Status: Completed, keep and eye out for the sequel!

The Life of a Pack Mom

Chapter 2

Stiles was in the kitchen putting away boxes while Derek was training Scott, Jackson, and Lydia and Allison was setting up her room on the second floor.

Stiles was enjoying these few moments by himself after the hectic moving day. The weeks prior hadn't been easy either. He enjoyed the time to himself after Scott and Jackson, unsurprisingly, had a tussle over the last slice of pizza.

Derek split them up and sent them to run the Hale property until they cooled off. Leaving Stiles and Allison with the clean up after Derek told Lydia they would wait in the meadow for the teens.

Stiles told Allison just to leave the boxes and he would take care of them later. He would just let them sit in the living room with bits of melted cheese dried on the box until after he got the kitchen situated.

He was putting the dishes away when he heard a noise coming from the living room.

"Allison? Hey, are you done? Come in here and give me a hand will you?"

No response.

"Allison? Derek? Scott? Lydia? Jackson? Anyone?"

No response was given again. Rustles were heard, and sniffing.

'Shit.' he thought as he reached for the nearest weapon, a spatula. Cautiously he edged toward the living room. More rustles were heard. Poised to strike Stiles ran into the room and jumped on the couch.

He heard more rustling and turned towards the noise. All he saw was a big bushy, curly, tail sticking up behind the loveseat. He stepped onto the coffee table and made his way to the smaller couch. Peeking over the loveseat he observed a big fluffy dog with its head in the pizza box.

"Hey!" he called. Big mistake. The dog pulled its head out of the box and jumped over the back of the loveseat, knocking Stiles over as he released a yelp of surprise.

As he opened his eyes expecting the worse he was greeted with big brown eyes and a soft face looking very much like a Husky but at the same time a Labrador. The dog sniffed at his face and then started to vigorously lick his it.

Stiles couldn't help it he started to giggle at the feel of the wet tongue on his face. He patted at the sides of the animal on top of him.

"Hey, enough already. Get off." He attempted to push the dog off as he continued to giggle. The animal started pawing at the boy's chest enjoying the game they were starting.

Stiles just laughed harder getting into the game as he pushed the animal off and repositioned himself to the couch so he didn't have a hard table under him. The dog jumped up on the couched and continued the game.

A growl was heard from the doorway. The dog yelped as it jumped back from Stiles and hid behind the couch. Stiles looked up to see a partially wolfed out Derek standing in the doorway to the house. Lydia came in after him out of breath.

"Are you okay?" She asked breathlessly. "We heard your yelp and sensed your fear."

"I'm fine. Stop it," he added the command directing it at Derek. "Your scaring her. Stop being a sour wolf. Come here baby.". He called to the dog and she came bounding around the corner of the couch and started to rub against his leg.

Derek growled again, but his wolf side subsided. His face returned to normal. The dog just pressed more into Stiles as Derek sat in the chair and stared at it. The dog met Derek's gaze held it. They sat like that for a while as Stiles and Lydia watched from the sidelines. Stiles watched as Derek seemed to puff up. The dog at his legs finally relented and breaking the staring contest by looking down. Derek smirked, leaning back into the chair.

"What was that?" Stiles knew something had just happened he wasn't sure as to what though.

"Dominance thing." Lydia answered his question. She knelt down to the dog. "Welcome to the pack pup!"

"You mean I get to keep her? I always wanted a dog!"

"She's not leaving. She's made that clear." As if to punctuate Derek's point the dog sat firmly next to Stiles and leaned into his leg. Stiles reached down and ruffled the dog's ears.

"Well, what do we call you. You're sweet but sassy, black, pretty. Hmm, you're kinda like a blackberry." Stiles thought aloud, hoping the others would be able to help him think of something.

"How about Mora? That's Spanish for blackberry." Lydia suggested.

"Mora, that's perfect! Come here Mora!" He called to the dog who had wandered over to the doorway. Perking up at Stiles voice she barked happily and bounded to her new found master and nibbled his hand with affection.

Derek growled again. Mora looked up at the male with determination in her eyes and continued to nibble on Stiles. Lydia snorted.

"She really got attached fast, didn't she? Give him a little competition, okay girl?" The dog just wagged her tail in response, and what seemed to be a smile appeared on her jowls.


Stiles was laying in bed later on in the evening reading a book before turning in for the night.

Mora was laying in the corner of the bed closest to the window as Stiles bed was against the wall farthest from the door.

Stiles heard the floor shift and looked up to see Derek standing in his door. Mora's tail thudded against the simple blue down blanket.

"Eventful first day, huh?"

"Yeah, no kidding. I'm just glad it's over and tomorrow we can get back to the chaos we call normal." Stiles sighed and leaned back into his pillows closing his eyes as he did. He was enjoying this, this new family. It was a challenge but one he could definitely handle.

He felt the corner of his bed sink and opened his eyes to Derek who leaned across the bottom of the bed towards Mora, who plopped her head back down after observing the man cross the room and sit.

"You did great today. The house is getting homier by the minute. You make a great Pack Mom."

A comfortable silence filled the room as Stiles smiled to himself and looked down at his hands. The bed shifted again and Derek was closer.

"I'm glad you're here. I hope you know that." Derek started to lean closer and closer. Stiles heart started to race, his mind going blank. He went still and his eyes closed.

Instead of what he was expecting Stiles received a lick to the face. Confused he opened his eyes to, now, all too familiar brown eyes surrounded by black and gray fur.

Derek had his face buried in Mora's side, eyes coming up to meet Stiles'.

"Um, I....I'm just, ah, going to go to bed now. Yeah, see you in the morning." Derek mumbled as he retreated out of the room.

Finally able to breath again Stiles flopped back into the pillows. Mora seeing the opportunity, snuggled up to Stiles placing her head in the crook of his arm and chest.

"Was there a moment there or am I crazy?" he mumbled, "You really know when to interrupt you know that?"

Mora just looked up at him with big brown eyes and wagged her tail against his leg.

"Brat." She wagged her tail again and reached up to lick his face. Stiles exhaled loudly and held the roughly eighty pound dog against his side. He slowly drifted of to sleep, images of Derek's face looming closer greeting him.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here is Chapter two. Please read and review. They are always appreciated. I am part way through Chapter 3 and hope to have that up in the next few days permitting school doesn't get in the way. Although I have a Family funeral to go to so we shall see.