Sequel: Unison
Status: Finished

Nobody, Not Even the Rain Has Such Small Hands

Message for readers

Things have been especially hard lately so I'm going to be taking a hiatus from this story until I feel better. I'm definitely not giving up because I enjoy writing this and I love reading all your comments and hearing from you guys, but I need to focus on getting better right now. As I've said before, this story is sort of like an outlet for me to express myself.

I've held back on Maddy as a character because I don't want to write too much of myself into her and have this story become too dramatic or too dark. When I return, my plot is going to go down a dark path so I can freely write what it is I'm thinking or experiencing to get it off my chest, and it's comforting having someone read it even if it's in a fic format.

Please let me know, honestly, what you guys think of this because you're my readers and if you don't want a darker feel as this goes along then I won't write one.