Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Romantic Come Backs

Emi’s POV

I so totally wanted that piece of cake yesterday! I had my eyes on it. Literally! But nooo… Tom had to come and steal it. Right from under our noses. Then he ran off! With the cake! In his mouth! I still can’t believe Emily’s pregnant though. I swear she’s like, 17.

‘Guys! I want… umm. I don’t know what I want. Something!’ I blurted out.

‘Oh that’s real, that’s real descriptive Emi. Cuz I totally understand your language.’ Gustav said.

‘You don’t understand anything.’ Rhi started up.

‘Oh so now I’m mister stupid?’

‘When weren’t you?’ Why do they have to fight?

‘And you’ve never done anything wrong?’ Gustav’s saliva sprayed over Rhi causing her eyes to shut tight.

‘I’m still thinking of my revenge Gustav, you just made it worse. Much, much worse…’ she turned around and went upstairs.

Rhi was upstairs with Sarah and Georg. Me, Bill, Kate, Gustav, Strify and Kiro were all sat around a table down stairs. Tom was with Emily again; and Karlee, Luminor, Shin and Yu were all in the Cinema Bizarre bus.

‘So, oh hold on. Someone’s calling me.’ Bill got up and walked about outside under the trees where no one could see him.

‘I’m kinda bored. What can we do?’ I wondered.

‘There’s not really much we can do is there?’ Kate sank into her chair.

‘Hold on, isn’t that…Emily? And Tom?’ Strify pointed out the window. We all stood and gathered around watching them walk back hand in hand. She had a huge smile on her face and they were laughing together. She looked at Tom and then looked as if she didn’t believe him about something. They stopped to kiss. Do they ever stop making out? They were in the photographers eye too!

‘Lovely weather we’re having…’ I started.

‘Oh shut up Emi. It’s romantic.’ Kiro whispered.

‘Well I’m sorry.’

We looked back to see Tom picking her up, bridal style, and bringing her ‘home’. Home being the tour bus. Bill came back on and gave us all questioning looks. We all made space for him to see out as well and he just said.

‘Ohh… aww, that’s so romantic!’

‘See!’ Kiro said holding his arms wide to me.

‘Just shut up. I’m cooler than you are.’

‘Yeah, sure you are.’

‘You’re not nice!’ Kiro said. Right, time for my age old come back…

‘So’s your face! Ha! Yeah!’ proudly I stood up and folded my arms. Oh yeah, that gets them every time. I’m just that good. Emily and Tom climbed onto the bus and we all crowded round and clapped and stuff. Why were we clapping. Oh yeah I remember, she’s going to bring a lifetime of crying and screaming and pooping and more screaming and crying to the bus. And don’t forget sleepless nights! Damn, why does she have to love kids so much?!
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sorry this one's crap guys... the illness is getting to me i think xD