Status: Completed, keep and eye out for the sequel!

The Life of a Pack Mom

Chapter 20

“No!” Derek heard Stiles scream as the younger boy ran forward. Derek felt the anger rise as he watched Stiles run desperately forward trying to make it to the youngest member of his pack. But also the absolute dread and worry coming from Stiles.

His entire pack was hurting, he could feel it. His family was hurting and he didn’t like it not one bit. He growled lowly and started to shift, his eyes glowing fiercely, the rest of the pack followed suit as Lorelei and her pack jumped off the railing and took off towards them.

“Ignore the humans, we call deal with them after.” Lorelei growled coming closer, she and her pack shifting.

Everyone headed towards their chosen opponent, Jackson headed straight for Alyssa, eyes wild and rearing for a fight, he was caught off guard as the athletic girl avoided his first strike and caught him in the gut. He doubled over, the wind knocked out of him, as the lengthy blonde chuckled at his pain.

Scott and Joe collided mid air and tumbled about before crashing to the ground. Scott got the upper hand and pinned Joe beneath him.

“Why would you follow someone like her?” He asked, always asking questions at the wrong time. Joe just barked a laugh and struggled.

“She’s my alpha, what choice do I have?”

Lydia and Hannah were squaring off, circling each other, scanning the other’s technique. Neither wanting to make the first move, both wanting the upper hand. Hannah, becoming a bit more bold, started to fake in and out, trying to catch Lydia in a moment of haste. Their dance continued though as Lydia wouldn’t fall for such petty tricks.

Brooke wasted no time in going after Presley, running right in swinging with her claws and baring her fangs. The mohawked boy avoiding her wild swings, speaking in a low register to her, attempting to get her to listen.

“Brooke, listen to me. I haven’t gone back on what I said before. I still want what we planned.” He said backing away from the feral woman.

“That’s a fucking lie! You stood back while Lorelei killed Ezze, and now Pamplemousse! You’re probably on cloud nine! I bet you’re nothing but Lorelei’s little fucking lapdog.” She spat back still going after the young man.

“No! I would nev-”

“Stop spewing bullshit and fight! I don’t care what you have to say!” She yelled as she sprang forward catching Presley and knocking him to the ground.

“You can stop this you know. I will let you live if you leave now and don’t come back. That is if we get Pamplemousse out of here alive, cause if that girl dies you will have my wrath to deal with.” Derek growled as he approached Lorelei.

She sniggered, her harsh features adding a grim visual to the mocking sound. “I’m here to make that little bitch suffer. And if it means killing all of you, I will. First she stole my sister and then my chance to prove myself. I will never let this end.”

“Then I have no other choice, it’s you or me.” He said crouching down, preparing to strike.

“It looks that way.” She replied following suit.

With a guttural roar, Lorelei sprang at the other alpha with the force to easily knock down a tree. Derek braced himself and grabbed her as her body collided with his, bringing her to the ground with him. They tousled for dominance in flashes of claws and fangs. Derek felt his skin being ripped by Lorelei, and he felt his own claws dig into her flesh.

The entirety of both packs were locked in battle, neither side really having the upper hand and all of them covered with healing wounds, except for Brooke, Presley didn’t seem to want to harm her, still speaking to her as she continued to injure him.

Suddenly all the wolves froze as a sound so filled with pain ripped through the air. They all stopped and turned to the source. They saw Stiles with a limp Pamplemousse clutched to his chest, rocking back and forth.

Having no sympathy Lorelei took the moment of distraction and caught Derek across his face. He hissed in pain as blood spilled out of the gashes, they slowly started to heal and Derek turned to face his foe.

“This is enough, my mate should never have to feel this.” Derek roared. Lorelei’s eyes flashed with fear at the mention of mates, but quickly hardened again as Derek started to move towards her.

The rest of the wolves started to fight again as they saw their alphas continue. All of them except Brooke and Presley, they were huddled on the ground Presley rubbing Brooke’s back. Who was now sobbing, pain filing her every being as she saw Stiles cradling the limp body of the girl she saw as her little sister.

“Brooke please listen to me,” Presley started. “I never wanted any of this. It’s gone too far, first Ezze, the only one in my family I considered decent, and now Pamplemousse. I need you to help me. I want to carry out the plan and settle it all. Please help me.

Brooke looked up into Presley’s face seeing nothing but begging and hopefulness. She had trusted him before and it didn’t turn out so well, Ezze had died.

“You better be right, because after all of this, if you screw me over again I will kill you.” She growled.

Things unfolded quickly as the fight progressed. Hannah and Lydia were deadlocked neither having the upperhand, Jackson was pinned by Alyssa who was trying to sink her fangs into his neck. Scott and Joe were tossing each other across the room multiple times, and Brooke and Presley were now standing side by side, talking and planning.

The fiercest battle by far was the two alphas, and Lorelei was on the losing side, while Derek and his sense to protect had the upper hand. Lorelei was running out of steam, but kept fighting attempting to save herself. Her constant attacks at the start had taken their toll making her moves sluggish and dodging Derek had become harder and harder.

Derek took a lunge towards Lorelei who barely missed it, using his forward motion she propelled him forward and he flew into the wall. Before could get up again she ran over and had him by the neck.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re protecting your ‘family’, I will always win.” She growled closing her grip on Derek’s throat.

Suddenly she fell as Brooke came up behind her and smacked her upside the head with a shovel. All eyes turned to the noise and everyone went still.

“You don’t always win, you bitch.” She said as she climbed on to Lorelei and pinned her down. Recovering quickly Derek grabbed her legs. “You won’t ever threaten my family again.”

Brooke nodded to Presley who came up up to Lorelei, placing his hands on either side of her neck, he dug his claws into the flesh and pulled. The sound of sinew tearing, bones popping and Lorelei’s screams were heard as her head split from her body.

Joe, Hannah and Alyssa all stared at Presley with looks mixed between awe and admiration. The silence that had settled in the room was broken when Joe gave a small shout of delight and ran for Presley, followed closely behind by Hannah and Alyssa.

“You did it!” Joe shouted hugging his brother tight.

“Thank God!” Alyssa said walking up behind him.

“She was becoming insufferable.” Hannah panted.

“Guys, now is not the ti-” Presley started.

“Pamplemousse!” Brooke cut Presley off screaming as she reached the young wolf in Stiles’ arms, Derek following close behind.

“Stiles, give her to me.” Derek said holding out his arms. “I can get her to Deaton quicker than you just holding her.”

Stiles gave the small brunette to Derek whimpering at the loss of contact. Brooke grabbed on Stiles as Derek flew down the flight of stairs and out towards the cars, Lydia trailing behind hoping to help. Stiles and Brooke held onto each other both crying silently now.

“Stiles,” Brooke started. “We need to get back to the house. We can’t make Pamplemousse recover by herself can we?”

Stiles nodded weakly as he stood. He didn’t want to move, he just wanted to stay where he was, he didn’t want to return to the house where he had so many memories with the youngest wolf. If she didn’t live he didn’t know what he would do with himself. Still sniffling, Stiles and the rest of the pack exited the warehouse, leaving the new alpha, Presley, and his pack.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here is Chapter Twenty. The story is starting to wind down now. I have never really gotten any response as to whether people would enjoy a sequel or not so I may end up posting one shots based off of this, we will have to see. I hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think. Have an awesome rest of your day or night!!