Status: Being written; updates when I can; active <3

When Love Met Destruction

Ch. 13

“So your friend is somewhere in here and you’re trying to save her with the guys from Motionless In White who are waiting outside the gate? And that’s why we have to open it?” Mitch was sorting out all the information in his mind out loud.

Willow nodded. “Yeah, I’m still getting used to the whole Angels and Dark Angels concept myself.”

Mitch continued to guide her through a maze of rooms until they finally stopped walking.

“Are we here? Is this it?” Willow asked, looking up at Mitch who was looking straight ahead at something.

He shook his head. “No… But look.” He pointed ahead of him.

Willow looked in the direction he was pointed and her mouth turned up at the corners in a smile. “Quinn!” She shouted, running towards her friend.

“Willow!” Quinn imitated and ran towards Willow as well, pulling her into a hug. “I can’t believe you found me!”

“I would have freaked out if it weren’t for Mitch.” Willow gestured to him. “Now, come on. We have to go find some special switch to open the front gates. All the Motionless In White boys are waiting out there.”

Quinn nodded and the two girls joined Mitch’s side, following him to the place where the special switch was.

To their surprise, the switch wasn’t guarded or anything. It was just there; for anyone to touch.

“All you have to do is flip the switch as if you were turning off a light.” Mitch said to the two girls.

“Do you…?” Willow trailed off as she saw Quinn shake her head.

“No, you do it. You went through all of this for me. You deserve to flip the special switch.” Quinn said with a smile.

Willow smiled back graciously. Admittedly, she really did want to flip the special switch.

She extended a shaky hand and flipped the switch, immediately squeezing her eyes shut thinking the whole place would explode or something. But it didn’t of course.

“Now what?” Quinn asked.

“We have to get back to the gate. The Motionless In White guys are waiting for us.” Willow answered.

“But… How are we going to get to the gate from here? We don’t even know where ‘here’ is.” Quinn: being the realist of the situation.

They all thought for a minute and then Mitch spoke up. “Take my hands, each of you.” He held out a tattooed hand for each of the girls.

The girls shared a skeptical glance before taking his hands in their own. He had a stupid smirk on his face. He clearly knew something the girls didn’t.

“Ready? We’re going to fly.” He announced.

Quinn’s eyes widened as she expressed a look of excitement. Hell, nothing could really scare Quinn. After all, she had held a blazing flame against a regular chicken egg filled with hydrogen gas that exploded in her face. That happened back in high school. She remembered the look on Willow’s face was priceless and she screamed every time an egg exploded.

If she could do that, she could fly. Willow, on the other hand, didn’t look too excited. Quinn looked over at Willow who had her eyes squeezed shut tight, bracing herself for lift off.

As their feet left the ground, Willow clenched Mitch’s hand harder. He didn’t seem to mind, though. He just chuckled a little at her reaction to flying.

Flying was something like nothing else before. It certainly wasn’t the same as flying in a plane. It was like running but without all the endurance and stamina. The breeze blew through their hair, lightly hitting their faces. From above, everything and everyone looked so small. It was an incredible way to get somewhere.

When their feet returned to solid ground, they were in front of the gate again but this time it was open. To their surprise, the Motionless In White boys were gone.
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I'm sorry I haven't updated... My friend has been bothering me too about not getting her the next chapter haha I've been bogged down with a ton of work all of a sudden... But here's another chapter for you guys! I hope it was good. Also, I'm so glad you guys all had good reactions to having Mitch in there. I didn't mean to make some of you cry but I guess in a way that's good because it means I'm doing my job right. I'm making you feel something through my writing and that's always a writer's job.

A big thank you to:


Thank you all so much for your uplifting comments! I will try and update as soon as I possibly can!