Status: Posting if people like it...

Keep Holding On


The next thing I knew I was being shaken awake. My eyes still hurt from crying, my throat was scratchy from screaming in the cold and my body still ached from the freefalls, being hit, and other things that happened last night. I opened my eyes to see daylight and then Mikaela's face came into view as my eyes adjusted. "Makkenna, they're taking us onto a helicopter. You gotta wake up." I groaned as I grabbed my head and sat up straight. She helped me out of the black SUV and I looked around to see we were on a hospital roof with a helicopter landed on the pad. They can't be that much a top secret agency that they do things on a hospital, right?

Simmons reappeared and gave us all microphone earphones and then he smiled. It made me even more mad at him for what he did to my Bee.

My Bee. Was he mine?

I shook my head and put the earphones and followed Mikaela and Sam to the helicopter. A man in a suit helped us up and we sat down in the three free seats by another suited agent. A moment later and black man in a jersey and a blonde girl got in a sat in front of us. They also looked like they were scared to death and have been through a lot before they got here. We were all tired and nervous.

We flew in silence for atleast two hours, all giving and receiving awkward stares from each other until one of the suited Sector seven goons finally broke the silence. "We'll be arriving at the Hoover Dam in five minutes."

"What are you three in for?" The blonde woman finally asked, though she didn't look in our eyes.

"Bought a car…turned out to be an alien robot…" Sam answered.

"Who knew?" I finished. Moments later the plane landed and we were all ushered out and then put into yet another black SUV. We drove maybe five minutes until we arrived at the Dam. Mikaela and Sam ran up to get a view of the long way down when you looked over the edge. I however crossed my arms over my chest, looked around and tried to force tears from falling down my face.

Bee was in there. I could feel it.

I looked over and saw Simmons standing in front of the entrance to the dam with the two other agents. I narrowed my eyes and hurriedly walked over to him, I soon heard Sam and Mikaela walking up behind me. I stopped in front of Simmons and waited on Sam and Mikaela to get there. He scowled. "Wanna latte or a hoho or something kid? What do ya' want?"

"I want Bumblebee."

He raised an eyebrow.


He chuckled. "Clever name, kid.'

"And my parents?" Sam added in.

The other agent from earlier shook his head. "We need you to tell us all that you know."

"You can give me my car, my parents - maybe you should write this down- and Mikaela's juvy record. That has to be gone, like.. Forever." Sam said, earning a thanks from Mikaela as the agents walked away.

I tapped his shoulder. "Smooth. Really."

He winked. "I got this…"

We followed the agents into the Dam where we met up with the blonde lady, the other guy from the helicopter and a few soldiers. They probably had to fight one of those robots - Decepticons - or something. Simmons was currently leading the group. "Alright, you have all had contact with the NBEs"

"NBEs?" One of the soldiers asked. His nametag read Epps from what I could see.

"Non Biological Extraterrestrials. Try and keep up with the acronyms." Simmons said this as if we should already know secret government codes. As if he gave up a pamphlet before we walked in!

They led us through a few doors and straight through a damp tunnel to a huge room. The agents led us in and they soon introduced to us the sight we beheld. "What you are about to witness is totally classified." When we walked in we saw what was obviously a Cybertronian. He was as big as Optimus but frozen as multiple workers walked around him, doing jobs to keep him that way.

We all were shocked. Someone was muttering but I couldn't tell who because as I looked a this Cybertronian's face, I could tell who it was. "Megatron." It came out as whisper, thank God.

The agent soon continued. "We think as he made his approach over the North Pole, our gravitational fields screwed up his telemetry. He crashed in the ice. Probably a few thousand years ago. We shipped him here in 1934."

"NBE1." Simmons added after he was done.

Sam huffed. "Sir, I don't mean to correct you on everything you think you know but that's Megatron. He's the leader of the Decepticons." Sam said as he crossed his arms over his chest, proud of himself for knowing something they obviously didn't.

