Status: Working On It

Got a Little Work to Do


Hunter got a great reaction to his new music video and for once I am actually happy for him. Never would I have ever said that in a million years, but I am. He's been walking around rehursals with the biggest smile on his face and I couldn't help but feel happy for him. I also got a lot of credit for my role in his video! Not gonna lie, I loved flirting with him in the video. If I could have him in mine, I totally would.

Brad's tour starts in 1 week and Hunter and I couldn't be more stressed. Even though we aren't headlining the tour, we couldn't help but feel the pressure or performing. Hunter is lucky in the sense that he has major tour experience under his belt, I have country music festivals for my small town. I'm starting to feel the pressure and the need to be perfect on stage.

Hunter and I just finished doing our duets run through and now it's my turn to do individual rehursal. I was singing my song "I Don't Do Lonely Well" when I could feel themn critiquing me. In this industry you have to have thick skin, and I do. But I am putting too much pressure on myself. When I was up there with Hunter I kept messing up and got yelled at for half of my performance. He got nothing but compliments. Me? I was chopped liver.

I looked over at Hunter and his face, he knew I was breaking, I could see it on his face. He actually felt bad for me. I could hear the record executives talking to one another from one side of the room. I overheard one man discussing my voice and how I'm not being powerful enough and my lyrics were poorly written. But once he said I should be kicked off the set list and just have Hunter do it, I broke. It was right at the last verse before my final chorus. I broke down into tears. My manager told everyone to stop the rehursal and take a break while everyone could talk. I grabbed my water bottle and stormed off stage feeling hurt and embarassed. I slammed the door behind me and stormed off into a small hallway away from everyone.

I could hear footsteps running behind me and I instantly knew who it was. "Rickie stop!" he said as he approached closer. I stopped and just cried. I slid down the wall and sat with my elbows on my knees and my head on my hands. Hunter sat across from me and pulled me in for a hug. I cried into his chest and he just held me, running his hand and thumb up and down my back. He would whisper the cutest things in my ear to calm me down, it was just what I needed.

"What's wrong? You're never this upset ever, talk to me about it. What's on your mind?" "I feel like shit because that's all I've been hearing about myself today. And I'm always extra sensitive when I am compared to you." "What? Why's that?" "You don't realize how many times I got bumped off of tours or festivals because you were better and the upcoming country artist. I have been compared to you for the last 5 years of my life and I can't take it anymore. You're too good to try and do better than!" "Are you serious?" "Yeah." "I had no idea." "You are also the reason why I didn't get a record label until this year," I said nervously. He knew exactly what I was talking about then. "That was you?" I nodded, "oh Rickie. I'm so sorry." he said hugging me even tighter.

"So that's why I'm so upset," "You have no need to be upset. You were chosen for this job for a reason. You are an incredible talent, and a force to be reckoned with. You have the star quality everyone wants in a female artist. You have the best written songs and lyrics I have seen in someone so young. You are so talented. Not to mention beautiful. I mean that." he brushed the hair our of my face. "Don't let those silly record lable people get you down. I won't let them kick you off and niether will Brad. We all have our days. Don't worry about them okay?" "Okay." "You're beautiful, remember that." I smiled, "thank you, I will." He leaned in and gave me a breath taking kiss. He pulled apart and bit his lip, holding back his smile. Why is he so perfect?
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I am so so so so so so so so sorry that it took this long to update! I am beyond busy (even that is an understatement! Please let me know what you think! (I really like this chapter, just saying!) lol
Thanks for reading! :)