Status: Starts Episode 1 of Season 3

Can't Believe

"Artie.....You've changed..."

"No, I haven't-"

"Did you even hear what you said at lunch today? The Artie I fell for wouldn't have said that."

"So, what are you saying?"

"I think..."

Blaine's Dalton wasn't the only Dalton Academy, and Blaine's Warbler's weren't the only Warblers. Okay, the girls were the Parus Majors, but it's the same difference of course. Anyways, Blaine's younger cousins, Jenna and Mia Anderson went to Dalton Girl's Academy. And after Blaine gets with Kurt and Kurt moves back to McKinley, they follow their cousin from one school to another, finally getting a chance to express themselves as individuals. For once in their lives, they weren't the Anderson Twins. Jenna was Jenna, Mia was Mia.
  1. One
    Jenna and Mia Take McKinley
  2. Two
    Brittany and Kurt; Teenage Unicorns?
  3. Three
    Teenage Unicorns Pt 2- More Auditions and Drama with Quinn