Status: Completed, keep and eye out for the sequel!

The Life of a Pack Mom

Chapter 3

Stiles awoke early the next morning to an empty bed. Slightly panicking he started to feel around the bed searching for the fluffy animal that should be there. He opened his eyes when he couldn't find her by touch. She wasn't in the room, he got out of his bed and stumbled down the stairs.

"Mora? Mora?!" Stiles tripped on the last step and fell onto the floor. Allison came running from the kitchen to the bottom of the stairs.

"Stiles are you okay?" she asked worry in her voice.

Stiles groaned and flipped onto his back. He gave Allison a thumbs up and brought his hand down to his eyes.

"Do you know where Mora is? She wasn't in my room and I don't want her to run off."

"Yeah, she went out this morning with Derek. He said she was whining to get out so he was going to take her along on his run around the property. They left about an hour ago."

Relief flooded over Stiles. He was happy to know Mora was with Derek and hadn't just gotten out on her own.

"Good, um, wanna help me get a start on breakfast? The boys are sure to get up that way and they still have to unpack. Derek had them out late and they were exhausted when they got back."

"Sure!". Allison answered brightly and held her hand out for Stiles. He accepted it and got on his feet brushing the dirt and dust off his pants.

They started on breakfast making a fine feast for the surely hungry werewolves that were slowly waking upstairs. They had mountains of pancakes and bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese and peppers inside. Along with fresh ham and maple syrup to go on the pancakes.

Stiles and Allison were sipping cups of coffee when Scott and Jackson stumbled into the room. Piling up their plates they started to move with more vigor. Lydia came in the room and grabbed a healthy portion herself.

"Scott, Jackson, slow down. You're going to choke," Stiles chastised the two wolves. They looked up from their plates at Stiles, both of their mouths filled to the brim. Stiles and Allison started to laugh at the two boys.

"Are you two sure you’re not werechipmunks? The way you look right now you would fit right in!". Stiles and Allison continued to laugh, Lydia looked up from her plate a smirk reaching her lips as she looked at the two.

Stiles heard the front door open and the sound of nails clacking on the floor met his ears as Mora rounded the corner. Stiles knelt down to the floor as Mora made a beeline for him. The animal tried to slow down, but the slippery surface of the linoleum caused the beast to slide forward. Crashing into Stiles, they both fell to the ground in a heap. Mora ended up on Stiles and lick his face as if she hadn't seen him in weeks. The pack just started to laugh at the sight, Derek came in and took a quick glance a smirk reaching a face.

“Well one thing's for sure, that dog keeps it entertaining around here.”

Stiles just smiled up at his pack and pushed the dog off of him. He got up and handed Derek a plate.

"Here eat up. There's plenty left."


After clean up had finished Stiles shooed everyone out to go fix up there rooms. Mora was laying in the living room in front of the fireplace. letting the draft sweep over her back keeping her cool. Stiles was taking a break in one of the armchairs, legs propped up on the foot stand.

He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply the scent of home reaching filling his lungs. He liked this, home was great, family was great.

He felt the foot rest depress and looked only to see Mora climbing up.

"You're not supposed to do that."

The dog simply wagged her tail and continued until she wedged herself between Stiles and the armrest. She then proceed to wiggle until she had her belly up in the air. She twisted herself until she could look Stiles eye. He just smiled at the dog and patted her tummy earning an appreciative huff from the animal.

Stiles heard the floor shift and looked up to see Derek. Their eyes connected and a look crossed Derek's face that perplexed Stiles. It looked like jealousy.

'That can't be right,' Stiles thought. 'Why would he be jealous of Mora, last night was confusing and all but...'

"She shouldn't be on the furniture. You know that Stiles." Derek literally growled at the boy. Mora slinked off of the chair and sat in front of Stiles. She looked up at Derek challenging him to yell at her human again. Derek just looked down at the dog.

“Don’t let her up on the furniture again.” Derek flopped onto the couch and continued to glare, gaze switching between the dog and Stiles. As if the two were thinking in the same mindset , Stiles and Mora both moved at the same time. Stiles patted the chair next to him and Mora jumped at the same time, both settling and turning to look at Derek, defiance in their eyes.

“Fine, you want her on the furniture you can buy the next living room set. Scott, Jackson, Lydia, let’s go! We are leaving for the weekend.” Derek shot Stiles a look of contempt. “You two can have all the alone time you want. Since you seemed to be so attached to each other.”

Derek stormed out the door the betas coming down the stairs like a flash, not wanting to make their alpha any madder. Stiles just stared at the door, shocked at what had just happened. Well, at least he now had the weekend to himself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hopefully I will have time this weekend to write more.