

“W-why?” Christ slurred due to the blood lost he had after she had plunged the knife deep inside his chest, twisting it around.

“Because Jonathan I want it this way” she smirked, retrieving the bloody knife, just to stab him once more, his mouth coughing blood and her name falling from his lips “I didn’t—I didn’t do shit to you!”

“No, you haven’t. But you watch…” she made pression on the wound with her bare hand “And you do nothing about it, about the shit your friends do...” she hissed, and before he could say another thing she pushed Christ’s body into the floor, his knees colliding against the wooden floor and she let out a breath she didn’t even knew she was holding in. She looked at his tired body, his ragged breath and she knew… she knew, he wasn’t death… yet

She kneeled in front of him, tilting her head to a side, like if that she could understand better what he was doing, but she couldn’t. She pushed him hard and his back collided against the floor, she sat on him, preventing him from standing up, not that he could anyway.

She took the knife and stabbed his eyes making him scream in pain, but she didn’t stop. She kept stabbing them until there were no eyes, but just pure ‘mush’ left. His eye holes empty… Empty without emotion just like she was, emotionless. His blood covered her chest and part of her legs, drenched in the red liquid, she felt powerful and even better after that. She thought she would have chicken out but she didn’t. She didn’t back down on following Christ, on entering his house, on fighting him. She did not regret anything…

She was about to leave when she saw something was missing from her art work.

‘Of course’ she thought and she sat up on Christ’s dead body and carved deep and precisely the word ‘Watcher’ into his chest. She tilted her back to a side, glancing at her work and a wicked smile rested on her lips. She stood up, walking away from the mess, walking away from the room, from the house… She just got into her car and drove away like nothing ever happened. Just when she was arriving her next destination her phone beeped, a new text had arrived.

‘You will have them tonight….’

Of course she will.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a small introduction to this halloween story. Enjoy! c: