Status: Posting if people like it...

Keep Holding On


"Oh no. No. No. No. No. No. Abso-fucking-lutely not. I am not dealing with him all the way to the lake." I whined as I crossed my arms and leaned back in the passenger's seat. My eyes roamed over the double-wide trailer in front of me and the old pick-up parked beside it.

"Miles is my friend, Makkenna. I don't hate on your friends." Sam said as he pulled his phone out to call Miles and tell him to come out.

I snickered. "You don't hate them…your flirt with them. Like Mikaela for example."

He looked up and smirked. "Touché. I think I used that correctly." I rolled my eyes and leaned back again and closed my eyes. Sam's continual back and forth with Miles on the phone was soon drowned out by the events earlier…my car talking. Or responding since it was through the radio but still. I had a technical conversation with my car!

Should I tell Sam? No. He would think I was crazy and why share something this insane. I would be shipped off somewhere! I wouldn't make it in the psycho house, I'm not my grandfather. It was moments later that Miles started to trod down his rickety wooden front steps wearing another ridiculous outfit. I pointed at him and groaned. "Look at that. What is he wearing? Why do you hang out with this dipshit?"

Sam groaned. "I don't necessarily have people lining up to be my best friend, Makkenna!" He waved his arms around to emphasize.

I pointed at Miles again. "And he's the reason why. He's the oddest human being I have ever met… Wait. That must be it! He isn't human! That explains so much!" Sam smacked my shoulder. "Ow." I winced and grabbed my shoulder.

Miles walked up and opened the passenger door. "Backseat, babe."

I didn't budge. I snickered. "Ha! Bro, I'm not your babe. My car. Your ass can walk."

He waggled his eyebrows. "You wanna be my babe?"

I rolled my eyes. "Go shit a brick."

"Makkenna! Just sit in the back!" Sam finally cut in. I turned and gave him a look, ignoring Miles' cheering from behind me. "No buts. Come on. Please. I'll give you five dollars."

I groaned. "Fine. I won't forget though." I started to unbuckle myself but the buckle wouldn't come un-done. I groaned and kept pressing but every time I heard it click open, it would click shut once again. "I can't get it unlatched." Miles finally retreated to the drivers side and climbed into the backseat.

It was a good ten minute ride of awkward silence until we arrived at the lake. Miles jumped up from the backseat once we arrived and looked around. "Dude, are you sure were invited to this party?"

Sam nodded. "Of course Miles. It's a lake. Public property. Makkenna was actually given an invite though so…one of us is."

Miles raised and eyebrow. I shrugged. "Trent wants me…"

I looked at the kids here all of the popular kids and a few 'middle class' kids. Then I saw a black SUV, Trent beside it and- "Oh my God. Mikaela's here." Sam beat me to it. He and Miles soon got out of the car and I saw Sam and look at Miles. "Don't do anything weird."

I smirked. "That's Miles your talking to."

Miles smiled. "Of course not!" He said in response.

Sam straightened his t-shirt and smoothed his hair back. "I'm good, right?"

Miles nodded. "Yeah, your good."

As soon as Miles' voice hit Trent's range of hearing he turned around and stopped fiddling with his football to point out the arrival of my cousin and Miles. He said something I couldn't hear and then Mikaela ran up and hugged him from behind. I decided to let Sam get whatever he was searching for by even being here and I decided to press on with the car.

"Sooo…were you…talking to me…earlier?" I asked the radio.

No response.

I sighed. "I must be crazy…" I looked over and saw Trent, right in Sam's face. I quickly jumped out and ran over and stepped in front of Sam. "Leave him alone, Trent. He's fragile."

Trent was about to say something but he only nodded as Mikaela also ran up and got in the middle of the boys. Trent grabbed Mikaela's hand and pulled her over to his SUV after she whispered something in his ear. I pushed Sam over and looked around. "Where's Miles?" He pointed up. I looked toward the way he was pointing to see Miles flip out of a tree.

He smiled as he looked at Sam. "All the chicks were watching us!"

Sam shook his head and started to speed walk back to the car, his face getting redder by the step. "You're an idiot, Miles. We both looked like idiots just now!" He walked to the front of our car and leaned on it and watched as Mikaela walked down the road. I turned around to see Miles climbing in the car, head first.

I walked over and slapped his leg. "It's called a door, dumbass."

He turned and stuck out his tongue. "I get front now!" I shook my head and walked to the front of the car with Sam. It was moments later that Miles spoke up again. "Dude, what's wrong with your radio?"

"What do you-" I was cut off by the car's radio playing a not so coincidental song that fit Sam's situation, obviously giving him an idea.

"Who's gonna drive you home…tonight."

"I'm driving her home tonight…" I heard Sam say, his eyes still on Mikaela's leaving form.

"Why, she's an evil jock concubine, Man. Let her hitch-hike!" Finally Miles said something I could agree to.

"She lives ten miles from here, you have to understand."

Sam ran and sat in the driver's seat and I soon followed, climbing into the back and leaning in-between the front seats to catch Sam telling miles to get out of our car. Miles wouldn't have it. "Bros before hoes!"

Sam shook his head. "Dude, you gotta get out of our car…right now."

He started to climb out but he then leaned on the door and smirked. He glanced back at me. "Since you want alone time with that babe." He pointed his thumb Mikaela's way. "how about she get out and I can have some alone time with that babe." He pointed to me. Sam and I didn't even get to say a smart remark before the passenger door slammed, knocking Miles to his knees and almost taking his arm off.

