Status: Updates are sporadic and may occur at whim, but I do try to add chapters regularly.

Silent Nights

As Good as Dead

This girl is crazy. There’s no way I’m letting her go out there. We just saved her ass, and now she wants to waltz right back out there and get herself killed? Not to mention she’ll get us killed too. Instead of saying anything I pull her toward the stairs. Matt and Anna are on the top landing, staring down at us. I’m still trying to figure out how to drag this girl upstairs without making any more noise when there’s another bang on the door.

Instead of freezing like last time, the girl keeps trying to get away from me. It’s obvious she doesn’t like us being too close to her, but I don’t know what she’ll do if I let go. Any rational person would want to get away from the door, not go towards it. I wrap my other arm around her again and pin her arms down.

“Stop,” I plead. She whips her head back and almost clocks me in the face. I hold her tighter, not knowing how else to keep her still. “Please, for the love of God, just stop,” I plead. “You’re going to draw more of them to the door.” She stops struggling for a second, but her hands are still gripping at my arms.

“I can’t leave him like that,” she whispers back. The door rattles again and I flinch back another step. The growling outside gets louder and the porch creaks again.

“You take one step out there and we’re all dead.” She sucks in a sharp breath. After several agonizing seconds she finally nods. I slowly relax my grip, still not trusting her not to do something stupid. She pushes out of my arms but I grab her wrist and firmly pull her the last few steps toward the stairs. Another thump against the door resonates through the living room. I hear the boards nailed over the door groan.

We run up the stairs as quietly as possible and Anna releases her death grip on Matt’s arm. I don’t let go of the girl’s arm until we’re all inside the study again. I can still hear the attack on the front door. It’s only a matter of time before they get in. I don’t know what the hell she was thinking, but it hardly matters now. If we don’t get out of here in the next few minutes, we’re all as good as dead.