Death's Kat

School Again

Dad dropped me off in front of school a little passed the first bell, in other words I’m late. Walking through the doors smells fill the air causing me to gag. The air is filled we sweaty male, garbage, perfume, and molding food. Dad had called the school to ask them what I should do my first day back, and they didn’t believe him at first. The principle said that I should just go to class like nothing happened and hope that no one freaks out.

Taking a deep breath I slowly walk into the office asking the lady behind the desk for a late pass which she give without looking away from the computer screen. Should I stop at my locker or just go to class. Would I even need my books for the first day back? Lost in thought I head down the hallway passing classrooms quickly hope no one can see me yet. Maybe Death was right. I shouldn’t of come back.

“Shit I’m so sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going.” I guy bumps into my sending me falling to the floor. “Here let me help you up,” his voice is sweet.

“Thanks,” I gasp the helping hand. Looking up my eyes meet the richest chocolate colored eyes I have ever seen. Mousey brown hair hangs playfully in front of the eyes giving him a baby face. Light tan skin in flawless and acne free, not even a scar.

“Sorry I’m trying to find this room and I keep getting lost.”

“I’m guessing you’re new here?” I rub my hurting butt.

“Yea I’m Colin Tanner.”

“Katherine Night,” I shake his hand he has held out. “What room are you looking for?”

“Let’s see,” he looks down at a piece of paper in his hand. “Room two forty.”

“Follow me that’s where I’m heading.” The short walk is silent but nice not to be alone. Fear fills
me quickly as I stop in front of the door. Can I do this?

“Want me to go in first?” Colin smiles and walks in before I can answer.

“And you are?” Ms. Love calls out.

“Colin Tanner new student,” he says.

“Well just don’t stand there go sit down anywhere. Now as I was saying……….” Ms. Love stops in her tracks as I walk through the door. “He….hello……I……” She stutters.

“Good morning Ms. Love. I’m sorry about being late my dad woke up late.” I say in a light voice.

“Not a problem dear please have a seat.” All the color has drained from her cheeks as she stares at me. The whole room lets out a startled gasp as I appear from the door way. Students start whispering to each other while never taking their eyes off me. “Alright class settle down now.” Ms. Love turns to the students.

“Maybe I should just go,” I turn to leave when a male voice speaks.

“Yeah back to the grave.” The whole room starts breaking down in laughter. “We all heard that you weren’t going to make it.” I know that voice. Nick, from the football team the very one that follows Mark around. Nick stands u as if he is speaking for the whole class. “Maybe you should just go crawl back into your hole and stay there.” A few students chuckle at the comment.

“Well I would but I can’t. They have a little rule down there that’s says no pulse area.” I fire right back at him. “Well if all of you thought I wasn’t going to make it thank you and if you don’t mind I would like to finish school.” Sending an evil look at Nick, I march to my old seat.

“Aright class let’s get back to work.” Ms. Love turns from us back to the white broad.

The day passes by so slow, each class taking forever. Stares, that’s all everyone does as I walk into a room or just sit there. It must be true then, no one thought I was going to live. My best friends Alex and Tina are treating me different too. I watched them talking to each other before sitting down next to me at the table during lunch.

“Alright I can’t take this anymore. If you guys want to leave then leave, I’m not going to force you to sit with me.” I spit out.

“What are you talking about Kat?” Alex tilts his head to the side a little.

“I see how you guys are acting,” I say.

“We’re not acting Kat. It’s just weird to see you that’s all.” Tina gives a small smile.

“Why is it weird? Is it the fact that I’m alive?” They both don’t say anything for a second before Tina speaks up.

“I’m sorry. I should of thought about how you feel through all this shit. I feel really bad about what happened to you. Can you ever forgive me or I should say us?”

“Yea Kat I’m sorry about treating you like that,” Alex reaches over taking my hand in his.

“I guess but don’t do it again.” I say. Now only if the other student could be like my friends.

“Hey got to ask do you have any classes with the new guy? What’s his name again?” Tina grins.

“His name is Colin and I have four with him.” I munch on my sandwich.

“Please tell me you don’t have a crush on him already Tina?” Alex whines.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” she sticks out her tongue.

“Mind if I sit here?” A new male voice breaks up our small silence. Looking up I find Colin standing there holding a tray.

“No, not at all sit,” Alex says as he points to the chair between him and myself.

“Thanks. You guys don’t know how much this means,” Colin flops down into the chair.

“Rough first day I’m guessing?” I pick at my food.

“Yea you could say that.” Colin gives me a small smile. “I should ask you the same thing.” His statement causes both Tina and Alex to gasp loudly. “Did I say something wrong?”

“Dude I’m telling you right now that that topic isn’t brought up here got it?” Alex slams a hand down on the table hard. Just a few minutes ago he was acting like the rest of the students but now he is back to the loving best friend.

“Sorry man chill out,” Colin raises his hands. “Sorry I just wanted to know because of the way people are treating her that’s all.” Rolling my eyes I sigh, so even the new kid noticed. Drowning out the sound of their voices I scan the lunch room wandering if anyone is watching us. A cold sweat breaks out across my skin as I spot Death leaning again the wall as if he was comfortable just like a student. Why is he here? Catching my gaze he gives a lop-sided smile before vanishing.

“Kat are you okay? You’re scaring us,” Tina reaches across the table grabbing her friend’s hand. A cold sweat covers her skin making her chilly to the touch.

Snapping back to the table I give them a quick smile shaking my head a little. “Sorry got lost in thought.”

I can’t even go to school without him watching me? Well now I have to talk to Death about this and soon before I start looking like a crazy person.
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Sorry its been a while