Don't out gay yourself.

Don't out gay yourself.

“Mother Fucker, I don’t even care. Nope, I don’t even need to see his stupid face ever again.” Frank takes another step forward and rings his mother’s doorbell.

“Coming,” she sings from somewhere inside the house – no doubt, the kitchen. Frank hears the tell-tale click of the lock being opened and the door knob being turned. “Oh, Frankie, what are you doing here?”

That’s it. After seeing his mother’s familiar face, he couldn’t help but let the tears finally come pouring out. He looks up but he only sees blackness from having his face pressed into Linda’s shoulder.

‘Honey, what’s wrong? Is Gerard okay? Is Sweet Pea okay? Is Mama Okay? Is Peppers okay? Is-“Frank cuts her off before she starts naming every one of his dogs.

“W-we had a-a fight, mom. It-it was pretty b-bad,” he sniffed and sobbed into his mom’s purple shirt that was starting to make his nose itchy.

“With Mama?” she asks and tilted her head back to look at the 25 year old crying into her neck.

“No because dogs can’t say mean shit back when you yell at them.”

“Aw, honey, come inside, momma’s got you,” Linda led her son into the house and sat him down on the lumpy lounge while he still had his face pressed against her warm neck. She smelt like home his childhood and Frank needed her more than ever – not counting when he gets so sick that Gerard freaks out and calls her.

“A-and I can’t even g-go to my best f-friends h-house because it’s h-his fucking brother,” Linda just shushed him and patted his hair the way she did whenever he was feeling sick.

“Sh, honey, what happened?”

“W-we were fooling around on the l-lounge and the remote fell off and b-broke his favourite sunglasses and h-he got mad and moody so I got moody because he was being moody. I-I told him they were j-just s-sunglasses, but then he went to our room and threw down my star wars f-figurine. You know the one that you got me on my 13th birthday? Yeah. I screamed, he yelled, I yelled back, insults were being thrown around, mom. A s-sailor would fucking blush,” he sniffed loudly and continued. “M-more things got thrown and more yelling, but this isn’t even the worst part.”

Linda scooted her but a bit, knowing she had better get combatable for this story. She really did love real-life-drama.

“I-I throw the bed-side drawer to the floor and it had this bag in it, from that jewellery shop you love, right. So I got suspicious and looked in it, thinking maybe this fight could be solved, y-you know what I mean?” They both glanced down to his bare finger and Frank sighed. “It just so happened to be a gold necklace and although you think I might wear my pants too tight, I do not wear gold-chain necklaces. I-it had a love-heart locket on the bottom too, with fucking swirls on it, mom, swirls. It looked like it would have cost a few h-hundred dollars.”

“Y-you mean he was buying a necklace obviously for a girl, right? Who did he say it was for?” Linda asked curios. Frank just shook his head and dug his head into his mother’s warm, welcoming shoulder.

“I just got in my car and drove over here. I needed you m-mom.”

Linda pulled her son in even closer and shushed his weeping sobs. The phone rang, startling them both.

She got up and patted Frank’s shoulder before heading to the kitchen to answer the phone.


“Hi, Linda, it’s uh- it’s Gerard.”

“Mm, and may I ask what you want, Gerard?”

“Can I uh- can I talk to Frank, p-please?”

Linda looked into the lounge room at her son now lying down, shoulders shaking from crying. She sighed. Gerard sounded pretty hurt too, though.

“First explain to me about what Frank found, and please for the love of god, you better be apologizing and not breaking up.”

“Oh n-no, defiantly not breaking up, Ma’am, I love him. And the necklace is for Mikey and Alica, well, not for Mikey but for Alica because I got Mikey something else already and he wouldn’t be too happy having to share the necklace. Not that Mikey wears a necklace that was one time when he was 3 and we went into mom and dad’s room and I dressed him up. We have photos of that, it was really fun and then we –“

Linda cut Gerard off, knowing all too well that once he started talking about something – well let’s just say – it was hard to get him to stop. Better cut it off early.

“Why were you giving her a gold necklace with a love-heart locket?”

“Uh- um, because uh- um, I – she,” Linda heard Mikey in the background calling out “Just tell her Gerard, its fine.”

“Tell me what?” she demanded.

By now, Frank had realised that his mother had been in the kitchen for a while now. He got up and saw her standing with her hands on her hip. Linda turned around and mouthed ‘Gerard’ to him. Frank just nodded and went back to the lounge.

“It’s a congratulation gift because she’s – uh, she’s um,” there was a rustle and then some bickering going on because a monotone voice spoke through the phone. Linda recognised it as Mikey’s.

“Hello? Linda, its Mikey, Gerard’s brother. Gerard bought Alica a necklace to congratulate her for being pregnant with his niece-slash-nephew. I told him not to tell anyone, not even Frank because we wanted to surprise everyone at the same time.”

