Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Time to Catch Up

Sarah’s POV

I can’t believe it! I was going to get him! I nearly had Bill, but now… he’s gone back to her. This is just great. Unbelievable. But she was still my friend, and I should be concerned about the comments being spread about the lounge.

‘What a slut!’

‘I bet they’ll break up, this is the end of Tokio Hotel. And it’s all that girls fault.’

‘How could idols like that do something like this? There’s going to be so many girls wanting to follow her example. Does she even think, ever?!’

Were among what I heard from convocations around the place. The was a sudden rush over to us all and people asking questions. We couldn’t stay here with all of these people. We had to get out. And out of the crowd our tickets to freedom appeared. David and Terry. They pulled us all through the crowds to the buses. To our surprise we saw a huge monster pull into the car park. No wait, I’m mistaken, it’s Tom’s car.

David ran over to them to get them straight into the bus before the crowds saw them. When we got there they seemed very flustered and confused. ‘What’s going on?’

‘Is this what you had to tell us?’ Kate grabbed Emily’s hand and rose it up to reveal a huge silver and diamond ring.

‘Well, yeah. I’m marrying Bill.’

‘Yeah we know. We just saw the news. It’s all over!’ Karlee said sitting down on a chair.

‘And what’s Simone done Bill? I heard you moaning while Emily was on the phone.’ Kate said.

‘Well you may as well all get comfy, this could take a while.’ Tom started. We all took seats most of us ended up on the floor or on the stairs. Strify, Kiro, Emi and me were all on the sofas. Karlee moved to sit on Strify’s knee while Georg who had joined us along with Luminor took her seat. Gustav and Yu sat on two other free chairs. While Kate, Rhi Shin and Luminor spread themselves up the stairs. Tom, was going to lean against the table, but then remembered it was ‘allergic’ to him and thought otherwise. Instead he rested his ass on the kitchen side while Emily and Bill just stood.

‘Well, lets start from the beginning. When we left, me and Tom were together right. That night when we got there I was being sick and all this y’know. So Simone guessed I was pregnant. Well, I’ve been thinking for a while that I still like Bill. I was trying to shake it off.’ Emily began.

‘Until that same night when neither of us could sleep. Before we’d gone to bed there was a little spark between us. Anyway, I told her the baby might be mine. So then she went all crazy and angry and stormed off upstairs.’

‘But when I got upstairs Tom wasn’t there. Which was probably best because I was wearing one of Bill’s tops. Anyway, so I heard a stone hit my window and it was Bill. But the rest you’ve heard, you’ve seen, you know.’

‘Ok first thing. That was rehearsed wasn’t it?’ Emi stated.

‘Most definitely.’ Came out of Emily’s mouth as though that question was part of their little ‘act.’

‘So, how did they get the video’s? And Bill what is it your mum’s done? And who did you think was your friend?!’ Kate spat. She must have got all this information when she had been on the phone to them.

‘Well the next morning, this morning. We woke up to find Tish, Emily’s “friend” downstairs with our mum.’ Tom input.

‘When we got down there we were in time to see Tish handing over, a very large sum of money to Simone. So they told us what it was for.’

‘Turns out mum is low on money but didn’t want to tell us or ask for any. Even though we have more than enough. So she happened to be awake the night when I proposed to Emily and she decided to record it knowing there would be a phenomenal amount of people offering sky high rates for it. Tish has been following us around the whole time getting pictures. And saw Simone recording so decided to buy the video from her the next morning.’

‘Why was Tish hiding in the first place. Surely if you’re friends she could get them whenever she wanted?’ I asked.

‘Well, she came to me in the hospital and asked if she could have some of me in there. I said yes because she said she was desperate for the money. I didn’t know she was going to stalk us for money. And when she said she was desperate I didn’t know she meant desperate for the magazine.’

‘So after Tish gave Simone the money, then what happened?’

‘Well Tish took off with video. She must have got a flight straight back to England and back to the editors. Now Kerrang! Has gone international because of the videos. And I’ve ruined everything. I’m really sorry guys. It’s all my fault.’ Emily’s bowed her head in shame. No one said anything and no one looked at her. Simply because we all knew she was right, but we didn’t want to say. I look ed out of the window and that’s when I realised, we were moving.

‘Why are we moving? I didn’t know we’d started off again. Great, now we’re all stuck on this bus till we stop. How do we all fit on here?’ I muttered squeazing past everyone to get upstairs where I was joined by Kate, Tom, Georg, Luminor and Shin.
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so, as you guys know i have been thinking about starting another story alongside this one for a while.
well... i have!
it's called Du Bist Alles Was Ich Bin please go take a look?
thank you very much ...
it will be greatly appreciated, and those who still haven't voted on who they think the baby should be hurry! you ain't got long because i've NOW decided to just stop the voting at a random time and no one will know except me... so get the votes in now!

so please check out my new story...?
will love you even more, [if that's possible, you're all such great readers...x)]

comments please...?