Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Hormonal Souls

Georg’s POV

I’m with Luminor. I can’t believe it, I’ve a crush on him since, 2nd year in high school! But right now I need to concentrate on my bass rather than him. We need to make this song good, it is for charity after all.

‘Ok, so we have lyrics. Anyone got any ideas for a tune?’ Gustav input quietly from a corner.

‘Well how about (plays tune on guitar), something like that?’ Emi asked.

‘Umm, it’s a little broke up though. We need to make the note roll into each other rather than, well it being broken up.’ It was Emily that spoke up.

‘You always say that when I play something!’

‘That cuz it always broken up… if it wasn’t I wouldn’t say it. Savvy?’ She rose an eyebrow at Emi who just sat back.

‘Aye, aye cap-I-tain.’

‘Oh come on, I’m not trying to be a control freak. I’m not like that!’ there were a few coughs and one or two sniggers. ‘So you think I am? Oh, well… I guess if that’s what you think I’ll just step down and go to bed. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.’ Emily stomped up the stairs and shut the door up there.

‘Hormones must be getting to her. How far gone is she now?’ Tom shook his head very sarcastically.

‘2 months.’

‘And, is that if the thing is yours, or mine?’ He took a sudden turn for the worst. Why was he being so mean? He was cheating on her for ages.

‘I thought we had resolved it was Toms?’ Kate looked around confused as did we all. They settled it in the hospital. It was Tom’s baby, they said it themselves.

‘Well, there was a small; occurrence, in the time we were at mum’s.’ Bill began. ‘Well, there’s a good chance it could be mine. but anyway, we were writing a song…’

‘No, no, no… you don’t get out of it that easily. You didn’t tell us this before. You just said you asked her to marry you. Ok, so now we’re back to square one. Is it Tom’s or Bills?’

‘Well she’s going for an ultrasound next month. So we’ll know then.’

‘What does an ultrasound have to do with this?’ Rhi sat up.

‘Well, they’ll tell us the how far gone she is wont they?’ Bill stated. ‘And when it gets to 12 weeks they’ll be able to tell us the sex of the baby.’

‘You poor soul, I feel sorry for you. She’s drained you of all life, and filled you with baby knowledge. You should get a medal for letting her do that to you my friend.’ Emi patted him on the shoulder before sitting back down with a smoothie and handing a second one to Sarah.

‘It’s not that bad. She’s just excited.’

‘And pregnant.’ Gustav added.

‘And hormonal.’ I slipped in.

‘And currently puking her guts out.’ Tom finally ended while we all went quiet to listen. Why were trying to listen to someone puke? Aren’t we supposed to avoid hearing that?

‘Oh well, she’ll live.’
♠ ♠ ♠
a chapter!
you know what this means guys....


but only for another 4 days....
yup sorry guys... i'm off again....
it feels like i'm never around anymore... but i won't have the laptop this time!
I will write lyrics and songs with my guitarist [Emi] instead! x]]
except we wont have her guitar, or my bass... so i'll just ave to sing... and we'll figure out the rest when we get the guitars... DAMN IT THIS SUCKS!!!

goddamn you emi!! lol
love you really chuck!