Sequel: Unison
Status: Finished

Nobody, Not Even the Rain Has Such Small Hands

I'd Kiss You Even If You Were Dead

Maddy's POV
We've got the day off in Vegas and everyone sleeps in. We spend the day not doing much until the sun starts setting and the planning begins. Jaime, Mike and Vic decide to do some gambling before meeting up with Tony and I for dinner. They leave early, leaving Tony and I on the bus by ourselves.
"I'm sorry you can't go with them because of me," I apologizes. "You can still go if you want to and I'll meet you at the casino."
He shakes his head and begins digging through his suitcase for something to wear. He pulls out a crisp white dress shirt and black skinnies.
"I've got nothing nice to wear," I think out loud.
"What about that skirt you bought with Christine back in California?"
The bright blue skirt is still sitting in the bag, tags on and unacknowledged. I tried telling her it was too short and I wouldn't be able to wear it, for reasons that I didn't let her in on. She insisted that I get it so much that she bought it for me and gave it to me in the car when it was too late to return it.
"I can't wear that," I admit.
I get up from the couch and go to the bag sitting on top of my black suitcase. I take the skirt out and then pull my jeans off. Tony's eyes immediately go to my thighs, but I don't mind. He already knows my secret and there's really no use trying to hide them from him. The nightmares and stress of my dad knowing where I am after I was so sure I was safe have made going back to that tempting. I wake up with thoughts I'd rather forget and usually it feels like he's touching me all over again. The small marks on my wrist have seemed to go unnoticed thus far and I plan on keep it that way. When I pull the skirt up just below my belly button and tuck my black t-shirt in, I point to the scars peeking out from beneath the fabric.
"Wear it," he says, looking up from them and to my face. "You look beautiful in it."
"Tony," I say, going closer to him and pointing to the blotchy white marks against my skin just in case he didn't get a good look. "Everyone is going to see this. Jaime, Mike...." I'm about to mention Vic but he hasn't been around since last night and I don't think he plans on coming back until tomorrow.
"Who cares what they think?"
"I do," I tell him with a small nervous laugh. When I begin to take the skirt off, he places his hands over mine and stops me.
"I really think you should wear this. There's nothing to be ashamed of."
I look up at him for a moment. When I see the genuine look in his eyes I get the confidence to continue changing, leaving the skirt on. He goes back to changing as well, pulling off his tank and replacing it with a crisp white t-shirt for beneath his button-up.
"Can you zip me up?"
He finishes pulling his pants off from around his ankles and then comes over. I turn around and he zips it up the curve of my back, holding the fabric together at the top to make it go up easier.
"What're you looking at?" I ask with a laugh.
"You look really good," I whisper. Leaning in to kiss her cheek, she surprises me by moving so our lips connect.
"So do you." I place a hand on the side of his leg.
He kisses me. After a minute or two, we move to the couch and he positions me so he's laying over me. He kisses the side of my mouth, then my cheek and my jawline all the way down to my neck. I stretch and allow him to kiss me there hard. My hands moves up and down his back as he sucks my neck and then move to kiss the spot just below my ear. He plants kisses down the center of my collar bone and my fingers leave his back for his hair. I gently scratch the back of Tony's neck and produce a quiet moan out of him.
"Do you trust me?"
I open my eyes to see him staring back at me. I nod.
He sits up and pulls me onto my lap before I straddle him. My skirt comes up when I position my legs on either side of his and it makes it easy to undo the zipper he had just done up and to remove my skirt. The only thing between us as he tosses it to the floor are my light pink panties and his boxers. He runs his hand up the side of my thigh as he works his lips expertly. He licks my bottom lip just as my hands travel to his shirt, which I easily remove with a bit of help on his part. I bite his lip and pull gently, causing him to moan again.
I pull him down on top of me. It isn't until he's got my shirt over her head and down on the floor on top of his and he's beginning to remove my panties that I ask, "what are you doing?"
"I want to feel you," he speaks against my lips.
I lay back and allow him to plant kisses down my bare stomach until he reaches my panty line. Sliding his fingers beneath the hem, he pulls them down my legs easily.
"What are you doing?" My voice shakes a little I know he can tell I'm nervous for whatever's coming.
"I thought you said you trust me."
"I do." I nod again, lay back and close my eyes, obeying when he slids a hand between my legs to have me spread them.
I can't help but to resist a bit when he begins kissing the inside of my left thigh all the way up. My hand squeezes his upper arm.
"It's okay," he speaks soothingly. "I'm not going to hurt you." He comes up and our eyes meet again. "I promise."
He ducks back down to kiss the tender skin of the lowest part of my stomach. My fingers brush the top of his ears as I intertwines my fingers in his hair to keep them busy. My own gasp surprises me when I feel his tongue in the center of my legs.
"T-Tony," I stutter as he begins to really work his tongue. "Fuck."
He comes up again. "You're so beautiful, Maddy. You're doing just fine."
"Tony, please," I whisper. "Do that again."
He goes back down and swirls his tongue against me. I pull on his hair as my back arches involuntarily.
After a minute or so I reach down over his boxers where he's hard. I run my hand over the spot and he moans desperately. He flicks his tongue and my entire body seems to burst. He wraps his arms around me as I ride it out.
"See, this isn't so bad," he jokes after a moment.
She laughs quietly, my breathing heavy and my back sticking against the couch. I pull his boxers off him, moving so leans back and I'm over him. "Your turn."

