We All Got Wood and Nails and Turned Out a Hate Factory


I kept laughing at what the guys had said and thinking about how I really did feel welcome here. Zacky and I both got dressed and went to the back lounge to watch a movie. I fell asleep happy and in his arms that night.
Six months of touring and occasional vacations had passed and we were now in Vancouver, leaving for Seattle which would be the last tour date. We'd been to Europe, Australia and back. Zacky and I were still dating and other than us getting closer, nothing much changed.

Upon arrival in Seattle, I instantly had to put warmer clothes on. Rose, Jenna and I sold merch as we shivered in our winter clothing. Of course the booth was right next to the door, which people kept opening and closing as they were exiting the venue after the concert. As soon as the crowd cleared out, we boxed everything back up and took it back to the bus, putting them in a storage area beneath the bus. We all sat on the bus, crammed together on a couch, drinking Starbucks as we were shaking. The guys came onto the bus and took their respective girlfriends and went to the back of the bus. Actually, Rose and Jenna had both gotten engaged to their guys within a month of each other. When we got off tour, they were having their weddings within two months of each other.
Zacky and I went to his bunk and cuddled up after changing.
"Yeah Zacky?"
"I have to talk to you"
"Alright" I stayed still, but he got up, grabbing my boots and jacket and his as well, and walking towards the front of the bus. I got up and quickly followed him. I slipped my black leather boots over my feet and made sure they were snug over my black jeans and then I put on my long black coat over my black and purple striped hooded top, which I had on over a lacey black tank top. Zacky was headed down the stairs as I was slipping on my Used gloves and Dead Kennedy's hat. "Zacky, wait up!" He paused, waiting for me and then grabbed my hand and proceeded to drag me towards the, now abandoned, venue.
"Zacky, are you okay?" I asked, concerned
He nodded and took me to the dressing room. It scared me that he hadn't said anything yet and was in such a rush. What if he took me here to break up with me? I began to panic, to say the least. He pushed me down on the bed the theater often used as a prop in their productions of various plays. My eyes grew wide as he did this and even wider as he sat down beside me. His face was flushed from the new found heat in the building, I could feel mine was the same way.
"We haven't been able to be alone in so long" he stated and I nodded in agreement. "I needed to be alone with you, that's why I brought you here"
I could feel it coming. He was going to say, 'I think we need to break up, pack your bags and get out of here'. Then he'd leave. At least he'd been considerate enough to spare me the embarrassment of being horrified and humiliated in front of everyone else.
"Addy, I..."
I cut him off. "Zacky, don't. Just save your breath, I'll leave. It was considerate of you to bring me here, but you don't have to play around with words and try to make it sound like it's going to be good. That'll just hurt me more. I'm sorry you feel it has to be this way" I felt a tear drip down my face as I grabbed my hat and gloves and started walking out.
"Addy! What the hell are you talking about?" Zacky yelled after me as he caught up with me. When I wouldn't stop, he grabbed my wrist and whipped me around to face him, I landed against his chest and stared up at him. "I'm not breaking up with you, Add"
"But you brought me here and said we needed to talk and I"
"Shh, no. I brought you here because I knew we needed some alone time. Look, I stored all the stuff in the corner. Sheets for this bed, champagne, chocolates and a few other things" He whispered all of this into my ear and made me melt as I felt his breath against my skin. I pulled back and stared into his intense eyes. I opened my mouth to apologize when he crashed his lips into mine. At first, he kissed hard but then became more gentle as he pushed me back into the room, closing and locking the door behind us. He held his finger up, signaling for me to hold on as he put sheets on the bed and got out the champagne and chocolates that had been in the fridge. He slipped a chocolate into my mouth and I let it melt against my tongue. Before I could swallow it, he kissed me slowly, pushing his tongue into my mouth and tasting the chocolate for himself. I whispered his name as he slipped a chocolate into his mouth and waited for me to do the same as he had. He froze and pulled something out of his pocket. "You don't have to say yes"
"What?" I hadn't heard all of what he said because my heart was pounding so loudly from us kissing. He revealed a small black velvet box and opened it. I gasped at the sight of a gorgeous simple silver band with a square diamond in the center. He pulled the ring out of the box and got onto one knee.
"Addison, will you please marry me?"
I gasped and my heart was pounding even harder. I felt heat rising to my face and a smile so big, it felt like I was going to crack. I managed to squeak out a 'Yes!'. I fanned my face with my hand and tried not to cry as he slipped the ring onto my finger and looked back up at me smiling. He scooped me up into a hug and kissed me passionately.
He pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me, kissing me gently all up and down my neck. He pulled away and grabbed a glass of champagne he had poured and sat up for a minute. I sat up with him as well and he held the champagne to my lips, allowing me to take a drink. He spilled a little on me and his cheeks flushed. I laughed and hugged him, putting the glass down and laying down next to him. He kissed away the champagne he had spilled on my chin, neck and chest as he pulled my shirt off. I took a deep breath and took his shirt off as well.
"I love you so much, Addy"
"I love you too, Zacky" I smiled at him and he smiled back, leaning in to kiss me gently. His piercings were cold against my skin as he kissed me a bit harder.I spread my fingers across his back, pulling him closer to me as he stared into my eyes. His hands reached back and unclasped my bra, taking it off and throwing it aside.
This wouldn't be our 'first time' together. About 5 months ago, that had happened. We were on the bunk alone one night and we were both so randomly happy with life that we celebrated by doing that.
As Zacky grasped my breasts in his hands, I slid my hands down his stomach to his jeans and unbuttoned them, pushing them off. He grabbed the sheets and pulled them over us and then continued to unbutton my pants. I buried my face in his neck, kissing it gently, surely leaving a hickey eventually. Pretty soon, we were completely naked and panting like dogs. He hovered over me as he propped himself up with an elbow on each side of my head. He ran his hands through my hair as we kissed slow and passionately. I felt him push into me and pretty soon, he was laying beside me, our chests rising and falling quickly. He turned to me, cupped my face in his right hand and kissed me gently.
"We're going to live together. We're going to get married and have babies and live the rest of our lives together." he said all of this with a huge smile on his face.I couldn't help but cry. Tears of joy. I was in heaven.

