Status: Being written; updates when I can; active <3

When Love Met Destruction

Ch. 9

There was a knock on the door and everyone fell silent.

“It’s them…” Willow whispered.

“Um… Quick! Get behind the couch!” Quinn ordered Justin and shoved him behind the couch.

When everything was set, Quinn gave Willow a quick head nod to cue her to get the door. As soon as Willow opened the door and Chris and Josh’s voices traveled down the hallway to her, Quinn tensed up. She was letting these creatures—very attractive creatures—into her dorm. These men were something other than human and she didn’t know what they were.

“Hey, I missed you!” Balz went to hug Quinn.

She let him hug her but for some reason, she had lost all strength in her arms—unable to lift them and hug him back. He must’ve picked up on it because he pulled away and gave her a strange look.

“Everything alright?” He asked.

Quinn looked back at the couch then down at the floor. “Y-Yeah, everything’s fine. I just—uh—missed you, a lot.”

She wasn’t technically lying. She had missed him a lot. She just wasn’t being totally truthful. There was something wrong. He wasn’t telling her something and now she couldn’t ask him with Justin hiding behind her couch. Sure, Justin knew something was wrong, too. But Quinn really just wanted the conversation to be between him and her. She would be sure to tell Willow and Justin later. Or maybe just Willow. She still wasn’t happy with Justin.

A scream broke her thoughts and she turned around to see Justin jump out from behind the couch.

“Justin!” She clapped a hand to her forehead.

“There was a spider!” He held his hands up in defense.

Quinn shook her head in disbelief and looked to Chris, Balz and Willow. Willow looked just as nervous as Quinn felt. Balz looked hurt, confused and angry all at once. Chris just looked angry.

“What’s he doing here?” He spat.

Willow looked from Chris to Justin. She was almost sure that Chris had known Justin before Quinn and Justin ever met.

“Protecting them from you two. That’s what I’m doing here.” Justin said.

“Justin.” Quinn said sternly. “I don’t need protection. They’re harmless. They wouldn’t do anything to try and hurt us.”

“Quinn, are you insane?! You don’t even know what they are and what they’re capable of.”

Willow looked down and saw Chris balling his fists. She knew angry Chris wasn’t pleasant. This was sure to end badly.

“Say one more thing about us and I swear to god, I’ll—” Chris said and Justin cut him off.

“You’ll what? Huh? I’d like to see what you could try and do. You’re nothing. You’re monsters. It makes me sick to know that creatures like you are allowed to walk this Earth with us.”

“That’s it.” Neither Chris nor Josh could take it anymore. They had both had enough.

A veil of black smoke covered the two girls as the boys lunged at Justin. Neither girl could see what was going on. They tried to push the smoke away but it would come back. The whole room was now filled with it. All they could see was black and two pairs of ruby red eyes glaring at them from the other side of the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Soooo...? Thoughts? Who's excited for Infamous?! ERMEHGERD I'm so excited! I have yet to buy my copy since I've been a little busy but I probably will this weekend! Have you seen the music video for Devil's Night yet?! IT'S SO AMAZING I JUST LOVE THEM OH MY GOD. Okay, enough fangirling for now haha



You guys are the best! Thank you for your supportive comments and I will try and get the next update up soon!