"Maybe I'm not so crazy." I mumbled more to myself that anyone else. We soon drove up next to Mikaela. Sam rolled the window down and leaned over to talk to her. "Mikaela! It's Sam…Witwicky. I don't you to be stranded or anything…you sure? I was wondering if I could ride you home-" He slapped the wheel. smooth, Sam. "I mean…give you a ride home. In my car. To your house."

She didn't necessarily say anything or look his way. She stopped a moment, looking at the ground in thought. She finally gave the pavement a slight nod and she opened the door and climbed in. The first few minutes were quiet. I didn't say anything and I highly doubt she even knew I was back there. "So…uhh." Sam finally spoke up, breaking the silence.

Mikaela, still staring at the dash finally answered his hope to start a conversation. "I can't believe that I'm here right now."

I sat up and leaned in-between the seats. "Thanks, Mikaela. Makes me feel great when you say it like that!" I gave her a fake smile.

She gave me a real smile in return. "Makkenna! Great to see you. Haven't really talked to you after you got removed from my fourth period."

"Yeah, decided to take Russian instead of Spanish. I'm doing better at it too."

"How much do you know?"

"About the whole language and I-"

Sam coughed. "Uhh, if your still embarrassed you can duck down if you want…it won't hurt my feelings."

"No, I didn't mean here with you guys. I meant in this situation. This same situation I'm always in. I don't know. I guess I have a weakness for hot guys…for tight abs and really…really big arms."

"We all do, Mikaela!" I interjected, adding a smile.

Sam's face fell as he looked down at his body. "big arms…" He mumbled. He then raised on arm up and flexed it. He then pointed to the back of the car and then to the front. "I added a couple new additions to the car. I just put in that light there…and that disco ball. So the light will reflect off of the disco ball."

Mikaela nodded. "Ah…"

I laughed out loud. "Sam, just shut the hell up! Both of those things came in the car when we got it…also. Your muscles are still puny…"

I earned a laugh out of Mikaela and a death-glare from Sam. "So, are you new to school this year, Sam? Your first year?" I see where this is going…

"No, we've been in the same school since first grade." He answered, highly embarrassed.

"Do we have any classes together?"

He sighed. "Math, science, history-"


"Yes! Sam!" He yelled, overjoyed she knew him.

"Sam Wilkicky." Ahhhhhh….not so much luck, Sammy.

"Wit. Wicky." He corrected with a groan.

"You know, I'm sorry. I just didn't recognize you!"

"That's understandable…" Sam responded immediately…shaking it off. After he was finally pleased with how the car ride was going the totally predictable thing happened. It started to sputter and play love songs. "No…please not now." Sam began to mumble as he repeatedly turned the key. Mikaela was obviously getting annoyed. Sam turned and saw the sunset view and he then turned red. "I would try something like this on you. You're a friend, and I'm your friend. Not a romantic friend, well I could be but-"

After Mikaela was done muttering 'of course not's' and 'sure's' she finally started to get out of the car. I climbed out to and tapped on the hood. Sam, pop the hood." He did as I said and I walked to the front and opened the hood, Mikaela soon followed me and looked in it too. "Woah, we got nice headers for a four-thousand dollar car. We have a high rise-"

"Double-pump carburetor. That's pretty impressive…Sam." Mikaela said, cutting me off.

I nudged her shoulder. "I was gonna say that!"

"Double pump?" Sam questioned as he walked around the now silent Camaro.

"It's squirts the fuel in so you can go faster…"

"I like to go faster…" Sam mumbled as he leaned in over the side, to stare at her now exposed stomach. "How do you know so much about cars, Mikaela?"

"My dad. He was a real grease monkey. He taught me all about this. What about you, Makkenna?"

"I've always been interested in machines. I don't know why but…I always have. I could take all of this apart, clean it, and put it back together." I looked over to see Sam leaning over the hood, hiding his face. I heard him start to mumble things. "Sam?" I questioned.

"I just wouldn't peg Mikaela for the mechanic…type." He answered as he showed his face again.

"I don't really broadcast it. Guys don't like it when you know more about cars than they do. Especially not Trent. He hates it."

"I'm cool with females working on my engine. I prefer it actually!"

I rolled my eyes. "Sam. That's all fun and sweet and defiantly a total lie but will you start it up for me?"

He gave me a glare and went to the car. It wouldn't crank. He stood back up. "So if Trent's such a jerk, Mikaela. Why do you hang out with him?" Smooth move, loverboy.

She gave the gar a blank stare and started to walk away. She grabbed her bag from the passenger's seat and turned to Sam. "You know what…I'm just gonna walk. Good luck with your car."

I walked around and climbed into the back seat and Sam climbed into the driver's. He began to turn the key over and over again. "You gotta work for me. Don't let her walk away!"

I leaned up and pressed my face to the passenger's seat. "Please work…for me." Suddenly the car started and the radio began to burst out 'Baby come back.'

Sam quickly swerved and drove up to Mikaela. "Wait a second." He then paused. "I mean…want a ride?" She gave him a soft smile and went to the other side and climbed in.

It was a good twenty minute ride to her house, helping us arrive at nine. Sam parked and looked over at the apartment we parked in front of. "Well, there it is."

Mikaela nodded. "Do you…do you think I'm shallow?" She asked Sam hesitantly.

"No no no! I think there's allot more than meets they eye…with…you."

She smiled. "Okay. I'll see you at school. She grabbed her bag and got out. Giving me a wave as she left.

Sam watched her go. "I'm so stupid. There's allot more than meets they eye with you…STUPID!" He stopped yelling at himself when he noticed Mikaela gave him one last wave. He smiled. "I love our car!"

I patted his shoulder and climbed up in the front seat. "You know, Sam. I think I'm pretty attached to it too." I patted the dash and Sam then started on our way home.
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