I took his hand and looked at it messing with his fingers.

‘Well. I want to talk to you about that. Well; it’s just that. I guess I always knew really, deep down, that you loved Tom. I could see it the way you looked at him, the look in your eye. I always got jealous of they way you looked at him. You looked right together too. I mean, when I see pictures of me and you, then of you and Tom. There just seems to be a huge difference. Like it’s right you’re with him. It hurt me a lot what you did. But, I suppose I was just waiting. I knew it would happen I just didn’t know the date if you understand.’

‘Bill, so long as you and Tom or ok.’ Looking into his eyes without feeling pain. It was the first time I had managed to since what happened.

‘We’re fine. Infact, it was him that let me in here alone. He’s waiting, I should go…’

‘Wait.’ I held out my arms to him for a hug and kissed his cheek. ‘Thank you.’

‘But, what for…?’ All I did was nod at him. He understood. He also understood he couldn’t tell any of the others.

‘Our secret Bill. You can’t tell anyone. Yes?’

‘I promise.’ He smiled then left the room letting Tom in. he was carrying a plate of steaming hot pasta and a cup which appeared empty.

‘How are you?’ He asked sitting down and kissing me.

‘Fine thanks.’ I looked hopefully from the plate of pasta then to him. I was starving. ‘Is that for me?’

‘Oh, yes. Sorry. I thought if I can’t make it up to you how I maybe usually would, I’d make you something you’ll enjoy. I love you. You know that right?’

‘I love you Tom. You won’t leave me will you?’

‘No. never.’

I set down the pasta as he leaned in towards my face. His soft lips pressed gently up against my dry chapped ones. I heard the heart monitor start to race with numerous bleeps as my pulse increased. He smiled into the kiss realising the same thing.

‘Tom, umm… What do you think about, you know. Mini-Kaulitz’s?’ I was completely unsure of how to ask and the monitor speed up further.

‘Well I… I…’ he stuttered then stopped to smile at me.

‘Well I was just you know…’

‘Are you…?’

‘I am.’ For a moment he sat there with nothing but shock spread across his face. I thought for a moment he was going to cry. His expression gave the impression that he was dreading that answer however; I was soon proven completely wrong. He jumped into the air and started dancing around the room kissing me then nearly ripping the doors off the hinges. He ran down the corridor, from what I could hear at least, then back again screaming at the top of his voice ‘I’m gonna have a kid! I’m gonna have a kid! Haha bitches! I’m gonna be a dad and you’re not!’

He ran back in the room followed by everyone else that could fit in. I held my pasta plate though, I wasn’t letting a good meal go. I started to dig in while everyone was asking Tom questions and stuff.
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i love babies!
i saw the cutest one in Starbucks today...
i am SO gald my mum is a child minder!! it's great!