Two days later, we were on the road again to California, Nevada, Oregon and a few other places. The next month or so was the happiest I'd ever been. I was constantly smiling about being with Zacky and constantly feeling better and better as the weather got warmer. We arrived back at home on a Thursday. Zacky and I shared an apartment near the coast and lived next door to Rose, Syn, Jenna and Jimmy all lived in the same apartment building.
A couple months later, Zacky and I got married. Rose, Syn, Jenna and Jimmy had all gotten married in the previous month and now, Matt and Johnny both had girlfriends, ones they knew from high school.

Our the Friday after we got back from our honeymoon, I woke up feeling sick to my stomach. I got up, ran to the bathroom and threw up. I came out after brushing my teeth and such and saw Zacky staring at me, concerned.
"Are you alright? Are you sick?"
"I'm fine, must have been something I ate"
He continued to look concerned as he got out of bed and wrapped me into a hug. "I love you"
"I love you too, Zacky" I smiled for a moment before I ran back to the bathroom and got sick, yet again.
"Baby, I'm calling the doctor and telling him we're coming in"
I was about to protest, but was interrupted by getting sick again.

Zacky sat in a chair next to the examination table as we waited for the doctor. A knock came and the doctor poked his head in after a moment.
"Ah, hello Mrs. Baker!" he sounded cheerful and Zacky and I both smiled at him calling me 'Mrs. Baker'
"Hello Dr. Roberts"
"I have some good news for you"
"You're not sick"
"Why am I throwing up then?"
"You're pregnant!"
I gasped and Zacky's face lit up. The doctor told us congrats and left the room. Zacky jumped up and hugged me, telling me he loved me in my ear over and over again. I hadn't been this happy in my whole life. We broke the news to everyone else and when I reached 6 months pregnant, we had a baby shower. It turned out I was having a twins. A boy and a girl.

A year later and three months later, we were having their first birthday party at Zacky's and my house in Malibu. Natalie sat in a high chair smiling and squealing as Zacky tickled her and Drake slept in my arms. I spotted Rose and Jenna across the yard, both feeling each others very pregnant stomachs, I smiled as I looked a few feet away and saw Jimmy and Syn staring at them with smiles on their faces. Matt and Johnny stood with their girlfriends by the drink table, chatting and laughing with my parents.
My brother, his wife, my sister and her husband were all talking to the guys of David's band, by the pool. That's right, they forgave and forgot. I felt good and everyone seemed to be having a good time.
Zacky picked up Natalie and came over to me, kissing me slowly.
"The perfect life with the perfect children and my perfect wife" he murmured against my lips, kissing me again.
"Absolutely perfect" I smiled and kissed him back.
♠ ♠ ♠
The END!

Thank you guys for reading! I'm in the process of writing another story and I'll start putting parts up soon! Please let me know what you think :)