Fur Immer Heilig Sein

18 Christmases

Tom’s POV

‘Well, everything?’ I raised an eyebrow. ‘You mean like from the very beginning?’

‘Yup. Tom I have the righ...’

‘I know you do. Well, I guess I kinda liked her when I first saw her. You know, back at her house. But that was just lust I guess. Y’know? The way she looked. But I started liking her more and more as we spent time together. When we were sharing a bed, when I elbowed her. Ha, I felt horrible for that. I always felt jealous when she was with you. I know I creeped her out at first when I was being all perverted. But that’s exactly what I was. A perv and they all knew it. Especially Kate. She wouldn’t let me anywhere with Emily out of her sight. Then when I blamed the whole thing on Emily with the police. And when I pleaded they didn’t tell mum about me elbowing her. And when…’

‘Tom, you’re babbling again.’

‘Oh right sorry. I could tell you liked her as well. They way you looked at her. You always think I don’t know  but I’ve known you long enough to figure out. We’re twins for gods sake. I had no idea how to talk to you about it. Emily’s the first girl we’d both liked, at the same time at least. It never occurred to me to think how you might feel. I was too busy concentrating on you not thinking how I felt. Y’know? That you weren’t thinking that it would hurt me if you went out with her. Even after we’d talked about it. I still felt cheated. But I guess it’s you that been cheated on now.’

‘Tom, to be honest. I was always thinking about how you would feel. I just didn’t, well; care. I know that sounds horrible. But, I was focusing on Emily as well. I guess we kinda blanked everything out for her. I know she wouldn’t want that.’

‘I know she doesn’t. But it’s happened now. We argued sometimes. Me and her, because of how I used to be. When I used to stare at her, then when we were alone or when we were going to bed I’d try something with her. She didn’t like it because she knew I was being perverted and that it wasn’t within a relationship. But then I remember when she nearly ripped my head off trying to kiss me that night after you two had made out.’

‘Tom. Thank you for that night by the way. What you said to her. I know you wanted her badly. But you stopped her. And I’m thankful for that.’

‘That was a big thing for me! I’ve never turned down a girl before! But I knew you liked her. I needed to stop being a whore before I could ever date anyone like Emily.’

‘Tom. You’ve changed for her. But in a good way. I know people say you shouldn’t change for anyone. And that you should find someone who loves you for who you are. But she did anyway. You’re just not… a man whore anymore.’ Bill wiped his face.

‘And, I’m going to be a daddy. She’s only 17.’

‘18 in 3 weeks. But I guess it’s still young. You sure you’re up for this?’

‘Well there’s not much I can do about it. And sure I’m up for it. It’s going to be different and very weird but. I guess you know. What can I do? And have you heard how she talks about kids? I’m more concerned about parents.’

‘Well, Tom. That’s you and Emily. I mean…’

‘No! Our parents! And Emily’s. what will they say? They’ve never even met Emily before. Now they’re just going to know her as my 17 year-old knocked up girlfriend. And her parents. When we met them that night when they let us in the house. They didn’t seem like the kind of parents that would take too well to a teenage pregnancy. You know, the kind that bring up their daughter to know not to have kids till she’s married.’

‘Calm down. She wants to go see her parents soon by the way. She hasn’t seen them in a while. Maybe we should pay a visit to mum? What do you think? That way she can meet Emily in person before we tell her. You know, so like. We go out, have a nice formal dinner. They can meet her and get to know her properly like the nice polite girl she is. Then, you kinda slowly, break it to her.’

‘But we don’t have to say anything about the whole cheating thing do we?’ I panicked at the thought.

‘No. Of course not. We’ll stay at mum’s this Christmas. What do you think? We’re not playing any gigs. It’s October so, tell you what. We’ll go see her next week. Have that dinner. Organise staying over at Christmas. Then you can tell her. I’ll ring her tomorrow. Come on. We need sleep. Especially if you want to be up early for Emily tomorrow.’ Bill went back downstairs to the others for a little while.

As I sat cuddling Mr Cuddles I thought about Emily. I thought about these past two months with her. I figure I am kind of the cause for all this trouble. I said she could go with Bill. Then I tried to force her to kiss me. After that I asked her to cheat on Bill with me. Now I’ve got her knocked up. I need to learn to keep myself under control more. And be more sweet. The way she likes me. Like that night I stopped her. I was thinking about other people. How it might affect them. Get things back to how they used to be when we first met. Just without the perverted things. Have fun again.
♠ ♠ ♠
You know what i just realised guys?

You lot still don't know what the secret is between Emily and Bill from the 'Mini-Kaulitz's...?' chapter!
and i also just noticed no ones asked me about it which is a first!
hehe.. ^^

This chapter was, if you hadn't already gathered, a recap chapter. yes, i was sad enough to read through all 81 chapters of my own story just to write this one 82nd chapter!

so you guys better be happy! at least now everything about this story is fresh in my mind, there were things i'd forgotten. like Rhi still hasn't got revenge on Gustav from the chapter with the wasp. and that was AGES ago... ^^