Status: Completed, keep and eye out for the sequel!

The Life of a Pack Mom

Chapter 10

The next morning the pack gathered in the living room, the night before’s events had thrown them all a little. They all sat sipping on cups of coffee, no one willing to break the silence without Brooke or Pamplemousse, who were still up stairs slowly waking.

Shuffles were heard and Brooke came around the corner heading for the kitchen. She didn’t acknowledge the pack at all.

“Brooke?” Lydia called to the girl. Brooke just groaned and waved her hand in response. She came to the coffee pot and stood in front of it.

“Where the hell are the cups and the creamer?” she said evenly, voice sounding dangerous.

“Ah, cupboard to the left for cups and creamers to the right.” Stiles answered. Brooke grunted and reached for the left cupboard, grabbing a simple white cup. She put creamer and sugar into it and stirred in some coffee. Picking it up she took a sip. She inhaled deeply and her whole body seemed to relax.

She walked into the living room and plopped next to Lydia on the couch. She looked up from her cup to see the pack staring at her.

“What? I need my coffee in the morning. Otherwise I can’t function properly.” She took another sip from her cup, smiling.

“Okay, apparently you aren’t the only sour wolf Derek.” Stiles said. Derek growled softly and pressed into Stiles.

“You two stop it, it may be called a loveseat, but none of that right now. We need to talk, since all the adults are here we might as well.” Lydia said, getting to the point.

“Yes, we should talk. Firstly, tell us about Lorelei and her pack. Anything and everything you remember.” Derek said looking at Brooke.

“Well, it consists of five born wolves. Lorelei, Hannah, Joe, Alyssa, and Presley. It shouldn’t have gotten any bigger since we left, Lorelei doesn’t trust anyone and wouldn’t want to bring in another wolf. If they kept with the treaties, they should have connections with other packs in the area. They won’t come with them but keeping an eye on other packs while they are gone might happen, meaning all five would make their way here. We should be okay though, if we stay together.” Brooke looked up at her new alpha and smiled. Lydia reached over and grabbed her hand, squeezing it slightly. From her other side Allison reached over and put an arm around her shoulder.

Derek had a calculating look on his face thinking about this pack coming into his territory. They would have the advantage, that was for sure. Knowing the lay of the land is a great advantage to have. They would have to prepare though, fighting a smaller pack was one thing, but one of the same size was a bit more tricky. Each member would be going one on one and then there was the matter of Pamplemousse and the non-wolf members of the pack, Mora included.

The pack started to speak while Derek was thinking about the situation they were in, he jumped into their conversation.

“You have to watch the show, it is possibly the best show in the world. I mean I know many great shows, but this one is like a religion on it own.” Brooke said. Stiles nodded his head in agreement.

“Yeah, but I mean, two brothers travelling a country fighting monsters and then there’s Angels and Demons and other things. I mean I don’t particularly like real life hunters, no offense to the family Allison, why would I want to watch a show about them?” Jackson shot back. Scott nodding in agreement with him.

“It’s not just the hunting part of it the storyline will build you up and break you down. It’s a life changer Jackson.” Stiles interjected. “Besides, you haven’t even seen it.”

Lydia and Allison had been looking between the two sides of the conversations, heads going back and forth like a ping pong match. They looked back towards the boys, listening for their response. They wouldn’t get one though as the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it!” Pamplemousse said as she raced down the stairs, Mora following closely behind her. Wearing her new Superman shirt, cape included, she answered the door.

“Hello sir! What can I do for you?” She beamed up at whoever was at the door.

“Ah, hello. Is Stiles here?” The pack heard the Sheriff’s voice come from outside.

“Yes, please come in!” Pamplemousse stepped to the side, letting the Sheriff in.

“Pamplemousse, we don’t open the door without an adult.” Brooke said motioning for the young girl to come to her.

“Whoops, can you go back outside for a second?” She asked the Sheriff, he obliged and stepped outside. “Stiles, can I get the door?”

“Yes.” Stiles answered. Pamplemousse swung the door open and motioned Sheriff Stilinski inside. She bounded back into the living room after shutting the door.

