Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Monthly Complaints

Bill’s POV

I’m glad she can’t remember that she tried to kill herself. And I’m really happy that she can remember what she did. I didn’t want her to forget like and then try to kiss me or something. That’d be terrible. For both her, Tom and me. And now she’s pregnant, we just need to found out who it is. Mine, or Tom’s?

‘Umm Emily, Who’s is it…?’ I asked.

‘Well now. This is what I’ve been trying to figure out. I’m pretty sure it’s Tom’s to be honest.’

‘How do you know?’

‘Well, I’m about a months gone. You’re birthday was a month ago right?’

‘Near enough.’ Tom said sitting on the side of the bed.

‘I thought so, which means. I’m pretty sure it’s Tom’s.’

‘What do you mean pretty sure?’ I asked anxiously.

‘Well, I said I think I’m a months gone. Could be more. If I am more than a month gone then it could well be yours. But I’m pretty sure it’s Tom’s.’

‘Well, there is one simple way to settle it. Which one of us did you sleep with no protection?’

‘Tom. Oh… see no I did not think of that.’ She tried to hide her face in embarrassment about not thinking of it.

‘Well, you could get a DNA test when it’s born to be sure.’ Gustav input.

‘Are you stupid? Don’t identical twins have like the same DNA or something?’ Emi laughed at him.

‘I dunno…’ We all mumbled our agreements. None of us knew. Only Emi apparently.

‘Well, it’s Tom’s. We just found that out. And besides, I wasn’t sleeping with Bill around the time of their birthday. Sorry for that by the way…’

‘You loved Tom. But come on. Lets just forget about it. It’s time for celebration. There’s going to be a mini Kaulitz! We need a party!’ I said jumping up and rubbing my hands together.

‘Well, I’m stuck in here for at least 2 days. And the doctor said he will check on the pregnancy too while I’m here. Don’t quite know what he’s going to do. Check the babies alive I guess. Apparently I had a nasty fall.’

‘It’s fine don’t worry. What you gonna call it?’ Emi bounced about the room.

‘Hello! I have another 8 months! So does Tom!’

‘Yup, another 8 months of puking, cravings. Her mood is gonna change pretty quick to Tom. You’ll have to watch out. She’ll complain of back ache and…’ Emi was cut off by…

‘…She will also gain weight and get tired easily. Like she will be now. Come on you lot. Out you get. She needs sleep and lots of it before I let her out. You can come back tomorrow.’ The doctor was gone as suddenly as he’d come.

‘I’ll be back tomorrow. I love you. Never forget that.’ Tom kissed her fore-head and held her hands tightly.

‘We’ll all see you tomorrow. Just sleep.’

We all left and walked back to the cars. Once back at the buses Tom moved his and Emily’s suitcases back to the Tokio Hotel bus as I greeted him at the door we both cried on each others shoulders.

‘Talk upstairs?’ I said wiping tears from my face. We headed up stairs and everyone else understood by staying seated.

‘I want to know everything.’ We sat on the sofas up there and Tom started to explain.
♠ ♠ ♠
yay babies!
oh i'm excited now!

and sadangel1... emily's 17! xD
i just looked it up in the first few chapters!