We redress ourselves and head out to find a taxi to the casino Mike told us to meet them at around six. We hold hands in the back seat silently, watching as all the lit-up buildings pass on either side of us. Vegas is such a big city and there's so much to look at that it's a bit overwhelming for someone who grew up in a small town her entire life. Tony squeezes my hand and I turn from the flashing strip club sign to smile at him. He leans over and kisses my cheek.
"That'll be thirty," the taxi driver says when he pulls up beneath the canopy of the casino entrance just moments later.
Tony makes a mocking face down at his wallet because of the driver's grumpy additude then pulls a twenty and a ten out of his wallet along with a couple ones as a tip. He opens his door, thanking the driver who says nothing in return, and I follow him out.
"You'll like this place," he tells me as we go through two sets of doors to get into the front part of the casino. "It's big and there's so much to do other than gamble."
"Like what?" I ask, taking his hand again and following him around a corner. Several slot machines come into view along with a sign telling me that I have to be over twenty-one to enter the gambling area.
"Restaurants, there's a hotel, bars, card games, spas...." His voice trails off and he looks into the crowd by the slot machines. "Creepy fucking dudes," he adds before leading me in a different direction. "Maybe encouraging you to wear that skirt was a bad idea."
I become self conscious and pull it down as far as it will go without it looking strange. He notices and places his spare hand around my waist and over my hand.
"Don't punish me just because of some old pedophile."
I look behind me and see an older guy immediately turn away. "Creep," I say under my breath.
Tony checks his phone and sees that he has a text message from Jaime. "Vic never showed," he says, but his voice holds no disappointment. "I'm honestly not surprised with the way he's been acting lately."
"Drinking?" I ask.
"Drinking and girls," he shrugs and then slips his phone away. "Anyway, Jaime says to meet him by the Tiki restaurant upstairs."
We walk to an ornate escalator with waterfalls on either side and go up to the correct floor. Tony gets a few looks from a group of girls who look like they're in their early twenties but none of them approach us when they see my hand in his.
After passing a few stores and areas for card playing or gambling, Tony turns to the left and a beach themed restaurant comes into view. Jaime and Mike are waiting by the entrance, both dressed for the occasion.
"Well look at you two all cleaned up nice," I joke, pulling on Mike's tie gently.
"You look nice, Maddy," Jaime tells me with a sincere smile.
"Well are we going to eat or what?" Tony asks. "I'm starving."
Mike nods and we all fall into a line behind him. He turns around and says something about a reservation.
"Excuse me, sir." A waitress walks out from behind the small stand where menus sit. At first I think she's talking to Mike but she walks past us. I turn and see a familiar looking man, the one I saw in the lobby, directly behind us. "If you don't have a reservation you're going to have to wait," she tells him, stopping him in his tracks.
"This is friggen weird," Tony says.
"What is?" Mike asks just as we reach our table. I see a 'Reserved' sign, words written in an elaborate font on the card stock. Jaime and Mike's jackets are already hanging across the back of two seats. I shake my head and Tony pulls out the chair beside him for me. Jaime and Mike sit across from us.
Tony places a hand on my leg beneath the table and the same waitress who stopped the man comes back to take our drink orders. I'm the only one who doesn't get something with alcohol and the waitress even checks their ID's.
"Aw, little Jaime with his blonde skunk hair," I tease him after the waitress has walked away. His license picture is a few years old, featuring him with his blonde patch and crazy blow out hair.
"Hey," he places his wallet on the table off to the side, "it's a proven fact that no one's license picture is a masterpiece."
Mike takes his license out again and shows the entire table. "I beg to differ."
I laugh when I realize that he signed his name just 'Michael' and nothing else. No last name, not even really a signature, just 'Michael'.
"You're so weird," Jaime says shaking his head and playing with the napkin folded around his utensils.
Mike puts his wallet away and the man who walked in behind us is escorted to the table located behind where he and Jaime are sitting. I watch him and look to Tony, whose eyes are locked on him as he sits down facing us. The man keeps his head down as the waitress places a menu down on the table in front of him.
"If you want to leave, just tell me," Tony says, leaning down and whispering to me.
"Secrets don't make friends," Mike jokes, leaning in towards us.
Tony playfully flips him off, a wide smile on his face.
"Wow that doesn't make friends either. Didn't mommy tell you?"
The waitress comes back with our drinks and places them on small square napkins so the table doesn't get wet. My eyes keep gazing up towards the older man sitting behind Jaime and Mike. My leg is hoping up and down nervously beneath the table and eventually Tony moves his hand.
"I'll be right back."
"Where are you going?" Tony asks, eyeing the man across from us.
"Just to the bathroom."
I get up from the table and venture to the front of the restaurant to look for the restrooms. A long rectangular mirror in a decorative frame sporting things like beach pails and sail boats is placed on the wooden plank wall between the men's room and the women's room. I look up at my reflection and tuck my hair over one shoulder. Something catches my eye behind me in the mirror's reflection and I quickly turn around to see what it is. I could have sworn that there was something but whatever it was is now gone. I take a couple deep breathes and then enter the women's bathroom.
Thankfully all the stalls are empty. Just to be sure, I go down the row and push them open. When I know that I'm by myself I turn to the mirror and hold the back of my hands to my warm cheeks.
"Calm down, calm the fuck down," I tell myself and then swallow hard.
I pace for a while because I can't stay still. I know that if I'm in here for too long then everyone will get suspicious, which only heightens the attack. My breathing is loud and uneven and I feel like the entire world can hear me panicking. Sweat begins to form on my forehead making me worried that it'll mess up the makeup I actually time on so I would look nice tonight. With shaky hands I go back to the mirror and begin to wipe the moisture beneath my eyes and brush my hair away from my sticky forehead. Someone comes into the bathroom, causing me to jump.
"Sorry," they say, giving me a small smile. The women walks into one of the stalls and I focus on my breathing and the sound of the ticking clock on the wall as I wrap my arms over my chest and squeeze, scared that my heart will beat itself out of my chest.
The women comes out of the stall and goes to the sink beside me. She pumps pink foam soap into her hand and turns the water on. I focus on the sound and breath in. "Are you alright?"
"Yes." I answer only to prove to myself that I will be okay in a few minutes if I keep breathing right.
"You don't look alright." She dries her hands off and eyes me suspiciously. "Do you want me to get someone?"
"I'm fine."
"Whatever." She dumps her crinkled paper towels into the disposal and leaves the bathroom, the white painted door swinging closed behind her.
I stay with my arms wrapped over my chest for about ten minutes before I can breath properly. Tony texts me and asks if I'm okay and that's when I know that it's time to put my big girl panties on and head back out into the restaurant. I keep my head down but I can feel eyes on me. Sitting back down, Mike suddenly becomes intrigued with the button on Jaime's sleeve and Tony leans in to whisper into my hair.
"What happened?"
"Nothing," I tell him, adding what I'm sure is a weak smile. "Did you guys order yet?"
"No we decided to wait for you."
"You didn't have to do that." I push myself in and notice the men across from us no longer has a menu to hide himself behind. He's looking down into his plate but it's not enough. He has the same facial structure, the same bony nose....
I'm being ridiculous.