The sheriff just stood in the entryway staring into the living room, not exactly sure as to what was going on. He observed the pack, lounging like a true family, Scott and Allison sharing the chair, Lydia and Brooke remaining on the couch, Jackson had taken Allison’s vacated spot, Pamplemousse was now sitting on the floor in front of Brooke and Lydia, leaning on their legs and Stiles and Derek stile semi snuggled on the couch. His eyes darkening at that sight. Mora stood at his feet sniffing all around him, taking in the scents of town. She smelled her master so she deemed this man acceptable and jump up on his front, pawing at him.

“Mora May, get down.” Stiles said as he jumped up and walked forward to his dad, pulling the luskie off of him. “Hi, Dad.”

The Sheriff looked slightly confused. He leaned into his son, speaking into his ear.

“Can I talk to you over here for a minute?”

“Yeah, no problem.” Stiles followed his dad into the drawing room.

"Why are there two people I've never met before and a dog living in the house? You haven't called and its been over a week, you need to stay at our house sometime. It was part of our deal."

"Dad, I can stay tonight. It's no big deal. And that's Brooke, Pamplemousse and the dog is mine, her name is Mora."

"When did you get a dog? Where did you find her?"

"In all truth she found me. It happened about a week ago. And the girls are distant relatives of Derek's, like really distant. Their family passed away and he's all they have." Stiles said knowing the entire pack could hear him. He was making a back story, they all would need to know it.

"Well, as long as their family. You need to come home tonight though. It's been a week already. The dog can come with."

"Alright, alright." It was part of the agreement he had to keep up his end of the deal.

"Can I come too?" Pamplemousse called from the entryway.

"Sure....." The sheriff said confused as to how the child heard him in the other room.

"Yay! Brooke is it okay?” Pamplemousse asked her guardian. Brooke nodded in response, Pamplemousse gave a squeal of delight and ran up the stairs, needing to pack a bag for the night.

“We will be over in a bit, was there anything else you needed Dad?” Stiles asked.

“Yeah, I need to talk to Derek.” The entire pack looked up to their alpha, clearly surprised at the Sheriff wanting to talk to him. Derek stepped forward, motioning to the Sheriff that they could talk outside. Before he went out the door, he turned back to the pack, the look in his eyes telling them not to listen. He looked at Stiles especially long knowing the boy and his habits.

The pack all stood and went towards the kitchen, refiling mugs from the giant coffee machine and grabbing bread for toast or bagels from the fridge. All doing busy work to keep them from listening to the conversation outside.

After a few minutes Derek came back inside, and the Sheriff’s car was heard going down the drive. He grabbed some bread and popped it in the toaster, he looked up to meet the eyes of his pack.

“What. It’s nothing you need to know.” He said simply, he went to the fridge, grabbed the milk and continued about his business.

The pack huffed and continued with theirs. Stiles headed for the stairs intending to pack a small bag for the night. He walked past his room and went to check on Pamplemousse, who was in her and Brooke’s room packing a small bag, humming to herself.

“Ready to go?” he asked the young girl.

“Yes, I just have to get one more thing. She ran over to the bookshelf in the room and grabbed Alphie off of it. “Ready!”

“Good, wanna come help me pack my bag?”

She nodded grabbing her bag, the two connected hands and went into Stiles room.


A few minutes later the two headed down the stairs and towards the front door. Stiles stopped and turned towards the kitchen where the pack was gathered.

“We are leaving now. Make sure that you guys don’t just eat crap for lunch and dinner, Allison I’m counting on you my sous chef.”

“Yes Sir!” Allison called and saluted as the pack filed into the living room. Brooke came up to Pamplemousse and kneeled in front of the girl.

“You behave tonight and be good to the Sheriff and Stiles, okay?”

“Okay! I will.” The girl responded, nuzzling Brooke as she gave her a hug good bye.

Derek walked up to Stiles and gave him a quick kiss. The pack gave catcalls and hooted at the two. Derek and Stiles shot them a look.

“Be careful tonight, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“We will.” Stiles opened the door and Pamplemousse and Mora bounded out the door towards the Jeep.

“Bye.” Stiles called to the pack. A chorus of byes responded. He hopped in the Jeep turned the engine on and they were off for the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys enjoyed more fluffiness to come until the big battle. Let me know what you think of the chapter. Comments are always appreciated.