Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Sparks Can Guess

Emily’s POV

I can’t believe I puked. I’m completely embarrassed by that. But thank God I finally get this sorbet! And I’m now in my pajama’s sat in front of a lovely cosy fire on a soft comfortable sofa cuddling with my gorgeous boyfriend, also father of my unborn baby, talking with his mum and his identical twin with whom I cheated on about my 18th birthday next week and how one of the most famous bands in the entire world is going off tour to go to my house. Oh I do love my normal life… pfft. Yeah right. My life, normal? That’d be the day!

‘You two look so right together. You look happy too. How long have you been an item?’ Simone was asking all these questions about us.

‘Well, ah. About; a month and a half. Or something like that. We don’t really keep track of the date.’

‘Well you must! That’s like not knowing the time…’

‘Oh no. I have to know the time. Seriously. I panic if I haven’t got a clock. Even if it’s wrong I just like looking at it. It’s been an obsession of mine since a very young age. Yup, I am an odd child. It’s ok, you can agree.’ I laughed at myself.

‘No, it’s fine! I also like to know the time. So ah, you’re going to England. I don’t suppose you’ve seen your own parents in a while. My boys have been busy I don’t suppose you’ve had chance to get away.’

‘Well, they certainly kept me busy. I’ve been helping out back stage a bit with the other girls recently. Not much but, enough. And magazines have been wanting interviews with me. So, it’s all new to me and everything.’

‘Well I hear you’re something of an idol back in Britain. Aren’t you scared you’ll got mugged in the street when you get back there?’

‘Well umm no. My parents live in a pretty secluded area. I’m sure we’ll be fine.’ I finished off the last of my sorbet and snuggled into Tom’s chest. He put his arm over my stomach and I just gave a look that said ‘take your arm away from there now’. well, I didn’t want Simone to guess. Not yet at least if she did at all.

‘It’s ok. I know.’ she said lowering her voice which softened a little.

‘Know what?’

‘About the thing.’

‘What thing?’ Tom sat biting his lip. He squeezed my arm, jeez, he needs to learn his own strength! I’m going to have a bruise there tomorrow.

‘The thing. With you and her. And the other one.’

‘What are you on about? Haha, there’s no other one. Haha, no way.’

‘Emily, you were sick, you’re craving lemon sorbet, you aren’t drinking and both Tom and Bill kept looking at your stomach. I’m not a rocket scientist, but it doesn’t take a genius to work it out.’ She bowed her head and looked straight at me. ‘And I’m very happy. We should have a party for it. How far gone…?’

‘About 6 weeks.’

‘Well I can’t wait. I’ll have to come visit you more often!’

‘We have a spare bed on the bus for you know. When it’s born, if you wanna stay on for a couple of weeks.’ Bill offered.

Does she read minds? How did she guess? What will she think of me now…? She might think I’m a slut or, something. I don’t want her to think that! What if she forces me to break up with Tom for it? What if, she blackmails me? Forces me back to England, and to stay there. Tells me I can’t talk to Tom or Bill anymore… I got so lost in my thoughts I hardly noticed them all staring at me. Then suddenly realised that my face was all screwed up in confusion due to what I was thinking.

‘You ok honey? You don’t seem to be with us.’ Tom said looking at me oddly.

‘No, no. I’m fine. Just, thinking.’

‘So, mum; are you going to say anything about it? Are you upset? Are you angry? Are you over the moon? What…?’ Tom turned to look at Simone and rose an eyebrow at her.

‘Well, it’s great. I mean, it’ll be hard work… but you’ll get there. Oh Tom, I’m so happy for you! But, you are going to marry her aren’t you?’

‘M… ma… marr… marry? Marry? Marry…?’ His head spun from her, to me, to Bill then back round again three times before staring at the fire.

Neither of us had thought about that. I know the twins said that their mum had brought them up properly but, I didn’t know they meant that she’d expect us to marry now this has happened. I’m 17. I can’t get married yet. Then again, you could say the same thing about the baby. But woo marry…? We moved away from each other a little bit and shuffled awkwardly.

‘Oh, I’m. I’m sorry. Have I made you uncomfortable?’ even though the light was dim I could see her cheeks turn a deep shade of crimson.

Simone was a lovely woman but, from what I’ve seen in the past two hours. Isn’t too certain on what will make someone feel, well; out of place.

‘You know what, I think I’m just going to head off to bed. Thank you for dinner Simone. It was lovely. I’ll see you tomorrow.’ I stood and hugged Bill good night and received a kiss on the cheek. I looked into his eyes. No, I can’t let there be sparks between us. Look away, look away I said girl! Damn you don’t even listen to your own thoughts…

‘I think I’ll follow you up.’ Tom broke the connection by putting his arm around my waist and walking me upstairs. What was I thinking? Looking at Bill like that, especially in front of Tom and Simone.
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ok i'm going to dedicate this chapter to SummerTears and XBurningxFlamesX as well as the other one...
i just like to make good dedications and i thought the last chapter was a little boring therefore insufficient for such great readers! so, here's this one... i hope this one interests you two!
and all my other readers as well obviously!

Bet you two weren't expecting that huh...?

comments people!