Vic's POV
Loud part music plays and the guy next to me nearly falls over when he goes to sit beside me, his drink sloshing over the edge of his red plastic cup. I move to the side fast enough to almost fall over the edge of my chair, but at least I miss it spilling all over my lap.
"Sorry, bro," he says with a shit eating grin.
I turn my attention back to the girl dancing in the center of the room. I'm not exactly having a ball of a time sitting here by myself, not having drank enough yet, but I'm sure it beats walking around a casino with a group of people who have grown to dislike me. I take a large gulp of my drink and feel it burn down my throat. After a moment I get up from where I'm sitting and leave the club. This isn't doing anything for me.
Without even turning to see who it is, I keep walking.
"Hey!" he yells again. "Vic Fuentes!"
When he yells my name I turn back around. Austin Carlile is jogging towards me now with a huge smile on his face.
"Vic!" he exclaims excitedly. Like he didn't know we're in the same city. "What are you doing out here all by yourself?"
"I could ask you the same," I spit back.
He gives me a look and the large smile slowly fades from his face. "I got lost," he admits. This man is like a child. "Do you know how to get back to the bus lot?"
"No clue," I tell him, taking another sip of my drink. "Couldn't tell you."
"Well do you want to hang out for a while? Just so we're not both walking around Vegas by ourselves?"
Walking around with him is the last thing I want to do. I've got the bus completely to myself tonight and I planned on taking full advantage of that by taking someone back with me. Obviously that didn't work out well. Unable to turn the smiley bastard down, I agree.
"Thanks, man. It's a big world out there, you know?"
"Yeah, sure."
"What's up with you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." I keep walking fast, head down. Maybe he'll realize that I don't want the responsibility of keeping him company.
"You're all down and the dumps." He places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes. "Come on, man."
I shrug his hand off of me and turn up to him. I'm sure the look I'm giving him would be much more intimidating if I weren't at least a foot shorter than him.
"I'm honestly not in the mood for this right now."
"Just trying to figure out what the issue is, Vic."
"There is no issue!" His constant pressing makes me angry and I turn so fast towards him that I almost spill my drink even though it's more than half gone. "I need another drink...."
"Let's go into a bar then. I just passed one," he adds, mumbling to himself and turning to walk backwards, looking off into the direction in which he just came. "I really don't know where anything is out here."
I sigh, frustrated. "Well sticking with me isn't going to help any because I have no fucking clue where I am right now."
"Well thanks for making me feel so welcomed," he says to me. I can tell I've hurt him but I don't necessarily care right now, lost in my own bitterness. "I'll see you around, Vic." He pats me one last time on the shoulder and then walks ahead of me, turning left at the end of the short street and disappearing from my view.