“Oh, congratulation – I’m happy for you and Alice, Mikey.” She held the phone to her chest to call out “Frank, get your ass in here. Ask questions next time you decide to be more emotional than me.”
Frank shuffled into the kitchen with confusion written all over his face. She handed him the phone and crossed her arms annoyed with both Frank for not asking and Gerard and Frank for fighting in the first place.

“Hello?” Frank asked.

“Hey, Frank, It’s Mikey, do you want Gerard?”

“Um-“he cleared his throat a bit, trying to hide the fact that he had been crying to his mom for half an hour. “I don’t know.”

“Yes you do. Gee- Alica, where’s Gee?” Frank heard her voice as a mumble in the background. “Uh – he’s actually going over to you right now. By the way the necklace was for Alica because I’m going to be a dad and you are an idiot.”

“You’re going to be a what? Oh my god, I’m an uncle.”

“Well not really, not technically anyway, I think you’ve got to be like related or married to my brother.”

“Shut-up MikeyWay, I will be,” Frank looked over at his mom, completely forgetting the fight and thinking of what he is going to do when Gerard gets here instead.

There was a sound of the doorbell ringing and Frank didn’t care about saying goodbye, he just hand up on Mikey and raced to the door, Linda hot on his heels, not wanting to miss any more of this gay-boy-domestic-real-life drama that was happening right in front of her.

“Gerard,” Frank swung open the door and launched himself onto Gerard, mouth first, followed quickly by his arms and legs going around the taller male. Linda awed and looked for her camera so she could quickly snap a photo.

“Frankie,” Gerard breathed against his mouth. “I’m so fucking sorry for breaking your things and yelling and not telling you about Alica, but Mikey said to not tell anyone. I love you, Frank Anthony Iero and I’m a fucking asshole.”

“I love you too Gerard Arthur Way and I want to marry you and your asshole ways and I’m going to stop before I get too sappy and gay.”

“M-marry, me?” Gerard asked.

“I just said that, you can’t steal my thunder,” he replied and kissed Gerard’s nose. Gerard nodded viscously and kissed Frank on the lips, straight away pushing his tongue into the younger man’s mouth.

Frank moaned and opened his mouth more, pushing his tongue against Gerard’s fighting for dominance which Gerard ended up winning. Gerard’s hands trailed down Frank’s back and slid up his back under his shirt before moving them down and cupping his ass and pulling them as far apart as he can with his jeans still on.

Frank moaned again and started to rub his hard-on against Gerard’s stomach, needing the friction there right the fuck now.

Linda coughed when Gerard’s hands started to wonder into Frank’s pants to touch his bare ass. The two boys jumped away from each other, blushing in embarrassment, having completely forgotten that Linda was standing there.

“As much as I love you both and that I’m happy for you, there are some things a mother never needs to see,” she said with raise eyebrows cocking her head to Frank’s crotch. “And for that display, you can come and help me finish dinner and not go upstairs until every last drop is eaten from that bowl.”
Frank groaned and Gerard just nodded, willing to do anything to not make Linda see him as a man who sexually touched her son not just a few moments ago.

Linda smiled at her son and her son-in-law-too-be and walked into the kitchen. “Oh and when you boys get married, I expect grandchildren. Preferably ones with good immune systems that I can spoil rotten and Gerard, you will make sure they get enough protein from meat or I’ll have to feed them and you don’t want an obese child, okay?”

“Yes, Mrs Iero” Gerard replied, slightly scared of the thought of owning more ‘precious bunny-wunnies’ as Frank called them. Not that the child would be a dog, but Frank would probably be even more likely to coo every second at his child then his fury-children.

“And not a dog, Frank, I want a human grandchild,” Linda called as if reading Gerard’s mind.

“Mom, we just got engaged, no child talk, please? We need to go buy rings too,” Frank added, turning to Gerard and holding his hand.

“I would give you mine, but it’s a bit girly and might not fit Gerard’s finger,” Linda said. “But, either I or Donna is coming with you because you are both hopeless. Or Alica or Christa, or any other girls you know.”

Gerard blushed. “It might fit my finger, mom,” Frank said.

“But it would look better on Gerard’s, honey.”

He blushed again and smiled at the thought of marrying Frank. “Uh- whose name is going to change?”

“Frank Anthony Way. Gerard Arthur Iero. I like them both,” Frank said, rolling the names on his tongue.

“Iero, we shall be Iero. Because mom already is going to have grandchildren with Way as their last name and Linda only have you so she can have more Iero’s. And I have been writing your last name as mine in the comic book that I’m creating now anyway.”

Frank smiled at his husband-too-be and kissed his cheek.

“Uh-uh, I want the kitchen to be kept G-rated. Frank, go stir that pot for me. Gerard, honey, could you please get the salt and chilli powder out of the pantry?”

With that, the Iero’s and the Iero-too-be, all cooked the nicest fucking celebrating soup known to mankind.