Status: Updates are sporadic and may occur at whim, but I do try to add chapters regularly.

Silent Nights

On the Road, Again

“Yes,” Sara answers bluntly. Drew looks perplexed. I guess he doesn’t hear the engines yet.

“Listen,” I tell him, pointing in the direction we’d been headed before all this crap. He must hear what we do, because he meets my eyes and nods once. Before he can move, though, Sara pulls the keys out of her pocket and tosses them to me. I didn’t even realize she had them and, if the look on Drew’s face is any indication, neither did he.

“When did you-“

“As soon as you were out of the way,” she says, cutting him off. I try not to laugh at the look on Drew’s face. When Sara disappears around the passenger side of the truck, I spare a second to wave the keys in his direction. He tries to snatch them, but I yank my hand back and dodge around to the driver’s side, jingling the keys enough that I know he can hear it. It’s childish, but I take my enjoyment from the little things in life these days.

Anna looks between Drew and I with an eyebrow raised when I climb in behind the wheel. Drew huffs and ignores her, looking out the window. Sara’s already scouring her map, but she glances at Drew when he makes a disgusted noise. There’s blood splattered on the passenger’s side of the windshield. We all look at Sara and she looks down at her lap. Her hands are clenched tightly enough on the map to crinkle it.

“Where to?” Drew asks, leaning over Sara’s shoulder to look at the map. I think he knows by now that she’s not used to people, and she reacts accordingly. She jerks away from him and he mumbles an apology. It’s enough of a distraction, though, that she her grip on the map has relaxed.

“They’re coming from that direction,” she says, indicating the stupid blockade. “Hopefully it’ll slow them down a bit.” I turn the keys and back up a few yards. Without looking at the carnage on the road, I shift gears and drive into the median to cross the road.

“We should get off at the next exit,” Sara instructs. She folds the map up to focus in on where we are. “We’ll take some back roads before we get back to the highway.” I nod as I inch the speedometer up past eighty. We need to put as much distance between us as we can now, while they still can’t see us.