"He's been in cryo-stasis since 1935. Your great-great grandfather made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind." This time the agent's response was directed at both Sam and myself and for once I was a point of the conversation. I had been standing in back, behind even the soldiers contemplating on where Bee could be located at. Obviously I was listening to what the conversation that was taking place ahead of me but when he acknowledged me I felt his eyes on me and it sorta startled me. I was also kinda shaking from anger or nerves. I didn't know but since I just now noticed it, it wasn't that noticeable I didn't think.

"Fact is your looking at the source of the modern age. Microchip, lasers, spaceflight, cars… all reversed engineered from studying him." Simmons stated as he slowly walked over to Sam and stuck his face close to his. "NBE1. That's what we call him!" Sam nodded without looking him in the eyes. He suddenly had a very huge interest in Megatron's face.

"And you didn't think the United States Military might need to know your keeping a hostile alien robot frozen in the basement?" Keller, who I learned was his name as Epps had acknowledged by name earlier, spoke up in a furious tone.

"We had not threat to national security."

"Well you got one now!" His tone worse.

Another soldier (I looked at his tag it read Lennox) spoke up next as he looked up at the towering Cybertronian. "So why Earth?"

No one could answer it except either myself, Sam, or Mikaela and I new Mikaela wasn't going to speak up. Sam looked at me hopefully and I huffed out a breath and finally spoke, getting all of the attention put on me. "It's the All Spark…" My voice was hoarse from crying still. It came out strained and unlike me.

"All Spark?" Keller questioned me.

"Yeah. They came here looking for some sorta cube looking thing." I had already had enough with talking only after fifteen words but I continued anyway, mu frustration fueling me to keep talking to the agents with a harsh tone to my vioce. "Mr. NBE1 here, AKA Megatron… that's what they call him." I shot a glare at Simmons. "he's pretty much the harbinger of death wants to use the cube to transform human technology and take over the universe. That's their plan."

Simmons suddenly got a very odd look in his eyes. "Your sure about that?"

"Yes." I stared at him a moment, my senses suddenly tripling and becoming more keen as I watched his face suddenly and ever so slowing move from a look of wariness to complete and total realization. "You idiots know where it is… don't you?"

The other agent didn't answer my question directly. He only told us to follow him and we all did as we were told. We were led through a few hallways and we went inside a few doors. I could help but listen for a familiar whir or a Camaro engine. Anything that would bring me to my Bee. But to no avail. We finally arrived in

A room with a window ahead of us. It opened up to reveal a gigantic metal cube with obvious alien patterns and shapes on it.

Simmons finally speaking motioned to the cube. "You are seeing our crown jewel."

The other agent stood beside me and looked at the cube too. "Carbon dating puts the cube here around ten thousand BC. The first seven didn't find it till 1913. They knew it was alien because of the matching hieroglyphics as well as NBE1. President Hoover had the dam built around it, four football fields thick of concrete. A perfect way to hides it's energy from being detected by anyone or any alien species on the outside."

We all just sorta marveled at the huge cube for a moment. Well, they marveled but I was captivated. My wounds and soreness from everything that had happened in the past few days seemed to disappear and I was more energized. I could practically feel it in my bones. Was it the cube? What was happening to me?

A very Australian accented voice brought my attention back to Earth… so to speak since what I attention was on was most surely not anything of Earth. Far from it actually. "Let's back up. You said the dam hides the cube's energy… what kind exactly?" She was asking one of the S7 agents present.

"Good question." Once again we were being led into a few doors and hallways until we were led into a room with a blue tinted box sitting right in the middle and multiple machines and wires covered the walls. I also noticed a few scratches down the walls. The guys also noticed it, I heard something about Wolverine.

We were all given a pair of strange looking glasses and we put them on. They locked the doors. Never good. Simmons rolled his eyes at the guys and shook his head. "Anybody has any mechanical devices? Blackberry or cell phones?"

The black man pulled a Nokia from his pocket. "I got a phone…" he tossed it and

Simmons caught it and opened it then he opened the box. He put the phone in the box and groaned. "Nokia is real nasty. You've got to respect the Japanese. They know the way of the Samarai." Keller and the blonde woman commented but I wasn't paying enough attention to hear what they said. The box suddenly flared to life as a faint mechanical noise was heard and a pointed moved from the roof of the box to the phone. "We're able to take the cube radiation and tunnel it into that box." Simmons continued.

