Status: Reposted

Dean is a Godfather


"Athena look at this!" My twin sister Annabelle yelled at me. Anna dragged into the American Eagle. Ew! I looked at the dress and winced. "You don't like it?"
"Sorry Anna. Dad told us to see movies not buy everything in American Eagle." I said. She nodded.
"We saw the movies we wanted to see lets go home." We hopped on my motorcycle and headed home. On our way home we saw ambulances, firetrucks and police cars. As we got closer we understood why. Our house is on fire.... Our house is on fire! When I saw that I road faster, we started smelling smoke. I stopped in front of our house right behind the barriers and I hopped off.
"Daddy!!!" I ran towards our house as a police officer held me back.
"You can't go in there." He said.
"Let me go my daddy is in there and I need to get him out of there!"
"You can't!" Then I was being pulled away by a pair of strong arms. When I was across the street I looked at who it was.
"Carter... Daddy... Fire..." Was all I could get out. Carter stroked my hair while he was trying to comfort me.
"I know Athena. I know. I am here babe." He said, then he kissed my cheek. Carter and I have been best friends since we were about five and we are incredibly close. Then after the fire was out an officer came out to talk to us.
"Hello I am officer Mace. Your names are?" He asked.
"I am Annabelle Mars. This is my twin sister Athena Mars and her best friend Carter baselynn." He asked us about who was inside and stuff and after about twenty minutes the questions were almost over.
"Where will you stay until we figure out about your god parents or what."
"They can stay with me. I live right here." That's when I realized that we were in his driveway. He nodded and we gave him our numbers and he gave us his card. We went in to Carters house and we watched my favorite movie the sixth sense. Sometime during the movie we all fell asleep, I woke up at about three am to a phone call.
"Hello?" I asked groggy.
"Hello Athena. It is Mark your parents lawyer." I layed my head in Carters lap.
"Hey Mark how are you?" I asked.
"Not very good I heard about your parents death. I am so sorry."
"We will live I guess." I said.
"Well I have your parents will right here if you guys want to come in today about seven am I can probably get your god parents here that early." I sighed.
"Oh you know who our god parents are?" I asked.
"Of course. Your dad, your god father and I went to school together and we have been friends since like middle school." He said.
"Oh okay. Seven am sounds good." I said.
"Okay see you in about 4 hours." We hung up and I went to go take a shower. I put on Carters old clothes that he is to big for, and I went to get the others up.
"Hey guys get up we have to go to see the lawyer." I said. They both got up and went to get ready. At about 6 am we were already and I hopped on my motorcycle. Carter and Anna got in his car and we left for the Law firm building. We got there at about 6:45 and we went in. The receptionist saw us and instantly walked us to the office, she knows who we are. We are here all the time for lunch during the summer.
"Hello girls and Carter." He said.
"Hey Mark." We all said at the same time.
"We are just waiting for your god family." He said. At that moment a family of tall people walked in. A women a man and a guy who looked about twenty. He looked familiar, like really familiar. Then it hit me like a dirt bike accident. That was Dean Wilson, he is my super cross super hero. I know I wanted to, I mean I really wanted to, but I wasn't going to act all fan-girly.
"Hello Andy. How are you?" Mark asked.
"I was perfectly fine until I heard about Shane. How are his girls?" He asked.
"We are heartbroken and Athena almost killed us both when we saw the flames." Anna said. Then Andy's eyes widened.
"Oh Annabelle, Athena. You girls have gotten so big. I haven't seen you since the day you were born."
"I am sorry we don't know you." Anna said.
"Anna I know exactly who this family is." I said with a slightly snotty attitude.
"Ena be nice." Carter said. I huffed and sat back.
"Okay this is awkward. Anyways, I have your parents will's right here. We can start with Ruby's." He said.
'Read Shane's. I don't care enough, they are pain's.' It said. I didn't surprise me, my mom never paid attention to us. We stopped trying for her attention a long time ago.
"That dosen't surprise us." I said.
"Us either." Andy said.
"Yeah she was always a horrible person. I don't know why Shane loved her. He was always a sweetheart and she was mean." Jacki said. She was Dean's mom.
"Yeah we stopped trying for her attention when we were about six." Anna said.
"Okay lets move on to Shane's." Mark said.
'My baby girls are my number 1 priority. I know I want them to safe and protected. So I want Andy and Jacki to be the god parents. I don't trust anyone else. Also I have stashed four safes in the Baselynn's basement. Only Anna and Ena are allowed to open it.' Then Mark stopped reading.
"That's all for you guys. So Jacki, Andy. What do you guys say?" They both shook their heads.
"We can't we are moving back into Scotland. We can't have two sixteen year old girls." She said. I sighed.
"I can." I heard a quiet voice mutter. We all turned to Dean.
"Are you sure, I mean your only twenty. Can you handle two teenage girls?" His mother asked.
"Yes I can. As long as the girls are okay with it." He said looking at us. We both nodded.
"Okay I will get the papers ready. Girls go back to Carters and get your safes. Then Dean will take you back to his house. Dean I have your address I will bring the papers to you." We all nodded and we got out and I hopped on my motorcycle and I left the parking lot first. I wonder what is in the safes.
I made it to Carter's house first and ran down to his basement and sure enough there were four VERY dusty safes. Two had my name 'Athena Mason Mars' and Two had Anna's name 'Annabelle Marie Mars' I used my birthday and the first one opened. In there was a ton of pictures and cash. The second I also used my birthday and it opened. In there was all my achievements, Memories and Jerseys. Then Anna ran down and opened both the safes and it had the same things in both. We counted the cash we both had five thousandth in hundreds. I looked through the pictures they were off me meeting my favorite athletes and during my sports games. My dad and I are total athlete and he always went shopping with Anna. Our dad was incredible. The jerseys were a mix of mine and the ones I got signed from my favorite athletes. I am really going to miss my daddy. He was my best friend well I guess I am going to have to live with it.
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I had been so busy so I ended up deleting all my stories so I can fix the problems and now I am reloading them while I have some time to do it.