Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Lemon Parents

Tom’s POV

You know, you’re very pretty. Even now when you’re all hospitalised and no make-up, and probably haven’t washed since they check out your arm and you hair’s a mess and…’

‘Alright I get the picture. I look terrible.’

‘No, I mean it. You look gorgeous. Why do you cover your face in all that stuff. Like Bill does?’ I was in that sense opposite to Bill. I would never wear make-up.

‘Because, I personally don’t like the way I look. I just, try and hide it I guess. I promise I won’t from now. If it makes you happy.’

‘Thank you. I was thinking, when you get out of here. I want to buy you a dress. You know for next week. Well you won’t be able to wear it soon I know that but, I’d like to. We don’t go places where it’s just us two very often. You know, with the band and everything. All next weeks shows have been cancelled.’

‘But I said I…’

‘I know, but David already cancelled them before we got chance to say anything. And the whole pregnancy thing, isn’t going public.’ I nodded proudly. She had a come back, I could see she was trying so hard not to say anything.

‘Tom, I’m going to have a stomach the size of a football, and you’re saying it’s not going public?’

‘Well, ok, not yet. We can wait until you get to that stage, then tell people. Come on! It’ll be fun. It’s a secret! Don’t you like secrets?’ She bowed her head then nodded smiling. ‘So, you’ve got today and then. Are you getting out tomorrow?’

‘Yeah, you know what? I really fancy some Lemon Sorbet.’

‘You always want Lemon Sorbet.’

‘But it want it even more than usual. You’ll get me some won’t you? Please? You know you love me really…’

‘You use that excuse every time and you know it’s true. Wait here I’ll go get some.’ I kissed her nose and left heading towards to buses. When I got there everyone was sat around a table staring at a single slice of cake.

‘Umm, guys, why you all staring at a piece of cake?’

‘Because, it’s the only piece left. We’re trying to decide who gets to eat it.’ Emi explained not once taking her eyes away from the plate laid in front of her.

‘And you’re doing that… by staring at it?’

‘Yeah, what’s you’re point?’

‘Well surely, it would be easier to just do this…’ I simply walked over picked it up and slotted the whole thing into my mouth. Which I wish I hadn’t. it was a lot larger than I’d intended and I couldn’t move my jaw. As I attempted to say ‘see’ all that came out was a spray of cake. I just shrugged and went for the freezer to get Lemon Sorbet and a spoon from the draw.

‘What could you possibly want with Lemon Sorbet now you’ve got a mouth stuffed with cake?’ Rhi questioned, her hands firmly on her hips.

Once again, my only rely was a shower of cake. They just looked at me as though I were some freak, I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote: ‘it’s for Emily’ on it. A united ‘oohhh… why didn’t you say so?’ rang about the bus.

Shrugging I headed back to the hospital. There was the usual group of reporters and photographers. I still had the cake in my mouth so I stopped dead. Shrugged then carried on. I am going to have some cake filled pictures now.

‘You took your… I’m eh… I’m alright for cake thanks.’ She giggled.

I managed to swallow it finally though it was difficult. I handed her the sorbet and a spoon and dove straight into it. There was a knock on the door and there was, God damn it, a photographer.

‘No I’m sorry we’re not doing pictures. So you can go back to wherever you came from.’ I began to shut the door but she stopped me.

‘Aren’t you going to ask if I want any sorbet?’ she cocked her head on one side. This is one crazy woman. If she didn’t leave in a minute I’m going to shut the door on her. She doesn’t even look old enough to be a photographer. She can only be as old as I am.

I heard Emily snap her fingers. ‘I know that voice.’ She turned her head and a smile spread across it. ‘Tish! I haven’t seen you in years!’

‘We’ve only seen each other once. How do you recognise me?’

‘You haven’t changed’

‘I am beginning to get seriously scared. It seems you know more people than I do. And I’m internationally famous! Just come in so I can shut the door. Now please explain?’ I sat on the bed next to Emily holding her hand. I can’t seem to let go of her.

‘Tom calm down. This is Tish. We used to speak 24/7. On MSN of course. We met once the spring of her 16 birthday, I went down for a week. Obviously that was like, 2 ½ years ago now. I suppose you want some pictures?’

‘Well, it would help. But you don’t have to. I’ve just started working for Kerrang! I’m only new so they don’t like sending me on big jobs. I said I knew you and well… it’d really get me a boost in my career. I sound horrible invading your private space like that. I know it’s a big thing to ask but, it really help. I promise no one else would get them. No one except the magazine.’ Tish’s lips moved that fast I swear all I saw was her twitch.

‘Yes, and then people scan then and they get put in other magazines and on the internet.’ I began.

‘But if they get put into other magazines, you can sue them. It’d be illegal. You could sue them, and so could Kerrang! For stealing. Please Emily, I wouldn’t be asking if I wasn’t desperate.’ she literally got on her knees and begged. Emily hadn’t even aid no yet. Emphasis on yet.

‘Tish of course. Just umm, don’t tell anyone ok? And Tom don’t say anything to the others? Kerrang! Is like, only in England isn’t it? So, they wouldn’t get very far except for fans over there. Which there aren’t many of. Wouldn’t you be better getting a band who everyone knows rather than Tokio Hotel. The boys aren’t too big over there, it’s be pointless.’

‘Well you’ve been away for 2 months so I hadn’t expected you to of heard anything about it.’

‘About what?’

‘Tokio Hotel are huge over there. And it’s all because of you and the other girls. They’re in awe of you back there. Possibly even more than they love the boys. I don’t know why I suppose they see you as an idol. You’re dream come true. It’s what every girl wants isn’t it? A band met their uncle who told them where to go. To wake up and find her favourite band sat downstairs waiting to whisk her away. Then getting with the singer and the guitarist who just happen to be gorgeous identical twins. Come on, you must see how it’s any girls ideal world?’

‘Tish, how did you know about how I met them?’ Emily asked leaning toward her.

‘Oh erm, I…’

‘It was my parents wasn’t it? I knew it, they do this every time. I can’t do anything without them telling the universe. Then if I do something wrong they hide me away form everyone. Oh no… I can’t tell them I’m pregnant. They’ll tell everyone! It’ll be all over the place! Oh god… oh god…’

‘It’s ok, just eat your Lemon Sorbet and everything will be, ok.’ I reassured her.

‘Eat the lemon sorbet and everything will be ok. Ok, I like that. I’ll do that.’ She started stuffing her face with the sorbet only to realise it was too cold and her face scrunched up.
♠ ♠ ♠
my mum and dad are totally like that xD
and woo!!
LEMON SORBET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i LOVE lemon sorbet!!