Status: Completed, keep and eye out for the sequel!

The Life of a Pack Mom

Chapter 7

"Stiles, really, you don't have to take us shopping. We don't want to make you spend money on us." Brooke said as they were walking to the Jeep.

"Brooke just get in the car. You need more clothes if you are going to stay with us, three to four outfits won't cut it. Besides it's on Derek's account, which won't be dented much. Come on."

"Yay, clothes! Can we please get lots of shirts and pants and socks and..." Pamplemousse trailed off as she jumped into the back of the Jeep.

"We will get whatever you want little one. Where do you want to go?" Stiles asked as the Jeep roared to life.

"Well, since you are insisting will you take Pamplemousse so she can see what's around while I go get us underwear and the like." Brooke asked.

"Yeah no problem." Stiles flipped on the radio and a pop song started to play. Brooke immediately reached for dial and switched it finding a station playing The Beatle's "Here Comes the Sun."

"One thing, pop doesn't fly with me. It has to actually be tasteful music in order for me to let Pamplemousse listen to it. No Justin Beiber or Nicki Minaj for her."

"I love Trampled by Turtles. Do you have a radio station that plays them?" Pamplemousse asked.

"I haven't ever heard of them, I'll have to look them up." The car fell into a comfortable silence, songs continued to play in the background the entire way to the mall.


When reaching the mall Stiles and Pamplemousse headed off to wander around until Brooke came and found them, after procuring more personal items. They window shopped went into a few stores, not really finding anything.

They entered a store called 'Hot Topic', music was blaring and the interior was dark. Stiles had walked past this place plenty of times, but never considered going in. Pamplemousse had insisted though, as they had a One Direction sweatshirt in the window.

Upon entering the store the employees called out a hello to the two of them. One of the girls came up and explained the sales going on in the store, 25% off everything in the store and clearance an extra 50% off.

"Thanks." Stiles said simply, the pink headed girl head back into the array of racks that littered the store. They had almost everything imaginable. Stiles looked over to Pamplemousse whose eyes were wide with excitement. She glanced up at Stiles asking for permission to wander around the store and look. He gave a signal with a simple sweep of his hand and she took off like a shot heading straight for the back.

Stiles meandered around the store as well looking at the various items around. He was shocked as to why he never came in here they had awesome clothes and accessories. He glanced quickly at the t-shirt covered walls. They had gaming shirts, super hero shirts, band shirts, and tv shirts. Sweatshirts and jackets littered the walls as well.

"Isn't it awesome?" Stiles turned to see Brooke walking up behind him. Arms littered with bags, she handed the card back to him. "I used to go shopping in the Hot Topic at home before we left. I always loved the people and things inside of it. It's one of a kind. Pamplemousse doesn't really remember going into one, but she would always find things she loved as well."

"Yeah, it is pretty awesome. I can't believe I've never been in here before."

Pamplemousse came running up to the two, grabbing Stiles hand and looking up at him she asked, "Can I please do my shopping here? Everywhere else had grown up clothes and smelled funny."

"Sure, what do you want?" Stiles leaned down to the young girl placing a hand on her shoulder. The girl excitedly pointed to the wall at the One Direction sweatshirt.

"Don't you want more than just that sweatshirt?"

"You mean I can have more?!" The girl's eyes grew impossibly wide. Stiles nodded yes to the girl and she jumped up and down quietly squealing.

"How many more?" She asked looking more towards Brooke.

"Pick out a few t-shirts and a pair or two of pants."

"Okay!" Again she took off, Brooke following after, browsing the walls and finding the corresponding shirts on the shelves. She ran up again to the two, she held out the shirts to Stiles.

"Could you hold these please?" Stiles put hands out for the small piles of shirts, Pamplemousse ran back to the pants and searched for a pair or two. Stiles looked through the pile, he saw a couple of every kind. He went over to the wall and picked the 1D sweatshirt off the wall.

"Brooke are you going to get a few things?" Stiles turned to the young woman, she had come back with Pamplemousse with nothing in hand from the store.

"I have everything right here." She said indicating the bags in her arms. "I like the clearance section. I stopped in a few places that have a good selection and grabbed a few things I liked. Pamplemousse can grab what she wants, I'm good."

"Alright, only if you're sure." Pamplemousse came running up to the two of them pants in hand. They went up to the counter and paid. Stiles opened a ht+1 account cause he figured they would be coming back here a few times.


Stiles and the girls returned home after a quick stop at the grocery store. They walked into the house, Pamplemousse swinging her bags back and forth happily.

They came through the front door, the house unusually silent.

"Guys? Anyone home?" Mora came shooting down the stairs, jumping on Brooke.

"Ah, she's gonna eat me! Stiles get her off!"

Mora continued to paw and lick the now pinned Brooke as Stiles and Pamplemousse giggled at the spectacle.

"Mora, come on. Get off her." Stiles called the animal off of Brooke, the fluffy dog came to Stiles side. Looking up at him she seemed to smile as always.

"Damn dog." Brooke grumbled simply and quietly as so Pamplemousse wouldn't hear her.

"You're home late." They looked up the stairs to see Derek looking down to them from the top.

"Yeah, we had to run and get some things." Stiles said holding up the bags.

"Yeah we got new clothes!" Pamplemousse said holding up one of the black bags from Hot Topic. "Thank you for paying sir!"

Stiles cringed as Derek look up from the girl to him, looking slightly pissed. He stalked down the stairs, stopping and sitting at the bottom. Rustling was heard and the group turned to look at Mora with her head sticking one of the little black bags.

"Mora! No, bad." Stiles said. The dog lifted her head, bag getting stuck on her ears. She tried to shake it off, Pamplemousse walked up to the fluff ball and attempted to grab the bag. The dog started to shake her head more frantically, causing her to run into Derek's leg.

He reached over and grabbed the bag, finally it came loose. Mora, now free, shook out her fur and gave the bag a dirty look as if it had trapped her on purpose.

A different head popped out of the bag. It's pointy ears sticking out, Derek grabbed it and pulled out the small stuffed animal.

"No! Shoot, you weren't supposed to see that." Pamplemousse said. "I was going to wrap it first. It's a thank you gift for letting us stay."

Derek turned over the little plushie and was met by the little red bead eyes of a black wolf. He smiled down at the little thing and looked up at the young girl.

"Thank you. But you know he might get lonely in my room. I don't have any friends for him in there. Would you mind taking care of him for me?"

"Yeah, I could do that! You can see him anytime you want! What do you wanna name him?". She asked.

"How about Alphie? He looks like Derek when he's wolfed out." Brooke suggested to her young companion.

"I like it. What do you think Pamplemousse?"

"Perfect!" She smiled at Derek and took Alphie from his outstretched arm.

"Alright, you two go put away your things. I need to start dinner. Derek could you help with the groceries?"

"Yeah, sure." he grabbed the bags Brooke was carrying, leaving her with her bags. The girls headed upstairs and Derek and Stiles headed for the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's seven. I'm going to drop the rating of this. I may or may not need to raise it again but for now.