Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Puncture Plans

Kate’s POV

‘O. M. G! can we please go now…?! We’ve been here for a week! Surely we must be able to go by now…?’ I yelled at Terry stamping my foot.

‘I’m sorry, did I not tell you guys?’ he replied.

‘Tell us what?’ Everyone crowded round him as he took a step back.

‘Well, umm. We’re stuck here for a little while.’

‘What do you mean we’re stuck?’ Georg said pushing to the front.

‘Well, ehh; you’re tour bus has a flat tyre. Punctured actually. So we’re not going anywhere. But! They’re sending another tour bus as fast as possible!’ He answered before anyone got chance to attack.

‘So, what? Can we at least go to a hotel?’ Sarah asked.

‘Well that’s the next thing. The tour is going to take at least another week, you’re getting two new ones so they’ve got to be registered first.’

‘Two, new buses? Why two?’

‘Well, it’s getting a bit crowded and you’re all still sharing beds, so David and the bus company arranged for two separate buses. One for the girls and one for the TH boys.’

Emily and Tom just shot their heads towards him and gave him discerning looks. His eyes widened and it looked as though he gulped.

‘Or, umm, you know. You could, mix and match however you want, I guess.’ he took another step back and walked [rather briskly] to the bus with a punctured tyre.

‘Well it doesn’t affect us.’ Bill said.

‘What do you mean?’ Rhi stood as tall as she could but still only came to below his shoulder.

‘Well, me, Tom and Emily are all going to my mum’s. well, for two nights. But that’s it I swear. Then again over Christmas. For umm, for 2 weeks.’ he rubbed the back of his head biting his lip and staring at the floor.

Next thing I knew Rhi had him pinned again the side of the bus. She was really small, but she was stronger than she looked. ‘You’re abandoning us in a stupid hotel, to go to your mum’s! where you get a proper meal, a proper bed?!’

‘Only for two nights! And what’s wrong with hotels?! All the ones we’ve been in so far this tour are great! I don’t see what the problem is!’

‘Well, no one else gets to go see their mum’s!’ Rhi sprayed spit all over face.

‘We’re going to England for Emily’s birthday! You can see everyone then!’ Bill was beginning to panic.

‘Come on Rhi. Leave him alone.’ Sarh tried to intercept. But without much luck.

‘Rhi, come on. Her birthday is in a week and a half! It’s really not that long. I think you need to sit down.’ This was my attempt at making her calm. It again didn’t work. Gustav walked over and stood by them. Oh no. Oh God no. she’s gonna kick a tantrum!

‘Rhi, just calm down. You’re getting yourself worked up. Look, I’ve got my laptop in the bunk. Why don’t you go to the hotel and plug it in. you know, go on MSN or something? E-mail your mum.’

‘She doesn’t have a computer.’

‘Ring her? You can use my phone.’ He handed her his mobile out of his pocket.

Emily, Karlee and Strify were all stood round eath other huddled over with huge smirks on their faces. Kiro and Shin went and joined them. They made a tight circle and started gossiping. I went over and put my head in to listen.

‘Oh hey Kate! Right, we’ve got to get them together.’ Karlee whispered.

‘Totally. But isn’t this like the first time they haven’t fought?’ Kiro input.

‘Well yeah, but that doesn’t matter. We can do it can’t we? And if not I’ll make them like each other.’ Strify laughed.

‘Well, they do. We just need to get them to umm, notice it.’

‘So what do we do?’ I asked.

‘Well, someone could ask them both out to dinner, but without the other one realising it. So like, then they both turn up. However invites them acts all surprised and ‘oh would you look at that!’ then excuse themselves to go to the bathroom or something I dunno. It’s just a starter idea.’ Emily said.

‘Well, there’s only you who really talks to Gustav and Rhi.’ I said.

‘But I won’t be here. Someone else has to do it. I doubt Rhi would agree to a dinner with Georg…’

‘I could do it.’ Karlee piped up but still in a hushed tone so they didn’t hear us.

‘Well, yeah. That’s great actually.’

‘Oh, damn. I’ll see you guys later. Gotta go meet the twins mum.’ Emily said looking at her watch after hearing a car horn beeped at her.

‘You’re not going to tell her you’re pregnant are you? I mean, you’ve never met her before and you’re carrying her grand-thing.’ I pointed at her stomach. She squinted at me.

‘Well I’ll see you all later.’ She hugged everyone then left. At least we were rid of man whore for a couple of days.

‘So, right. I’m going to ask them both out to dinner but so they don’t know?’

‘Exactly. Karlee, while you’re out to dinner with them we’ll think of more plans.’ Strify said kissing her cheek. ‘But for now, we just need to let Karlee decide a date for the date and then we’ll see what happens from there’

We all piled into taxi’s and head to the hotel. We actually got a room each this time. I can’t wait till this bus gets here. We get our own tour bus, just for handing out with Tokio Hotel. Get us. So we’re in England in a few days. I can’t wait.
♠ ♠ ♠
the fun is coming back into it!
this is awesome!

there is going to be a chapter umm, not yet but soon that's pre-written that this story was originally based on.

well actually, not soon i've got to wait till she's got a baby-bump before i can add it. otherwise it would ruin their secrecy! xD