Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Meeting Simone

Bill’s POV

Ok, so it’s just me, Tom, Emily and my mum for the next three days. Thankfully we don’t have to tell her about the baby thing yet. That could go very wrong. Tom took Emily to buy a new dress the other day. Which, my God, looks amazing on her. It’s black and sophisticated and… why?! Why does she have to love Tom?! No wait, now I’m thinking like Tom, I am not a man whore.

‘When will we get there?’ Emily asked huffing and sinking down the back of the seat.

‘Right about, now.’ Tom pulled over and we got out of his beast of a car. Why does it have to be so big? What’s it’s problem? ‘Ready to meet my mum?’

‘I guess, why? Am I supposed to give a straight answer?’

‘Well I don’t know, do I look like a rocket scientist. You look beautiful in that dress by the way.’ He smiled and got out to hold the door open for her. She also had to leap onto him because the car beast is too high. I mean she’s tall, but even I have to jump.

We knocked on three times and the door opened instantly to see our mum standing there with the biggest toothy grin on her face. We stood staring for a few seconds then realised me and Tom were having the life squeezed out of us. I noticed Emily was smiling to herself in the background then looking down at he infested stomach rubbing over it slightly.

‘Boys, who is this beautiful young lady?’

‘Oh mum this is, Emily. The girl I was telling you about.’ Tom said putting his arm around her and walking her forward a little. ‘Mum this is Emily, Emily this is, well, my mum.’

‘My name is Simone.’ she laughed a little then stepped back for us to walk in. we all sat on the sofa’s in silence. It was a little awkward. It’s never been like this before. But then again, this is… oh my God, this is the first time any of us have bought a girl home! Ha! And it’s Tom that has to go through it first!

‘So, where are you from? Tell me everything!’

‘Well, I’m from England, I’m 17. But my birthday is next week and we’re going to go see my parents for that. Umm, I play bass, I sing and can play a little guitar. And err, that’s about it really.’ she smiled at my mum then returned to staring at the floor.

‘Come on, lets go out for dinner. I’ll pay.’ Opening the door mum half dragged Emily with her they began chatting about things while me and Tom just stood there staring. We followed them out and I looked the door.

‘Tom, we’re not going in that thing are we?’

‘What’s wrong with it?’

‘it’s huge! Even a taxi would be more dignified for where we’re going.’

‘Mum, where are we going?’ I’ve wondering this since she said we were going out for dinner because I’m starved, and I really just fancy a pizza.

‘Well, why doesn’t Emily choose?’

‘Well umm, anywhere just so long as I can get some Lemon Sorbet after. But I guess a pizza would be nice.’

Yay! She got my hint! I stood behind my mum so Emily could see me going ‘pizza! Pizza!’ yes! Now we get pizza! She’ gets Lemon Sorbet, mum’s happy because the guest chose and Tom, when is he not happy with Emily?

‘Ok, so, pizza it is. And lemon sorbet, I love lemon sorbet. You know that was what I craved when I was carrying these two. I couldn’t get enough!’ She pulled Emily along again. But Emily looked back biting her lip at Tom then giggled.

‘I suppose it’s a good sign they’re getting on. Just wait till Christmas when we have to tell her she’s going to be a grandma.’ Tom said to me as we were walking behind.

‘What’s that dear? Who’s going to be a grandma?’

‘Oh they’re just talking about my cousin Scott. His girl friends going to have their baby in two weeks.’ Emily covered up. She keeps covering things up! And well too!

‘Aww, how sweet. You know I can’t wait till one of these two is in that position. I can come and see it and cuddle it and everything. And take it out and look after it sometimes.’ Mum was staring at Emily the whole time. I’ve seen her do that before. She does that when she’d hinting. Ok, so now she wants her to have a baby. Or am I just going crazy…?

‘Bill you did just notice what I noticed right?’ Tom whispered in my ear. Ok so maybe I’m not going crazy.

‘If you mean mum’s hinting technique then yes. Maybe we should tell her tonight? Over dinner or something?’

‘I dunno… it’ll still be a shock. I’ll talk to Emily. Emily, can I just talk to you a minute?’ He jogged on a bit to catch up with them as they were further down the street than we were.

‘Yeah sure. I’ll be right back.’ She walked back to Tom a little bit while I went to distract mum.

‘We think we should tell her tonight.’

‘What?! Are you crazy? Did you see the look she gave me when she was talking about it just?’

‘You don’t know my mum. She does that to hint to people. She thinks it’s work when it actually just creeps them out.’

‘So what…? Now you’re saying she wants me to have a kid?’ I was listening as hard as I could to their convocation.

‘Well, it seems that way yes.’

‘No Tom, I’m not telling her. Tell her at Christmas when I’ve at least got a bump. Please? Because it may just change her opinion of me. Please? Can we not tell her.’

‘Fine. But you can’t back out of it at Christmas.’

‘I wouldn’t be able to avoid it. I mean I… I really need to be sick right now.’


‘Hold my hair back!’ she bent over and threw up in the street. I did hold her hair back as she held her dress up. She loved that dress…

‘Oh dear, is she alright? Come on we’ll go home. I’ll make something at home.’ Mum rushed over to help.

‘No, really. I’m fine. I’ve got a tooth brush and tooth paste in my bag Tom, could you get them out? No really I’m ok. We can still go out. I just need something to eat. Come on, you don’t need to hold up dinner for me.’

‘No, no we must. We’ll have a nice night at home. We can watch a movie or something like that. I’ll get some wine on the way back and we can have something to drink.’

‘I don’t drink sorry. But, that lemon sorbet would go down a treat.’

‘Alright. I’ll get some, you three go back to the house. I’ll go to the store and pick some up. Bill you have a key?’

‘Yes mum. We’ll see you in a bit.’

We started back to the house. Emily brushing her teeth as we went. She must have been expecting it. When mum was out of ear shot we began to discuss everything.

‘You know, that’s three things that suggest pregnancy. 1. You just puked. 2. You just said you don’t drink. 3. You’re craving lemon sorbet. And mum has a freaky way of guessing when people are pregnant. She told my aunt she was pregnant when she was trying to keep it a secret.’

‘So you’re basically saying, she probably guessed I’m forming a thing inside of me?’

‘And if she has, she’s not one that’s going to keep it quiet. She will say. So if she does just tell her the truth and don’t lie.’

‘I wouldn’t lie!’ she looked at me. Well saying that was a lie. She’s lieing about not remember her attempted suicide. She lied to me when I asked if there was anything going on between her and Tom when we were together. ‘Ok, so I wouldn’t to your mum.’
♠ ♠ ♠
this really long chapter is dedicated to Jessica [SummerTears] and Merenda [XBurningxFlamesX] for being so supportive of it!
hope you guess liked it!

and i bow down to the lemon sorbet, i love lemon sorbet!
have a lovely day ladies and gentlemen!