Status: Completed, keep and eye out for the sequel!

The Life of a Pack Mom

Chapter 15

The pack awoke the next morning and met up in Derek, Stiles and Pamplemousse's room.

"Alright, so what's the plan for today?" Scott asked.

"Well we have a bit of time left here before we should leave, about 4 hours." Derek responded.

"Well, why don't we split up and do our own things in the park. Then we can meet back here at one and then leave." Stiles suggested.

"Sounds good to me. That way we all can do what we want." Brooke concurred.

The pack split up into groups and agreed to meet in front of the hotel. Lydia, Brooke and Jackson went one way and Allison and Scott in another. Leaving Stiles, Derek and Pamplemousse for a group. Stiles knelt down the girl.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked the young wolf.

"Can we go on the water ride in California Adventure? That one was so much fun!" She asked eyes sparkling.

"Sure come on." Stiles held his hand out to her. She grabbed it and walked in the direction of the ride. She took up Derek's hand in her other and started to swing her arms back and forth.

Eventually they reached the ride and got on. Pamplemousse was screaming with joy and laughing the entire time.

"Can we do it again?" She asked.

"Sure." Derek answered. Pamplemousse smiled even more brightly. She gave a small squeal of delight and ran to get back in line.

"Pamplemousse stay close!" Stiles called to the young girl. He watched her weave through the crowd leaving the ride. Derek reached over and took his hand and stroked Stiles' the back with his thumb.

"She'll be okay." He said, smiling at the younger male. Pulling him along towards the entrance again. They milled through the crowd and made it to the back of the line.

"Pamplemousse?" Stiles called for the young girl.

He received no answer. A few heads turned towards him. But not the one he was looking for. Derek started to look around too. He sniffed the air hoping to catch the girl's scent, but there were too many others floating on the wind.

"Pamplemousse?!" Stiles called a little more frantically. He broke out of the line and started walking around hoping to find the small child. After he circled the ride once, he met up with Derek.

"Derek, where did she go?! Can you smell her?" Stiles asked frantic.

"No, there are too many scents here. I get a quick whiff and then it's gone." He said calmly.

"We need to find her. Brooke is going to kill me. Where would she have gone?!" He asked panic rising in his voice.

"Stiles, calm down she is a smart girl. Let's go look for an information desk somewhere and see if they have a lost and found for kids somewhere."

"Okay." Stiles answered simply, still slightly panicked.


Finding the desk was no easy feat. Once they got there the man behind it pointed them in the direction of the lost and found for kids. Stiles hurried the entire way over there and refused to slow down.

Upon reaching the building, the two men entered. They walked up to the small gate that was used to pen the children inside. Stiles scanned the, what seemed to be, empty room. Until he looked to a small table in the corner and saw a small brunette sitting at it.

"Pamplemousse!" He called. The girl's head shot up and her face broke out into a huge smile. Stiles opened the gate and went up to the girl kneeling and giving her a hug.

"You scared me half to death, young lady." He said relief soaking his words.

"I know, I'm sorry." She said into his shoulder. "I turned around and you weren't there and after searching I couldn't find you so I went up to a security guy and he brought me here."

Having walked up behind them Derek kneeled down to the two. Pamplemousse broke away from Stiles and gave him a hug too.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken off like that."

"It's okay." He answered simply, wrapping an arm around the young girl.

"'Scuse me." The three turned to see an older lady of color standing at the gate. "Are these your parents?" She asked, directing the question to Pamplemousse.

"Yes, Ms. Adelaide." Pamplemousse answered.

"Alright then, could one of you come over here and fill out this form. Then the child can go with you."

"Sure." Stiles answered as he got up. He walked towards Ms. Adelaide and followed her into the small office.

As he filled out the release form Ms. Adelaide talked to him, mostly about Pamplemousse and how polite she was.

"That girl has got a good head on her shoulders. You and your partner look young but I can tell you raised that girl right."

Stiles heart skipped a beat at hearing someone call him and Derek partners.

"Truthfully she didn't come into our lives until a few weeks ago."

"Well you wouldn't be able to tell just from talking to her. She told me all about her Mom, Stiles, and Papa, Derek. She said you two were perfect for eachother. She said her sister of sorts is happy to and she hopes they never have to leave. Not to mention her new Pop liked sports and movies that she liked. That girl is happy, you can see it in her eyes." Stiles looked out into the play area to see Pamplemousse had gotten Derek to partake in a game with dolls.

"That's good to know. I only want her happy."


Stiles finished filling out the form and after Pamplemousse said her proper goodbye to Ms. Adelaide they continued out into the park.

"What time is it?" Stiles asked.

"Eleven forty-six." Derek answered.
"Well we have about an hour. What would you like to do Pamplemousse?"

"Can we just go find a restaurant and eat?" She asked. "I'm hungry and everything smells really good."

"Sure." Both men answered at the same time.


After they had eaten it was fifteen minutes to one. So Stiles, Derek and Pamplemousse headed towards the hotel.

Brooke, Jackson and Lydia were already waiting.

"Hey!" Brooke called. "How did your day go?" She asked kneeling down to eye level with small brunette.

"I made a new friend today!"

"Was this an animal friend or a person friend?" Brooke asked.

"A person friend, her name is Ms. Adelaide. She helped me get back to Mo-Stiles and Derek when I got lost." Brooke arched an eyebrow and looked up at the two men in question. They just shrugged and tried to look innocent.

"Did you have fun though?" She asked.

"Yep. A lot of it!" The girl said beaming. Scott and Allison rounded the corner of the hotel.

"Ready to go?" Allison asked as she and Scott came up to the Pack.

A chorus of yeses, yeahs and yups answered and everyone headed towards the cars and back to Beacon Hills.
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Enjoy the rest of your day or night!