I glanced over at the All Spark to see a blue current of energy flow from tip to tip and then got through a tube the box in front of me. It went to the phone and it began to shake a more mechanical noises were heard. The phone suddenly sprang up and transformed into a really small Cybertronian. It looked around a moment and then began to try to attack us but bouncing at the walls. A few people were making comments about his looks but then he stopped when he looked at me. His red eyes rotating as he watched me. He scurried up by the glass and got as close to it as possible without touching it to look at me closer. I heard him speak what was obviously Cybertronian and then he sat down and in front of me like an obedient small dog.

"That's enough of that." I heard Simmons say. I looked over to see he was going to hit a red button that was connected to the box but I ran up and grabbed him arms and turned him around. "What?"

"DON'T!" I turned towards the small bot in the box then looked at everyone's shocked expressions. "Do you not see that he was only scared at first. He's calm. He saw me and then calmed. He obviously doesn't wish to hurt me. You cannot kill him. That's unfair to his life. Don't create him only to kill him!" I dropped his arms and ran over, quickly opened the box and looking in. The small bot made a whining noise and then he walked hesitantly over to me then got to the opening and stopped. I smiled and stuck my hand in and put it palm up beside him. "Come on. I wont hurt you." He looked at my face then my hand and jumped on it. I pulled my hand to me and then looked around. "See? He's chill." No one made any up front complaints to my adoption of the newly born Cybertronian but I got a few glances.

There was a sudden bang and the lights dimmed. The bot in my hands whined and nudged his head up until he had it inside my jacket's pocket. I rose him up to face height and he started to push his little face into my neck and hair, whining as he tried harder. "They know the cube is here." Keller stated the obvious.

The agent pushed a button and began to speak into the mic beside it. "Banachek, what's happening down there?"

So that's his name…

"The NBE1 hanger has lost power and the emergency generators just aren't gonna cut it." A voice responded back.

Even I began to freak out now. Lennox was atleast a little calm, being the first to think of an act. "Do you have an arms room?"

They didn't answer him but led us through even more doors and hallways until we got to a huge room with military vehicles and weapons scattered all over the place. The bot in my arms was now scurrying up my arms and shoulders. I smiled a little and plucked him from my right elbow and held him up. "You hafta calm down little guy." He tilted his head and then nodded as if he finally understood what I said. He transformed down to his Nokia cell phone form and I shrugged and put him in my pocket.

The soldiers around us were grabbing guns and ammo had a hurried rate and if they were getting read to leave then I'd never find Bee! The light flickered off again and I decided on what I was going to do. I stalked up to Simmons and got his attention as he scowled at me." Adopting aliens and now about to threaten a man of importance. I see where your life is going."

I ignored his comment and got straight to the point. "You have to take me to Bee. He will know what to do with the cube."

"Your car? It's confiscated."

"Well, unconfiscate him!"

"We won't know what will happen!"

I put a hand on my hip. "So you just wanna sit and wait and see what happens?!"


Before I could get another word out Lennox grabbed Simmons and shoved him against a vehicle and put a gun to his chest. "Take them to their car." Suddenly everyone was holding guns at each other or at least had a gun held on them.

"Drop your weapon soldier. There's an alien war going on and your going to shoot me?"

Lennox never even moved at taking the gun from his chest. "We didn't ask to be here!"

"I'm warning you under S7 jurisdiction."

"S7 don't exist!" Epps called out.

"Yeah, we don't take orders from people that don't exist." Lennox added.

Simmons didn't seem humored. "I'm gonna get you fired." Lennox shook his head.

Keller cleared his throat. "Simmons."

"Yes sir?"

"I'd do what he says… losing is really not an option for these guys.

Simmons looked from Keller to Lennox then back again and the finally to me. He shrugged the best he could with the pistol's weight on his shoulder. "Alright. Okay. Hey, you wanna lay the fate of the world on a kid's Camaro, that's cool."

Lennox took the weapon from his shoulder and put it back in a holster on his hip. He then pointed to me. "Take her to him… NOW!"

And Simmons did.
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