Status: Completed, keep and eye out for the sequel!

The Life of a Pack Mom


A few months later...

Compared to Brooke and Pamplemousse’s arrival to their lives things certainly had calmed down since that turbulent month. School was starting up again though so the calm was starting to get crazy again, the majority of the pack was headed back to school and Pamplemousse her self was starting school for the first time since she and Brooke had to run. Luckily the elementary school was nice enough to allow her into a class with other students her age as long as she seemed to be doing alright with her subjects and would get tutoring every week to make sure it was all going alright.

The first few weeks had been a little hard for Pamplemousse, the other kids would make fun of her name and she would come home upset. She would disappear with Mora into her room not coming out unless dinner was ready and she remained quiet, it troubled Stiles. Although soon enough she made a friend, little Avery. He didn’t make fun of her name and would play with her during recess, they started having play dates and soon enough the month of September was over.

Derek and Brooke made themselves busy at home while everyone was out. Fixing odds and ends and every once in a while helping the pack’s family’s with things. Both of them being handy with things caused random wooden toys or furniture pieces to pop up inside the house.

All in all everything was going great. Pamplemousse had night terrors for a while after the incident, some relating to Lorelei but it seemed the majority of them were related still to the time before she was rescued by Brooke and Ezze. Stiles remembers the last one most vividly though.

“Mom! Help! Don’t let her touch me! I don’t wanna go back! Don’t make me!”

Stiles bolted down the hallway from Derek’s room to the young girl’s room. He wasted no time in throwing open the door and going to her bedside. Grabbing her shoulders she started to shake her awake, avoiding the small hands that swung with claws out.

“Pamplemousse, honey, I need to you wake up and look at me. I’m here, Pamplemousse. Just wake up.” Stiles spoke quickly as he shook her awake.

Pamplemousse’s eyes shot open and were filled with fear. It was quickly replaced with relief though as she wrapped her arms frantically around Stiles.

“Hey, you’re okay. I’ve got you. Do you want to talk about it?” Stiles asked the still trembling girl.

She only shook her head no and buried her face deeper into Stiles’ chest. He accepted that and just held her for a while, and soon enough her crying turned into soft mewls and eventually stopped completely.

“I dreamed that the evil woman was trying to take me away from you, Mom.” She said quietly as she pulled slightly away from Stiles.

“The evil woman?”

“The lady who was my mother, not my mom.”

“Is there a difference?”

“Yes. That woman told me to call her mom, but all the stories I read said a mom was someone who loved you and would always take care of you. She wasn’t my mom, she was a monster. But, Stiles, you’re the best mom there is. So I want you as my mom.”

“I will always be your mom, and I would never hurt you or let anyone take you away from me. I would rather die.”

“Good.” She said as a small smile appeared on her face. She hugged Stiles again and breathed deeply as Stiles lowered his lips to the top of her head. “Will you stay? For a little while, please?”

“Of course.” Stiles said as he climbed in next to Pamplemousse.

She hasn’t had one since, but there are nights when she’ll crawl into bed with Stiles and Derek, cuddling between the two of them with Mora following behind and sleeping at the foot of the bed.

Brooke and Lydia were back together again. They had an interesting relationship, they would fight over something trivial and called each other names and would break up but sure enough a day or two later they would kiss and make up.

Scott and Alison were as cute as ever, making the pack sick with the pet names. It was creepy how in sync the two of them could be as well.

Jackson was the lone wolf in the situation, never letting one in on how his love life was going, but he would disappear for a night and come back a happier person. No one questioned it and was just glad he wasn’t grumpy all the time.

Derek and Stiles were happy with the situation they were in. They decided to just have Stiles move into the Master Bedroom with Derek and they worked well together keeping the pack in line and happy. Everything was going smoothly for the Beacon Hills Pack.


Today it was just a lazy Saturday at home, everyone had done their homework last night at Stiles’ insistence. They had all woken up late and decided that since it wasn’t too terribly cold outside they would play a game of hide and seek since Pamplemousse pleaded for it. At the moment Pamplemousse and Mora were it and Stiles could hear her laughing in the distance.

The October air was slightly chilly and Stiles was starting to get cold lying underneath the pile of leaves, He knew he couldn’t move though otherwise Mora and Pamplemousse would hear him.

“Where’s Mom girl?” Stiles heard Pamplemousse yell. He heard the crunching of leaves pass nearby and he froze.

Mora barked and Stiles nearly jumped out of his skin. He could feel his heartbeat pick up slightly and leaves crunched closer to the pile he was hiding.

“Ready? One, two three!” Stiles heard as the pile sunk with the addition of Pamplemousse and Mora. The dog went straight for his face and started licking vigorously, Pamplemousse giggled and started to tickle Stiles sides.

“Okay, okay! You win! You found me! I give up!” Stiles said in between breaths.

“Mora, give the signal!” Pamplemousse said to the lusky. Mora raised her head and gave a howl, signaling the pack that the two had found someone.

“I thought for sure I would have hidden good enough this time.” Stiles said as he pulled the girl in for a hug.

“You did! But I will always find you Mom!”

Stiles smiled and called Mora over to his side, the three of them sat on the floor of forest and waited for the rest of the pack to make their way to them. Stiles couldn’t believe the luck he had found in this family. It was the best time of his life so far and, for now at least, everything was perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright guys, that’s it for now. When I have the sequel started I will let you all know. I worked hard on this and would really like your feedback. I won’t bite, I swear.

As to the sequel I am still trying to figure out what I want to do with it, I have gotten some good suggestions but would always appreciate more. Any characters you would like to see or scenarios you would like carried out?

Well this is goodbye for now. Keep a lookout for the next installment of Stiles’ life as Pack Mom.