Death's Kat


I stare at him in shock. Has he been there the whole time Jett and I were talking? He leans against the arm of the couch with his head resting on a hand. A lop-sided smile pulls at his lips giving some kind of expression. The black button up shirt is undone allowing a full view of the hard plains of his chest, nothing but smooth flawless skin.

“Fine, thank you.” My voice shakes as a talk.

“Did you have a good day with Jett?” A large hand is dragged through his hair.

“I did,” I say.

“Glad to hear it,” he says while getting up. For someone who is Death he sure is handsome. But the funny thing is, I thought Death was supposed dark and scary not some guy one would find on a magazine cover. “Tomorrow you are to start work with us.”

“And what type of work shall I be doing?” Work, what work?

“You shall see,” he walks over to a door before disappearing behind it. “Right now I just want to talk with you, get to know you a little.” He reappears holding a pair of sweats.

“Can I go back home?” The question pops from my mouth before I have the chance to think. The question hangs in the air like a dead weight. The muscles in his jaw tighten.

“I told you before that you cannot go home. You wouldn’t even last a day there again,” the anger is clear in his voice. Wouldn’t last a day? What is he talking about?

“What does that mean?” I yell.

“You aren’t human anymore. You are an animal created by death and used by death. In the living world you would not even live to see the end of the week. Your body needs to be around me to live.” He towers over me with eyes full of anger. It rolls off of his skin in waves allowing me to smell the foul smell. Since I’ve woken up I can smell emotions or anything better, hear better, and I have a better balance than I use to.

“This isn’t fair! I know that my family hates being around me, but I had a future. I wanted to go to college and have a life. I didn’t want to die so young!” the tears are unstoppable as they flood down my face. “I hate it!”

Death turns his back toward me and walks to the bed while removing his shirt. He strips down to just a pair of black boxers, this causes my face to grow warm. Minutes pass and not a word is spoken, the air is heavy. I would die if I went back home? I wonder if there is any way to make some type of deal with him. Would it even work? Maybe just maybe, have to think positive.

“Is there any way to at least visit my family? Maybe even finish school?” The tears have slowed but still fall from my eyes.

He sighs before answering. “Why is it so important to you?”

“I want to finish school no one wants to die while they are still in high school.” True be told I hate school.

“If and I mean if I make some type of deal with you. You have to listen to what I tell you.” My heart skips a beat at his words.

“What type of deal?” I step forward closer to him.

“I will allow you to finish school but on weekends you have to work with me.” He rubs his neck. “Instead let’s make that nights and the whole weekend you have to work with me. So after school you are to come here and work. Once the clock hits five your human from with disappear and the ears and tail will reappear. I will have to have you go back as a new student.”

“Why can’t I just go back as me?” This makes my heart hurt with worry.

“When I took you from the wreck I left what is called a shadow. The shadow took on your form to fool all the people of the town and somehow they have managed to keep it alive. But it is in a coma.” He steps forward until we are a few inches apart. “In return for doing his I want something from you.”

“What do you want?” Please don’t let it be something bad.

“Become my wife,” he says as arms warp around my waist. The arms pull my body against the hard surface of his body. Wife, he wants to marry me?

Would it even be worth it? Married to him until the end of time. Is it even worth it? Taking a deep breath I steady my mind. Please let me be making the right choice.

“So what is your answer?” A hand tilts my head up to look at him.

“I guess so.” The words are a low whisper.

“I promise marrying me is fall better than the other choice I had in mind. Besides we will learn to love each other, maybe.” Lowering his head until our lips are pressed together. At first the kiss is gentle but quickly because rough.

What have I gotten myself into?
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