Enchanted Sea

Chapter 2


Everything was so beautiful under the water. It was so clear and colorful that it was absolutely breathtaking. From the coral and the fish, there was nothing that could make this place brighter. But for me, that was not the case.

I always dreamed of leaving this place and finding somewhere else where I could belong. And I had found that place when I met her.

I had found her sinking into the darkness during a storm 5 months ago. I had grabbed her and pulled her to shore. When I realized that she wasn’t breathing I quickly gave her mouth to mouth, using a bit of my magic to help her breathe. When she started breathing I pulled away and looked over her. She had long brown hair with golden highlights that made her look angelic. And even though I couldn’t see her eyes I knew that there was something about her that I just had to get to know.

I had to get out of there before anyone could see me, but I wish I hadn’t. I wanted to wait for her to open her eyes and talk to her, but I couldn’t. so I placed a quick kiss on her cheek and jumped back into the sea.

I have watched her from afar ever since. But I know that there was no chance of us being together. We are just too different. She lives on land and is a human…

… While I live in the sea and am a MERMAN.