Death's Kat

How was your Day?

“Are you sure you don’t need a ride Kat?” Alex asks for the hundredth time as we walk to his beat up truck. Tina had already disappeared saying something about babysitting. But now I was left with a worried Alex.

“Yea, besides you know that I love walking.” I say while giving him a reassuring smile.

“Kat I hate to say this but remember the last time you went for a walk?” Alex raises an eyebrow knowing that he has won.

“Fine you can give me a ride home,” I say as I hope in. I laugh as my friend does a little dance outside the truck before climbing in. “Was the dance worth it?”

“Yes, a dance to victory,” a cheerful smile forms on his lips. “Besides it’s been a while since I drove you anywhere.”

“Yea, Mr. Show off. So what you can drive and I can’t big deal.”

“Okay then smartass; tell me who would drive you around then? I doubt your brother would,” Alex starts the truck heading out toward the apartments. As he pulls out of the parking lot we pass Colin heading to a newer pick-up truck. Colin’s truck puts Alex’s to shame rust wise but not on miles. He waves at us as we pass.

“Alex, what do you think of Colin?”

“I really don’t know yet. I mean he seems like a nice guy and all but there is something about him that I can’t put my finger on it. I feel like he is hiding something, what about you?” Alex stares at me from the corner of his eye.

“I could not tell ya. Like you said he seems nice but I guess we have to wait and see.” Turning to stare out the window I can’t help but think Alex’s is right about Colin. Something is off about that guy and I will figure it out.

The rest of the drive is silent as Alex pulls into the apartment parking lot. Father’s police car is gone, still at work. Putting the truck in park Alex shuts it off before turning to me.

“So why’s your dad living here?”

“I guess he could not stand my mother anymore. At least it’s a place to stay until I graduated next year.”

“Yea, you have a point there. I can’t wait to leave my house, to get away from my parents. All they do now is fight over every little stupid thing; it can drive someone up the wall.” He gives a short laugh.

“Thanks for the ride see ya tomorrow,” I say as I hope out of the truck. I wave good-bye watching him leave the parking lot. As the truck disappears around the corner I let out a sigh. Taking the stairs two at a time I race into the apartment, but had to fight the door to get the key back. Once locked in the space a cold shiver creeps down my spine.

“How was my little Kitty’s day at school?” His husky voice shakes the room. My head snaps up looking around just in time to see his body appear on the couch.

“What do you want?” I scowl.

“Be nice or I will change my mind about letting you go to school. I just wanted to know how it went today.” A sly smile slips on to his lips.

“Well I think that you should know, since I saw you there.” I throw my bag down as I sit down across from him. “Don’t lie to me, I know you were there.”

“I won’t lie to you little cat. I was there but only that one time.” Standing up he begins pacing the room. “I had a free minute and wanted to check in on you to see how the day was going.”

“Well since you want to know. It was horrible. Everyone acted as if they had seen a ghost all day,” I could hear the hurt and anger in my voice. “It sucked beyond belief but I did become friends with the new kid.”

“I did tell you that this was going to be hard.” He sighs.

“I know but I wanted to believe differently,” I gasp as the wall breaks letting the pain show. “I just wanted everything to go back to the way it was before all this happened.” The waterworks is pressed into play.

“My Kitty,” Death whispers as he warps his arms around me. “You know that nothing can go back to the ways before all this. You are what you are now.” His words do little on my emotions.

“Why can’t they change back?” I sob into his shirt.

“Once the change has taken place there is no turning back. I know this is hard for you back you need to learn to like it; yes I know that is asking a lot. Things will get better in time I promise you that Kat.” A large hand rubs up and down my back sending a shiver of warmth up my spine. “Would it help if you knew someone that you could get close to at school?” Pulling back he stares down at me with those icy blue eyes.

“What are you saying?” I wipe a cheek off.

“Would you like it if I sent Jett to school with you?” A smile playful smile appears on his face.

“I don’t know,” I bite my lip at the thought of having Jett at school. Would he slip up and tell everyone what we are? Could we act like we just meet or just talk right away like best friends? So many thought swim through my mind that I don’t even notice Death has sat back down on the couch. He had pulled me along with him so that I am sitting on his lap my legs saddling his. “Don’t you need him during the day or something?”

“Sometimes yes and sometimes no. I’ll give you a few days to think about it.” His hands move slowly from his sides until they rest on my hips holding me in place. “Now do you remember the agreement on which you are here?”

Yes I remember very well. I promised to marry him. I nod my head very slowly feeling my heart flutter in my chest.

“I have everything plan out that this weekend you shall become my wife.” Death leans forward and nuzzles his face into my neck. His face is smooth not a single hair is felt as he rubs his cheek against my skin. “You smell good little cat.” I shiver at the feeling of his breath on my skin.

“Death, why do you want to marry me?” The question hangs in the air like a dead weight.

“Because I have been along for too long and would like to share my time with someone other than Jett. Don’t get me wrong he is a great guy to be around but I need a woman’s touch more then I need his.” He sighs. “I have been alone for a very long time Kat and I need someone to fill in the void in my soul. So when I saw that it was your time to die a thought hit me, why not take you.”
Arms warp around my waist pulling us closer together so that he head rests on my shoulder. Alone. He has been alone for so long that he needs someone. But why did that someone have to be me? I know the feeling that he has being alone isn’t the greatest thing in the world. I’ve been alone most of my life because of the way my parents treat me. A void in his soul he had said.

“Death how old are you?”

“I don’t think you want to know that answer,” he gives a small chuckle. “Besides do I look old to you?” No, he looks like a twenty something year old super model.

“Old fart,” I say as I warp my arms around his neck. In a way he is just like me looking for someone to chase away that feeling of loneness. His shoulders shake as he laughs at my remark.

“I may be old but I am wiser than you.” Okay he has a point there. “I have to leave now Kat; your father is walking up the stairs as I speak. If you wish I will come back later tonight to explain what your job will be.”

“Alright, see you later,” I say. Without thinking about my action I kiss him on the cheek before heading to the door. Turning around before I grab the doorknob, only to find him gone. Sighing I pull open the door to find father digging out his keys.

“Hey, I was just looking for my keys.”

“Hey Dad, how was work?”

“Well it started out good then things got weird.” He says as he walks past me into the apartment. “A new family moved in right next door to our house.”

“Why is that weird?” I take lunch bag from him as well as a bag of clothes.

“Well it’s weird because the front picture window has a huge cross in it. I stopped to welcome them to town and I was invited inside.” Dad walks by shaking his head. “Their whole house that I could see from the hallway is full of crosses and anything to do with church.”

“So they believe in God that’s all,” I sigh taking the lunch bag into the kitchen. “What’s wrong with that?”

He slowly follows me rubbing the back of his neck before answering. “I told them my name and welcomed them to town but this is where it gets weird. I want to meet you so that they can pray for your soul. You mother was over there before I was and told them what happened to you and now they think that is the best thing for you.”

“Pray for my soul why?” I lump forms in my throat.

“I asked the same question and I got a fucked up answer.” I always know dad is stressed out when he swears. “They said because Death has placed a claim on your soul and won’t let you go.”