Death's Kat


Death stands on the broken bridge staring down at the wreck. The truck had landed with the nose down in the water pinning the young girl down under the water. Small bubbles had stopped coming to the surface. She’s dead. The water has finally forced all the air out of her lungs, slow painful death. The tail end of the truck leans against the bridge making the wood moan.

“Jett,” Death shouts.

“Yes Milord?” The boy appears bowing to the Lord.

“Help me get her out,” he runs a hand through his hair before jumping down from the bridge to land on the water. The clear water ripples around his feet as he walks to the front of the truck. The driver lies with his head on the wheel with blood dripping from the cut on his forehead. Death knows that the man is still alive because it’s not his time to leave earth. Splashing of water warns Death that Jett is in the water trying to move the truck just enough to free the girl.

“Milord here,” the boy’s voice awakes him from thought. Floating free from the truck, the girl’s lifeless body moves with the water. Beautiful even as she died. Raven colored hair floats all around her face giving the effect of a halo. Red lips stand out against the pale flawless skin of her heart shaped face. Once what were bright green eyes are now nothing but dull beginning to glaze over.

“So beautiful,” slowly lifting the body from the water to cradle it to his chest in a loving way. The chill of the water reaches his skin through his clothes from her. Groaning from the truck snaps Death from his thoughts as the truck begins to fall over. Landing in the water with the cab filling up quickly, he nods his head toward the driver. Jett quickly smashes the windshield pulling the unconscious man from the cab and throwing him on the creek bank. A dark figure quickly forms in the place where she was making it look like she is still pinned under the truck. “Come Jett we must leave.” Right as the words leave his mouth a siren blazes.

“Yes Milord,” the boy offers his arms to carry the girl.

“No I shall carry her,” looking down at the lifeless face. “In a strange way it feels right holding her.”

“As you wish,” he disappears. With one last look at the wreck Death smiles. He has what he came for and that is all that matters. With the snap of a finger the wreck and the earth disappear.

Police pull up to the scene at the bridge. Officers quickly rush into the water pulling the man the rest of the way out, snapping fingers in front of his face trying to get a response. Officer Roland shouts at another to call the paramedics. All the officers stand staring into the water mouths hanging open in shock.

“What are you all doing? Will someone call for the paramedics?” One officer makes the sign of the cross before turning away from the water and running to a car.

“Sir they are on their way right now,” a voice shouts out.

“Good now. Now what is everyone staring at?” Officer Roland stands leaving the driver in the hands of another officer. Stepping toward the water the dark figure comes into view. A girl. Dark hair moves back and forth with the water coving the person’s face. Her arms reach out toward the surface as if reaching for help. “Oh my God. Hurry let’s try to get the truck off of her. There is a chance that she still is alive!”

Splashing through the waist deep water toward the truck, hoping. Six officers push with all their might in hope that the truck falls allowing the girl to be free. Finally the truck gives falling over crashing on the bank. The girl floats free to the surface with her back surfacing first.

“Someone garb her!” Officer Roland shouts.

Two officers grab hold of the body dragging it from the water. Laying out the body the two officers back away quickly both covering their mouths.

“Why aren’t you helping her? Don’t back away,” Roland pushes passed the other men and stops dead in his tracks. There lying on the ground turning a shade of blue is his daughter. Katherine. Her once red lips are turning an ugly blue against the gray skin.

“No,” the sob catches in his throat. Falling to the bank officer Roland crawls to his little girl. “Kitty. No my baby girl.” The shock begins to set in. Pulling the girl’s body into his arms, the sobs come harder. Five officers stand around bowing their heads as the ambulance pulls up. Everything seemed to stop at the sight of the girl.
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Working on this story and the others when I can. Comments are always welcomed :)