Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Likely Annoyances

Gustav’s POV

‘There’s something you lot should know as well.’ I looked around the bus. ‘Georg and Luminor are a couple.’ Everyone’s eyes widened. Rhi’s looked like they were about to pop out of her own head. I had to say something, I couldn’t help it.

‘Watch it Rhi. If you’re not careful your brain might pop out of your eye socket.’

‘Be careful Gustav you’re… head might blow up!’ That was the lousiest come back ever!

‘Yours is more likely to implode there’s that little in there!’

‘Yours is just full of crap and, and more crap!’

‘Oh aren’t you on a role today?’

‘Better than you, you just told everyone your gay best friend is going out with a woman! That’s not very gay is it now…?!’

‘That’s insulting Georg rather than me. Don’t insult my band members while I’m around!’ I felt the back of my neck getting hotter. No one said something about my band mates and got away with it. Even a girl.

‘Oh am I annoying you? Am I breaking through the ice? Touched a nerve? It’s not difficult I have to say. I’ve noticed how easily I annoy you.’

‘You annoy me. Yes, you annoy me. I admit it. But I get on your wick too.’

‘The great Gustav Schafer. Peed off by a girl that’s younger than him.’

‘I will hurt you…’

‘Promises, promises. You couldn’t hurt a fly.’

‘Well I could say the same for you. You said you were planning revenge months ago but have you done anything about it? No!’

‘I will. Weaknesses will fall through eventually. I just have to dig deep enough. Annoy you the way I do; until you crack.’ She walked away off up the stairs.

Yes you annoy me. Because I like you, but you hate me…
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it's a short one.
i just had to get Gustav's POV in and the last line of this chapter to... xD


i will be ending this story...

yes, it shall be called 'Dann sind wir endlich frei'

lyrics from 1000 Meere meaning 'then we are finally free'
i won't be ending it just yet...
but the next one will pick up 5 months after i leave them off....

but you can pre-subscribe and read all about it HERE

the simple reason i'm doing this...?
to break it up and to gain readers. and as most of you are authors yourselves i'm sure you will understand fully!
it will still be written exactly the same there will be no difference i'm my writing style or the way i plot stories... everything will be EXACTLY THE SAME just a different title...
i've even kept the backgrounds the same... how about that?

so please... Dann Sind Wir Endlich Frei ???