Status: I'm not sure how often the updates will be but they wont have ridiculously long waits.

Under Wraps


Gerard spends the rest of his night up on his computer, uploading the photos of Frank anonymously onto the school's student blog that everyone goes on. As well as the photos, he uploads the scans of every single one of Frank's journal pages. He grins at his work and closes his computer before settling down to sleep.


"I'm sure it's just fallen down the back of your wardrobe, Frankie. Don't worry too much about it. I'll help you find it when we get back home," Brian smiles as he walks with Frank through the school doors when Frank keeps whining about the fact his journal is missing. "Besides, it's not like anyo--"

"What the fuck? Wh-What-- B-Brian.."

Frank stops Brian by pulling at his arm and points to various photos of Frank blown up onto large pieces of paper and stuck to the walls, lockers and doors of the corridors. "Brian, I-- Wh--"

"Shit," Brian grits out. "Who the fuck did this?! Frankie, it's okay. Go to the headmaster, okay? Just go straight there. I'm getting rid of these then finding out who the fuck did this." He nudges Frank down the corridor and watches him run towards the office before ripping down the posters and glaring at everyone who laughs. "What?! You think this is funny?! You think it's fucking funny to laugh at something like this?!" A group of people stop laughing at stare at Brian with wide eyes.


"It was you, wasn't it? You sick fuck! How did you ge--"

"N-No! It wasn't us, I swear! W-We don't know who it was! They were just online and n-now they're here! I don't-- Honestly!"

"Online?" Brian gasps and growls low in his throat. "I'm gonna fucking kill whoever did this."


When Brian finally gets to the headmaster's office it's taken two hours to take down every single picture that had been put up. He's angry - So fucking angry. He storms into the office, jaw clenched and eyes wet since he's been crying from anger and the fact that someone's cruel enough to do this.

"Mr Iero, would yo--"

"No. No you fucking listen - You have to sort this out! You have to find out who the fuck did this and-- and suspe-- fucking kick them out!"

"Mr Iero, just--"

"You can't let them get away with this! They-- The pictures are online and whoever did this has Frank's journal! The pages are online - Every single one!"

Frank's head shoots up at his and his eyes are wide, staring at Brian. "M-My journal.. is o-online? Oh. Oh God." Brian rushes towards Frank and pulls him close as he starts to shake and sob. "Wh-Who would do this? I d-don't und-- Gerard," he whispers, pulling away from his brother. "I-I think it was Gerard. He was the last person in my room! I left him to go to the bathroom and he-- Brian, it was Gerard!"

"Now, Frank," the headmaster starts, frowning lightly. "You can't just go around blaming people."

"No, he's right," Brian snaps, holding his brother closer. "Gerard was the last person alone in Frank's room yesterday and then all of a sudden Frank's journal is missing and online? It has to be him!"

The headmaster sighs and shakes his head. "Alright," he shrugs. "I'll get him in here and talk to him. I've already got the IT team to delete the blog and everything that's linked to Frank. I don't-- I don't mean to sound-- I think it's best for Frank to go home for today. I just don't think it's safe for him to stay in school while this is happening." Before Brian can interrupt, the head is holding his hands up to him. "I just don't want him getting hurt, and you and I both know that's likely to happen."

Brian nods and licks his lips. "Can I go with him? If those pictures and journal pages are online, anyone could've seen them and that means anyone can hurt him. I'll be in tomorro--"

"That wont be necessary, Brian. You can stay off with your brother for as long as you need. I'll talk to your teachers and explain the situation and get work sent to your house. I'll call your parents to let them know too."

Brian smiles lightly and thanks the older man, shaking his hand and pressing the other against the small of Frank's back, nudging him to sit down. "We'll sort this out, Frankie, I promise. There's no way we're going to another school."

"B-But everyone knows now a-and--"

"And nothing," Brian sighs, moving his hand to rest on his brother's shoulder. "I'll stay at home with you until this all blows over. I'm not going to let you get hurt by anyone, you know that right?" Frank nods. "I'm going to look for Gerard. I need to talk to him."

Frank looks worried for a second and nods, picking at his fingers as he watches Brian leave the room. "You know, he's going to beat him up," Frank mumbles, looking up through his fringe at the headmaster.

"I know," he shrugs. "I don't condone violence but.. my son is transgender too, Frank. He goes through the same pain as you so-- I shouldn't say this but Way deserves what he's getting."

Frank stares up at the grey haired man in shock. His mouth opens and closes as he stutters, eyes wide. "Wow."


"WAY!" Brian yells across the field when he sees Gerard and his group of friends under the tree. "Nice fuckin' work you did back there. Wanna tell me what the fuck you think you were doing?"

"Your sister's a freak, man," Gerard laughs, hands in his pockets as he shrugs. "She's gotta be reminded that she's a girl and since nobody seems to be doing that I thought I should. I snooped around her room and found some photos - thought they'd be perfect to decorate school with - took them and uploaded them online so people could print them off."

Gerard grins as he talks and Brian - well, Brian's getting angrier and angrier with each word Gerard says. "You're fucking disgusting," he snarls, hand shooting out to grip at the red haired boy's shirt. "People like you deserve to rot."

"Oh," Gerard laughs, wide and bright in Brian's face. "Oh, I'm disgusting? Take a look at your sister, Iero."

And that's it - That's fucking it for Brian and he pushes Gerard against the tree, pulls his fist back and slams it forward into his face, not once, not twice, but several times until he hears the sound of Gerard's nose breaking - shattering. He doesn't stop at the loud whimpers and protests from neither Gerard or his friends. He doesn't even stop when he's being pulled away, he just shoves them off and straddles Gerard who's now laying on the floor groaning and covering his face from Brian's fists constantly pounding.

Finally Brian gets off of the boy and smoothes his shirt down before spitting on him and giving him a harsh kick to the ribs. "You talk shit about my brother - do anything to fucking hurt him - and I'll fucking kill you, Way. This," he gestures to the bloody mess on his face. "Was nothing. I'll kill you."
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short I know but it's here - Hooray!
