Status: Completed, keep and eye out for the sequel!

The Life of a Pack Mom

Chapter 8

Derek and Stiles placed the bags onto the counter with a thunk.  They started to rummaged through the bags placing the food items where they belong.  Brooke had placed several items in the cart that the pack had never thought to buy.  This included several different types of tea, a five pound bag of gummy bears, various coffee additives, and Strawberry Milkshake Poptarts.

"How is that girl so tiny?  I mean just look at what she eats!"  Derek asked exasperated.  "If I ate like this I would be a blimp."

Stiles chuckled at the mental image of a blimp shaped Derek. He just shrugged and continued to rummage through the bags, placing items in their rightful place.  Creating new spots for Brooke's things.

Silence fell over the kitchen as the rustling of bags lessened as all the food was finding it's place.  Stiles grabbed the now empty plastic bags and put them in the cabinet to use later as garbage bags.  He leaned against the counter across from Derek, who looked like he had something to say.

"Stiles.....about the other night."  Derek started.

'The other night, what happened the other night?  The night he stormed off?  The night the girls first came?  The night in my room...the night in my room.' Stiles looked up to see Derek staring at him, worry in his eyes.  Analyzing as to what Stiles reaction was, Stiles only hoped his face looked cautious but hopeful, he had wanted what almost happened to happen.  Question was, did Derek?

"Um, yeah what about it?". Stiles asked voice cracking, showing just how nervous he was.

"Well, ah, I was out of line.  I should not have done that.  Um, I'm just glad I didn't do anything I would have regretted."

Stiles heart sank.  How could Derek have said something like that.  It shouldn't be something Derek would regret.

"Why?" he asked hurt present in his voice.

"What?"  Derek asked confused.

"Why would you regret it?  How do you know whether I would have liked it or not?"

"Stiles, I...I don't want to make you do something you don't want-"

Derek was cut off as Stiles grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a simple chaste kiss.

"What don't I want?"  He asked as he pulled away.

Derek's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas.  He leaned in for another kiss more intense than the last one.  His hand went to the back of Stiles' head and his body went flush against the teen's. Derek broke the kiss but stayed close, putting his forehead against Stiles'.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that.". He said smile on his face.

"Same here."

"Finally! You two have been driving me nuts.  It was like watching a bad romance movie.". The two turned to see Lydia standing in the doorway.  They separated slightly, Stiles grabbed Derek's hand and held on.

"What! What happened?!" Brooke came rounding the corner. She saw the two's connected hands.

"Dammit! " She pulled a five out of her pocket and handed it to Lydia.  "I thought it was going to take another day or two."

Derek raised an eyebrow at the two females.

"What?  We talk, we're girls, we notice things.  We made this bet ten minutes ago.  She's the only one who will come near me right now. Allison and Scott are two absorbed with each other and Jackson hides in his room talking on the phone.  And you are a sour wolf.  We clicked."  The girls high-fived.  Stiles laughed and felt happy that the misfit wolf found a friend in the pack.  Derek squeezed his hand slightly.

"Brooke, I'm sorry but I'm kinda possessive."

"Kinda? You wanted to kill me for smelling like him."

"Derek, you were that pissed that night because she smelled like me?" Stiles asked.

"Yes." He answered sheepishly.

"As pissed as that makes me, I kinda like that fact."  Stiles smiled and leaned into his sour wolf.

Pamplemousse rounded the corner, dashed through the kitchen, through the back door, ran back in and hid behind the counter.

"What are you doing dear?" Stiles asked.

"Shhh." She stated simply.  Just then paws were heard descending the stairs.  Mora ran around the corner taking the same path Pamplemousse had.  Nose to the ground she ran a bit in the yard and dashed back in, going straight to where the eight year old was hiding.

"Dang it! I thought I had you this time.  You can't use your nose next time okay?". The dog snorted in response licking the girls face.  The four in the kitchen just looked at the two on the floor.  Questions in their eyes.

“I taught her to play hide and seek.  You should join us sometime...we could play in the woods.  Please can we play now?!”  She asked all excited, “I know it’s dark out but it could be fun and we won’t get lost, we all know where the house is.  Scott, Allison and Jackson can play too.”

“Well, why don’t you go ask them?” Derek suggested to the young wolf.  

“Yay!  Allison! Scott! Jackson!  Hey, do you guys wanna play hide and seek?  The rest of the pack is going to! Please?!”  Doors were heard opening and steps came down the hallway.

“Sure, why not?  I mean it could be fun.”  Scott said as he rounded the corner at the top of the stairs holding Allison’s hand.  Jackson came around the corner with them.

“Yeah, why not?  I have nothing else to do.”  Pamplemousse jumped up excited, glad that everyone wanted to partake.  

“Mora can be it first!  Is that okay girl?”  The dog barked happily and wagged her tail.  “Okay, but remember no using your nose unless absolutely necessary. Wait for seven dog minutes. When you find somebody howl and that person is it.  Meet back at the house.  Ready go!”

Everyone ran out and went to hide.  Mora sat on the porch looking after everyone shaking with anticipation.  People split off in groups and solo.  Jackson went off by himself, Lydia and Brooke went together and Pamplemousse went another way, Scott and Allison went off and Derek grabbed Stiles.

Stiles and Derek were running through the woods, more Derek dragging Stiles.  Derek knew where he was going, he had the perfect spot.  It was his hideaway as a child and would serve well for the purpose of hide and seek.  They finally reached it, it was a giant tree whose roots created a dome and earth underneath had worn away.  The incline it was on kept the ground dry and the leaves blown in would create the perfect hiding spot for anyone not using their nose.  

Derek led Stiles into the tree root dome and laid down on the ground pulling Stiles next to him.  He held him close, listening for any noise outside.  Stiles’ face was level with Derek’s chest, he buried his face into it and inhaled, taking in the scent that was Derek.  Derek’s arms tightened around Stiles.

“I’m glad we talked.”  He said simply.

“Yeah, me too.” Stiles mumbled into Derek’s chest.  The two laid like that for a while and just listened.  Stiles to Derek’s heartbeat and Derek the same to Stiles’, along with the noises of the forest.

A piercing terrified shriek filled the air.  Cutting through the silence.  

“That was Pamplemousse!  Pamplemousse?! Are you okay?”  Stiles called out to the forest, worried the girl had gotten hurt.

“Stiles! Derek! Help me!”
♠ ♠ ♠
So here ya go Brooke, I posted tonight as your request! Enjoy!