Status: Updates are sporadic and may occur at whim, but I do try to add chapters regularly.

Silent Nights

Packing Heat

“What’s the plan?” Matt asks quietly. Drew just rubs the back of his neck, staring at the worn carpet. I walk to the desk, intending to pack up the supplies I left out, when the girl’s movements catch my attention. Instead of packing up to get the hell out of here, she looks to be unpacking. She’s rifling through one of her bags, pulling out a bunch of weapons and tossing them on the couch. She can’t possibly think we can fight that many, can she?

She reaches the bottom of the bag and tosses that on the couch too. She stares at the pile for a second before looking around the room. She walks toward the door and grabs a black canvas duffle bag. I glance at the boys and realize they’re watching her too. Matt, standing in the doorway, keeps glancing between her and the stairs. The girl tosses out a bunch of random stuff- ammo, handguns, knives, clothes- before she apparently finds whatever she was looking for.

She looks up and catches Drew’s eye before tossing him something. Matt and I exchange a look before we both move closer. The thing she threw to him looks like a black cylinder, but it has a pin and handle like a grenade.

“Seriously?” I question. “Will that even work?”

“No, it’s just a flashbang,” Drew says after inspecting it. He looks up at her as she pulls another from the bag. “These won’t do anything,” he concludes.

“Loud, though,” Matt observes. He holds his hand out and Drew passes it to him. “You wanna draw them off the porch?” The girl nods and brings over the other ones. Drew takes one and sighs.

“Won’t that just draw more here?” I ask. There’s no knowing how many are close by. If we set those things off, we’ll probably just make this worse.

“Yeah,” Drew agrees, “But not inside at least.”

“They’ll get distracted by the noise,” Matt concludes. He turns his attention back to the girl. “Is there a window that faces the street?” The girl nods to the hall. Both boys step out, but she doesn’t follow right away. Instead she goes behind the desk and pulls out a long black rifle. I watch as she screws a silencer on the end and follows the boys into the hall. Apparently I was wrong about her not knowing how to use a gun. I eye the rest of her stuff, wondering just how many surprises this girl has left.