Status: Posting if people like it...

Keep Holding On


Bee drove us around for another ten minutes until we arrived at a gate with 'no trespassing' signs everywhere. Bee just drove on through them until we arrived at a huge building with a lake and a statue in front of it. He stopped.

We all got out of Bee to see multiple fiery meteor type things falling from the sky, one actually coming near our area. I looked over to see Mikaela scooting in closer to Sam and holding his hand. He must be freaking out inside. Other than the current dilemma freaking out that is.

Sam tugged at Mikaela's hand. "Let's go check it out. You coming, Makkenna?"

I shook my head and they ran off towards the 'meteor'. I leaned against Bee. "Is that your friends?"

"Yes-s." He answered immediately.

"Did I make you blush earlier?"

No answer.

"I did." I turned towards the car and gave Bee and huge grin. He then cranked up and drove a few inches so that I fell back but I never hit the ground, he had quickly transformed and caught me. I looked up and gave him another smile. "I'm going to get you, Bee!"

He shook his head and his eyes got considerably brighter. Even though he didn't have a 'mouth' I could read his facial expressions better than I could most humans'.

My eyes finally met his for real. He was already staring into mine by the time I got there. His 'eyes' captivated me and they made me feel safe, happy, like I belonged here. Looking into his eyes. I knew I probably had a dopey, lost look on my face but I couldn't look away but he could. He looked away first and looked back down at me. "They're coming-g back-k."

He transformed back into his Camaro form and opened the driver's side door. I instantly hopped in and he put the seatbelt around me and tightened it briefly. A moment later Sam and Mikaela climbed in and Bee set off again.

"It was a metal casing." Sam finally said.

I rolled my eyes. "Sam, you do realize what that was. You could have just asked Bee instead of walking one mile to see it and get killed or something."

"So that was another robot?"

"Yes. Was that so hard to-"

"Bee's stopping you guys." Mikaela said as she leaned in between us. I turned my head to see that he had turned into an alleyway downtown. He stopped completely and the passenger door opened and Sam's seatbelt came off. He and Mikaela climbed out by my seatbelt wouldn't unclick and my door stayed locked.

I leaned back and pouted. "Bee?"

No answer.


"I just wanted-d to tell you that they won't hurt you-u."

"If they're like you, why would they?"

"I don't-t want you-u to be scared of them... or-r me-e."

I smiled and leaned up and rubbed the symbol on the steering wheel. The inside of Bee started to get really hot again form the heat but I decided not to say anything. "Nothing to worry about, Bee. I'm not scared of you and I never will be. Why are you so worried about it?"

He answered me by unlocking the car and retracting my seatbelt. The driver's door opened. "They're coming-g."

"Bee. Answer me. Why would I be afraid of you? You've done nothing but protect me since we met. I don't understand."

"Isn't it-t obvious-s, Beautiful?"

I didn't really except the answer but I smiled, nodded and got out. I walked up by Mikaela and Sam just in time for a yellow Hummer rescue vehicle, a silver Pontiac Solstice, a black GMC Topkick, and a huge red, blue, and orange flamed Peterbilt eighteen wheeler to drive up around us and transform, Bee doing the same.

The Peterbilt was definitely the tallest and it took him the longest to transform. When he was finally done I realized he was about Bee's height plus half and he was easily around thirty feet tall. He knelt down quickly and got right in Sam's face. "Are you Samuel James Witwicky? Descendant of Archibald Witwicky."

All three of us just stared at his face. I wasn't staring because I was in awe though. I stared because there was something about him that... seemed familiar? Intrigued me? I felt a connection of some sort. I had never seen a giant alien robot until just within my past week but I still felt something.

Mikaela suddenly gasped. "They know your name."

Sam also let out a breath of air. "Yeah." He answered finally.

"My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous, robotic organisms from the Planet Cybertron."

"But you can call us Autobots for short." The yellow rescue vehicle cut in.

Sam breathed out again. "Autobots."

"What's crackin' lil' bitches?" I turned around to see the silver Solstice had said it and was now doing a few dance moves and he stopped in a pose.

"My first lieutenant, designation: Jazz." Optimus said as he motioned towards the Solstice.

After he had finished his back flip he bobbed his head up, smiled and lifter his blue visor so we could see his eyes. "This looks like a cool place to kick it."

"Human don't appreciate being called 'bitches' I must add, Jazz." I stated, pointing at him.

He smiled. "Sorry,... uh?"


"Sorry, Makkenna. Didn't know that."

"Now you do."

I turned back around and Sam just looked flustered. "How did he learn to talk like that?"

"We've learned Earth's languages through the world wide web." Optimus stated as if were the most common thing ever! He then motioned towards the Topkick. "My weapons specialist, Ironhide."

We turned to see the huge, black, threatening looking robot sliding his cannons out and then pointing them at us. "You feeling luck, punks?" I heard Bee whir from my left and I looked over at him and gave him a wink then turned back to Ironhide.

"Easy, Ironhide." Optimus practically groaned this. Does he have problem with this one a lot?

Ironhide slid the cannons back in and shrugged. I was just kidding. I only wanted to show them my cannons."

I smiled at him. "I myself don't have huge destructive cannons coming from my arms so I find that pretty damn rad, Ironhide!"

He smiled and pointed to me. "I like this one." I turned back to Bee and gave him another wink.

Optimus spoke up again. "Our medical officer, Ratchet."

We turned the hummer rescue vehicle and he was sniffing the air. "Hmm. The boy's pheromone levels suggests he wanted to mate with one of the females."

I pushed Sam away from me and to Mikaela. "Gross! Were related!" Sam immediately straightened up and looked away from Mikaela who was scratching the back of her head awkwardly.

Optimus finally motioned again. "You already know your guardian, Bumblebee."

Bee did a little dance and fist pumped the air. "Check on the rep, yep! Second to none!" I laughed and gave him a smile which I could tell he returned as he looked at me.

Sam smiled a little too. "Bumblebee. So your our guardian, huh?"

He nodded but stopped suddenly as a red laser shot at his throat. Ratchet had done it with something in his arm. "His vocal processors were damaged in battle. I'm still working on them..."

I turned back and Bee was clutching his throat and coughing. I frowned. "Awww, Bee."

"Why are you here?" Mikaela spoke up for the first time. I could tell she had just now gained enough courage to actually do so.

"We are here looking for the All Spark and we must find it before Megatron."

"Mega-what?" Sam asked as he crinkled his eyebrows at Optimus.

He looked at Sam for a moment and finally touched the side of his head and images came from his eyes, actually making the concrete beneath our feet look like it was crumbling away. Large metal structures soon appeared along with images of other robots or Cybertronians, fighting, and getting killed.

"Our planet was once a powerful empire. Peaceful and just. Until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. All who defied him were destroyed. Our war finally consumed the planet and the All Spark was lost to the stars. Megatron followed it to Earth, but Captain Witwicky found him. It was an accident that intertwined our fates. Megatron crash landed before he could retrieve the cube. Captain Witwicky accidentally activated his navigation system. The coordinates to the cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses."

Sam cocked his head to the side slightly. "How did you know about his glasses?"


"Ebay..." Sam repeated.

"If the Decepticons find the All Spark, they will use it's power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army." Ratchet said, clenching his hand into a fist.

Optimus stood back up to his full height, along with the other Autobots. "And the human race will be extinguished. Sam Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival."

"Please tell me that you still have those glasses." Mikaela and I said in unison. We both looked at Sam who only gave us a blank stare.
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