Status: Posting if people like it...

Keep Holding On


Once again…on the road. Bee was driving behind Optimus going back to our house. Hopefully Sam remembers where he put those glasses. Speaking of which… "Sam?"

"Yeah, Kenna?"

"I told you not to sell the damn glasses!"

He never responded. We finally got to our house and the Autobots parked in the backyard, behind the gate. We all got out of Bee and from the way Sam was walking, he was very nervous. His knees were shaking so bad he could hardly walk. Mikaela walked up beside me and smiled. "What can I do?"

"Your gonna stay here, alright? I want you to stay here and your gonna watch them. All of them. You know what I'm saying? Five minutes, alright?" Sam answered for me. Mikaela did a few nods and said a few 'okays' as Sam walked away and motioned for me to follow him. I gave Mikaela a quick smile and I patted Bee's hood and decided to follow him. I mean if Uncle Ron sees him, he'll be worried about where I am, he'll come to investigate and you can guess the rest.

We walked inside the backyard and to the door, Uncle Ron was already waiting on us. Just like I guessed. Sam ran past me, straight on to the grass. Uncle Ron gave Sam a smirk. "Thanks for staying on my path." I would have laughed if we weren't in a 'save the whole world' type of situation.

Sam ran up and slammed the screen door. "Oh, hey! Yeah. Oh, THE PATH! I'm sorry. You know I forgot about the path. I'm gonna sweep the whole thing right now. How about that?"

Uncle Ron just looked down and shook his head. "I buy half your car."


"I bail you out of jail."

Sam nods.

"Then I decided to do all of your chores. Makkenna did hers yesterday, speaking of you being in jail."

"The chores…" Sam trailed off, his eyes wide.

"Yeah, life is great isn't it?" Uncle Ron said as he smiled but he still gave Sam that 'your in deep shit' look.

Suddenly the noises of metal and loud footsteps was heard. Sam noticed it too and we both looked back to se all of the Autobots in robot forms and Optimus walking closer. "Life is fantastic is how good it is!" Sam strained, still watching Optimus in horror. I thought Mikaela was gonna watch them!? "Oh! And the trash cans. Sorry, Dad. I'm gonna do the trash cans right now."

"I don't want you to strain yourself." Uncle Ron mumbled as he tried to push open the door, only for Sam to push him and the door back. Uncle Ron once again gave him that look. It was already obvious how mad he was! He was being sarcastic with Sam. Straining himself…pfft.

"Strain myself? It would hurt my feeling if you do it!" Sam was still pushing Uncle Ron and the door. Sam is such a terrible liar and a bad poker face.

"You sure?"

"No. No. No. I'm gonna do the trashcans and I'm gonna scrape the grill and- and I'm gonna-" Optimus was now in the yard and Sam knew it too. He turned back around and I saw the nervousness in his eyes. "I'm gonna sweep up the whole house, Dad. Right now!"

Uncle Ron laughed. "Tonight, oh? Right now." I turned and looked to see Bee peeking around the side of the house. My eyes grew huge and I had to force myself from yelling at him to get away, or something typically yelled in a time like this. He obviously knew I was thinking about saying something since he put a finger over where his mouth would be and gave me a reassuring look with those damn big blue eyes!

Sam obviously noticed him since he turned his back to Bee and put his shoulder on the door and as Bee did multiple hand signals to the other Autobots, Sam decided to get crafty. "I love you. God, I love you, Dad. Just so much right now."

Uncle Ron looked down. "You know, Mom wanted me to ground you. Your three minutes late. Both of you." He glanced at me and I shrunk a little. "But I'm not gonna."

Sam glanced at me then darted his eyes to Uncle Ron. I bit my lip and walked over and threw an arm around Sam's shoulders. "See, just another thing you did for us, Uncle Ron! Because your such a…swell guy!"

"One more thing…" He held up a single finger then pointed it to me and then Sam.

"Alright, I love you! Sleep good handsome man!" I added a sweet smile as he walked around the corner and out of vision. I let out a breath of air and relaxed, Sam on the other hand…

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" Sam freaked as he walked up to Optimus who was standing up, proud as ever with all of the other Autobots who had now came into sight. Optimus began walking around. "Watch the path! Watch the path!" This helped none since every step Optimus took, the path cracked beneath his feet. Sam was now gripping his hair as he followed Optimus around. "Please. Please. Please." Optimus stepped on the fountain. "NO! NO! NO!" I winced.

Optimus waggled his foot and shrugged. "Sorry. My bad." I wish I could laugh…

Sam motioned from the fountain and back up to Optimus then put his hands on his hips and shook his head. "You couldn't wait for five minutes? Five minutes? I told you to just stay. JUST STAY! Ugh!" Mikaela suddenly ran out and Sam then went for her. "I told you to watch them!"

"They seem to be in a little bit of a rush." Mikaela seemed very flustered and overwhelmed. What happened after we left? I'd have to ask her later.

"This is bad…NO!" I turned to look at what Sam was talking about to see Mojo, leg hiked on…Ironhide. Oh shit… "Mojo. Mojo. Off the robot!" He ran towards Mojo and scooped him up just as Ironhide was attempting to step on him. "No. No. No. No. No. Easy. Hold on. This is Mojo. This is Mojo." Ironhide began firing up his cannons at Sam and Mojo. "He's a pet of mine and Makkenna. He's just our pet. Okay? That's all." Sam continued, his voice cracking as he swallowed at the huge cannons now fired up and in his face. "Put the guns away. Pet them away."

"You have a rodent infestation. Shall I terminate?" Ironhide questioned, his cannons still charged and aimed.

I ran up and got in front of Sam (he wasn't getting anywhere…) "Rodent? No, Ironhide. He's just our Chihuahua. We love Chihuahuas. Don't we, Sam? Mikaela?" They both nodded.

"He's leaked lubricants all over my foot!" Ironhide was pissed.

"He- he peed on you?" I said through giggles. I turned around and pointed my finger at the shaking dog in Sam's arms. "Bad Mojo! Bad Mojo! I'm sorry. He's has a male dominance. That's all it is…"

"Yeah, Bad Mojo." Ironhide mimicked, which was also really funny but I (once again) had to hold back my laughter. I heard clicking noises. I turned to see the frightened dog running into the house. "Its gonna rust…" Ironhide then walked back away.

Sam tapped me on the shoulder. "I'm gonna go find the glasses before anyone else gets pissed on…" He made his way through the group of Autobots and to the door. "Can you guys go hide?" He asked Optimus.

"Just hurry." He responded but didn't answer the question. Sam ran into the house. Optimus looked down at me. "Why are you not assisting, Makkenna?"

"I would go help him but he doesn't like me in his room…" I shrugged.

"Human customs? If you trust each other, why are you not allowed access inside Samuel's recharging quarters?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at the way he worded bedroom but I decided against saying something and I only shrugged again. "Humans like their privacy…" He nodded and walked over to Optimus. Mikaela was following him. She tapped on his leg and he lifted her up to Sam's bedroom window where she disappeared.

I suddenly jumped as I felt something on my shoulder. I turned to see Bee who had put the tip of his finger on me. I smiled. "Hey, Bee."

He whirred and gave me one of his signature cute looks. "Hey, Beautiful." I smiled at the nickname. He took his right pointer finger and ran it down the length from my ear to the bottom of my chin. This sent a shiver down my spine. You would think metal would be cold but he was warm. Just like you would think he would be. His finger dropped down on my neck a little and I laughed. I had always been very ticklish. "Did I…hurt-t you?" He pulled his hand back and suddenly became frantic!

I smiled and laughed more. "No, Bee. Some humans are ticklish. You didn't hurt me it was more… funny. I guess you could say." His face relaxed and he was about to touch my face again when a loud yelp and sirens were heard. I turned my head to see Ratchet plummeting down and the electric wires going with him. I instantly began to laugh.

"Wow that was tingly! You gotta try that!" Ratchet said to Ironhide as he slowly got up from the mess on the ground that he had created with his fall.

Ironhide shook his head. "Yeah, that looks fun." He then kept on walking by him. Wow… aliens know sarcasm.

I could even see some humor in Bee's eyes. "You should go, Bee."

He just gazed at me a moment before reluctantly nodding and standing back up to full height and walking off with the other Autobots. I let a finger trace down my face where Bee's finger had a moment ago, a smile came up on my face. "Oh Bee…" I turned around and walked into the house. Everything was dark. Ratchet must have hit the power lines. Suddenly the whole began to shake. I looked through the windows of the kitchen and didn't see anything. "What are they doing out there?"

I walked upstairs to Sam's room just in time to see Mikaela rising up from behind a chair so Uncle Ron and Aunt Judy could see her. "Hi. I'm Mikaela. I'm friend of Sam and Makkenna…"

Aunt Judy laughed while Uncle Ron knuckle touched with Sam. He shook his head. "She can hear you talking, Dad."

"Your gorgeous!" Aunt Judy said, trying to break the tension that you could practically feel in the room.

"Thanks." Mikaela said. I've never seen her this shy before.

"Sorry you had to hear our little family discussion…" Mikaela just laughed. What all did I miss?

"My backpack, Mom?" Sam finally asked. I'm guessing he hadn't found the glasses yet.

"Oh, your bag? It's in the kitchen with Makkenna's." Her eyes went to me. "Speaking of, there you are sweetie!" I smiled and nodded as Sam pushed passed me to go downstairs. I followed and luckily the lights came back on so I could actually see.

Sam ran down and finally got to his bag he had our grandfather's stuff in. He dug around until he grabbed an glasses case out and opened it and carefully pulled the glasses out. "Mikaela, can you distract my parents while I take these out to the Autobots?"

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Good. Let's go. I think I heard them in the living room." We walked around the corner to see Aunt Judy with a bat, and three or four guys in suits. One guys grabbed her bat and threw it to another one of the guys and he then looked at us and smiled.

"How ya' doing kids? Are two of you Sam and Makkenna?"

Sam and I nodded. "Yeah…"

"Well, I need you two to come with us." He said as he made his way over to us.

Uncle Ron stepped in front of him and crossed his arms across his chest. "Now, sir. You are way out of line." Aunt Judy then did the same.

"Sir, I am asking politely. Back off."

"You aren't taking my kids." Mojo I guess had the same idea. He began to bark.

"Are you attempting to get rough with us?" This guy is a creep. I can already tell.

"No but I'm gonna call the cops because there's something fishy going on around here."

The guy laughed. "There's something fishy about you, your kids, your little Taco Bell dog, and this whole operation you got going on here."

"What operation?" Uncle Ron said, flustered as Aunt Judy picked up Mojo.

"That's what were here to find out." Another guy appeared and whispered something in creepy-guy's ear and gave him some kinda of scanner. He looked back at us. "Sam. Makkenna. Step forward, please." We both did as we were said. He scanned Sam and the scanner began to beep rapidly. He then scanned me and the beeps sounded even more rapidly. His eyes grew huge. "Fourteen rad and fourteen hundred rad. Bingo! Tag em' and bag em', boys."

And then everyone (including Mojo) was being ushered out of the house and into black SUVs. Uncle Ron and Aunt Judy were yelling at us to do stuff. I hoped Sam was listening because I couldn't. I was scared. Not of these men, where they were taking me or what was gonna happen but of what he said.

'Fourteen hundred rad."

With that much radiation in my body… I should be dead.
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